Ticket #273 (new defect)

Opened 14 years ago

build-path: absolute path

Reported by: laurent.orseau@… Owned by: kazzmir
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: kazzmir/planet-manager.plt Keywords:
Cc: Version: (1 1)
Racket Version: 4.2.4


Now I'm really stuck.

Trying to require the package:

(require (planet kazzmir/planet-manager:1:1/gui))

build-path: absolute path "C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Eigenaar\Application Data\PLT Scheme\\collects\my-scheme\fmt\planet-fmt.plt" cannot be added to the path "C:\Users\orseau\AppData?\Roa..."

I don't know what to do with that. The path "...HP_Eigenaar..." does not seem to be located on my computer, and I have not installed v4.2.2.4 at some time.

Best Regards,
P.S. : I'd really like to test your package, it sounds nice!

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