1 Getting Started

This section provides instructions for installing, uninstalling, and upgrading Dracula.


For the latest release of Dracula, you need DrRacket version 5.0 or above, or DrScheme version 4.0.1 or above. Download and install from the Racket web site. Dracula also requires ACL2 version 3.1+. Download and install from the ACL2 site at UT, Austin.

Installing Dracula

Dracula is available as a Racket package. It can be installed using the raco command line utility. On Windows, this utility is in the directory where Racket is installed; on Mac or Unix, it is in the bin subdirectory. To install Dracula using this utility, execute:

raco pkg install dracula

Uninstalling Dracula

To uninstall Dracula, run the following at the command line:

raco pkg remove dracula

Upgrading Dracula

To upgrade Dracula, run the following at the command line:

raco pkg update dracula

Running Dracula programs as scripts

To run a Dracula program, e.g. ""program.lisp"" from the command line, add the following line to the top of the main file:

#lang (planet cce/dracula:8:25/main)

Then run:

racket program.lisp