Ticket #68 (closed defect)

Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

errors during half-arsed attempt to setup tool

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: clements
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: clements/no-brainer.plt Keywords:
Cc: Version: (1 2)
Racket Version: 4.1.2


Hi, I tried:

(require (planet "[file]" ("clements" "no-brainer.plt" 1 2)))

which gives the error:

. planet: ill-formed module path in: (planet "[file]" ("clements" "no-brainer.plt" 1 2))

then I thought "perhaps it needs a file to check", so I tried

(require (planet "anaphoric-cond.ss" ("clements" "no-brainer.plt" 1 2)))

which caused:

#%app: pattern variable cannot be used outside of a template
#%app: pattern variable cannot be used outside of a template
setup-plt: error: during making for <planet>/clements/no-brainer.plt/1/2 (No-Brainer)
setup-plt:   #%app: pattern variable cannot be used outside of a template
setup-plt: error: during making for <planet>/clements/no-brainer.plt/1/2/private
setup-plt:   #%app: pattern variable cannot be used outside of a template
open-input-file: cannot open input file: "/home/xxxx/.plt-scheme/planet/300/" (No such file or directory; errno=2)

Now when I start drscheme it pops up a box saying

Error invoking tool #<path:/home/xxxx/.plt-scheme/planet/300/>;("no-brainer-tool.ss")

...xxx/.plt-scheme/planet/300/ #%app: pattern variable cannot be used outside of a template at: #%app in: (#%app apply append (map recur-non-tail (syntax->list (syntax exprs))))

 === context ===
/home/xxxx/plt41compile/plt- load/invoke-all-tools

But there is now a tool called "I have no brain" installed, even though it doesn't do anything!

I've also tried

(require (planet "no-brainer-tool.ss" ("clements" "no-brainer.plt" 1 2)))

at the REPL in drscheme, which causes

#%app: pattern variable cannot be used outside of a template in: #%app

Change History

Changed 16 years ago by clements

  • status changed from new to closed
  • pltversion set to 4.1.2

You're seeing a few problems at once; the big one is that this version of the tool was incompatible with 4.0. The new version (20081125) should fix that.

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