Ticket #247 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

mutator error message for empty program unclear

Reported by: robby Owned by: plai
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: plai/plai.plt Keywords:
Cc: Version: (1 12)
Racket Version:


This program

#lang planet plai/plai:1:8/mutator

produces this error message

#%module-begin: bad syntax in: (#%module-begin)

but would be better if it said "expected ..." and gave me a schematic of the expression it expected to find there. Similarly, these programs all produce bad error messages:

#lang planet plai/plai:1:8/mutator

#lang planet plai/plai:1:8/mutator

#lang planet plai/plai:1:8/mutator
(a b c)

Change History

Changed 15 years ago by robby

Also, this program:

#lang planet plai/plai:1:8/mutator
(allocator-setup "no-collection-collector.ss" "y")

produces a contract error describing the wrong function:

Language: planet plai/plai:1:8/mutator custom; memory limit: 256 megabytes.
(file "/Users/robby/svn/usr/robby/pl-class/w10/gc/mutator1.ss") broke the contract

(-> exact-nonnegative-integer? void?)

on init-heap!; expected <exact-nonnegative-integer?>, given: "y"

Changed 15 years ago by plai

  • status changed from new to closed
  • resolution set to fixed
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