This package is not available in the 3xx repository. Showing package versions available for all repositories instead.
Package errrecorder.plt contributed by clements 
To load: (require (planet clements/errrecorder:1:0))
Old style:(require (planet "main.rkt" ("clements" "errrecorder.plt" 1 0)))
Package description:

ErrRecorder extends DrRacket so that the error display handler forwards the first 200 chars of any error message to a global database that allows users to suggest solutions.

Downloads this week: 0
Total downloads: 12
Open tickets:0
Primary files:
[no interface available]
 Packages in other repositories

These packages are not available in the 3xx repository, but they are available for other versions of Racket.

PLaneT versionExternal versionSourceDLsDocsReq. PLTDate added
(1 0)2011-02-04-21:08
To load: (require (planet "main.rkt" ("clements" "errrecorder.plt" 1 (= 0))))
Available in repositories: 4.x

Initial Release