Ticket #86 (closed defect)

Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

drocaml does not seem to work fully with DrScheme 4.x

Reported by: hcarty@… Owned by: abromfie
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: abromfie/drocaml.plt Keywords: ocaml drscheme
Cc: Version: (1 2)
Racket Version: 4.0.2


Using DrOcaml? from DrScheme? gives several errors.

To reproduce:
- ./drscheme
- Disable the memory limit
- Select Advanced Student profile
- Click "Run"
- (require (planet "tool.ss" ("abromfie" "drocaml.plt" 1 2)))
- Get the error:
"define-values: cannot re-define a constant: drscheme-inspector"
- Click ok to close error box and watch the new DrSceme? window continue to work
- Choose OCaml language profile
- Click "Run"
- Get the error:
"send: target is not an object: 'unsaved-editor13324 for method: get-tab"

If I quit DrScheme? at this point and restart I can generally get OCaml to work somewhat, but the get-tab error comes up during use if code is entered in the editor box and the "Run" button is pressed. The REPL does seem to work, at least for simple definitions.

64bit Ubuntu 8.04
OCaml 3.10.2
DrScheme? 4.0.2

Change History

Changed 16 years ago by robby

  • status changed from new to needinfo

Changed 16 years ago by abromfie

  • status changed from needinfo to closed

I apologize for taking so long to get back to you. Actually, I didn't know that this bugtracker existed until very recently! :)

I just uploaded a new version of DrOCaml, 2.0, which has been updated to work with DrScheme? v4. Please try it out and let me know if it works for you.

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