#lang scribble/doc @require[scribble/manual] @title{Sweet: an alternative to s-expressions} This manual describes the sweet planet package, which is a port of the @hyperlink["http://www.dwheeler.com/readable/"]{sweet reader} created by David Wheeler to Racket. In the port, you can use the sweet reader as its own separate language. To use sweet expressions, supply a #lang line like the following: @codeblock|{ #lang planet asumu/sweet racket printf("Hello") }| The third parameter on the #lang line is the base language to be used with sweet expressions. You can supply any language here such as @racket[racket], @racket[typed/racket], or others. For example: @codeblock|{ #lang planet asumu/sweet typed/racket define: fact([n : Integer]) : Integer if zero?(n) 1 {n * fact{n - 1}} }| Currently, the reader is limited because it does not read Racket extensions to Scheme syntax such as hash literals, but these limitations may be removed in future versions.