Ticket #4 (closed defect)

Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

xhtml using obsolete web-server library

Reported by: dherman Owned by: dherman
Priority: blocker Milestone:
Component: dherman/xhtml.plt Keywords:
Cc: Version:
Racket Version:


Henk Boom wrote:

Hi, I've noticed that the xhtml plannet package you contributed no
longer works with plt-scheme v371, but gives the following error:

(require (planet "xhtml.ss" ("dherman" "xhtml.plt" 1 1)))

default-load-handler: cannot open input file:
"/usr/lib/plt/collects/web-server/response.ss" (No such file or
directory; errno=2)

It looks like lines 2-3 of xhtml.ss need to be changed; the .ss files
you are requiring have been moved into a private directory of the
web-server. Perhaps you should require servlet.ss instead?

Thanks for the package, hope you can find the time to fix it,

Change History

Changed 17 years ago by dherman

Jacob Matthews wrote:

In the process of updating the old topsl code to run on current
versions of plt scheme, I've found that xhtml.plt (which topsl uses)
requires web-server/response.ss, which no longer exists. It can be
fixed just by deleting that require line, since the relevant names are
now provided by servlet.ss.


Changed 16 years ago by dherman

  • status changed from new to closed

Fixed in 1:2.

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