1 Sound Control
2 Sound I/ O
rsound-read/ clip
3 Rsound Manipulation
rsound-nth-sample/ left
rsound-nth-sample/ right
4 Visualizing Rsounds
5 RSound Utilities
6 Reporting Bugs

RSound: An Adequate Sound Engine for Racket

John Clements <clements@racket-lang.org>

This collection provides a means to represent, read, write, play, and manipulate sounds. It uses the ’portaudio’ library, which appears to run on Linux, Mac, and Windows.
The package contains binary versions of the mac & windows portaudio libraries. This is because Windows and Mac users are less likely to be able to install their own versions of the library; naturally, this is a less-than-perfect solution.
Sound playing happens on a separate racket thread and custodian. This means that re-running the program or interrupting with a "Kill" will not halt the sound.
It represents all sounds internally as stereo 16-bit PCM, with all the attendant advantages (speed, mostly) and disadvantages (clipping).

Does it work on your machine? Try this example:
  (require rsound
  (play-rsound ding)

1 Sound Control

These procedures start and stop playing sounds and loops.

(rsound-play rsound)  void?
  rsound : rsound?
Plays an rsound. Interrupts an already-playing sound, if there is one.

(rsound-loop rsound)  void?
  rsound : rsound?
Plays an rsound repeatedly. Continues looping until interrupted by another sound command.

(change-loop rsound)  void?
  rsound : rsound?
When the current sound or loop finishes, starts looping this one instead.

(stop-playing)  void
Stop the currently playing sound.

2 Sound I/O

These procedures read and write rsounds from/to disk.

The RSound library reads and writes WAV files only; this means fewer FFI dependencies (the reading & writing is done in racket), and works on all platforms.

(rsound-read path)  rsound?
  path : path-string?
Reads a WAV file from the given path, returns it as an rsound.

It currently has lots of restrictions (it insists on 16-bit PCM encoding, for instance), but deals with a number of common bizzarre conventions that certain WAV files have (PAD chunks, extra blank bytes at the end of the fmt chunk, etc.), and tries to fail relatively gracefully on files it can’t handle.

Reading in a large sound can result in a very large value (~10 Megabytes per minute); for larger sounds, consider reading in only a part of the file, using rsound-read/clip.

(rsound-read/clip path start finish)  rsound?
  path : path-string?
  start : nonnegative-integer?
  finish : nonnegative-integer?
Reads a portion of a WAV file from a given path, starting at frame start and ending at frame finish.

It currently has lots of restrictions (it insists on 16-bit PCM encoding, for instance), but deals with a number of common bizzarre conventions that certain WAV files have (PAD chunks, extra blank bytes at the end of the fmt chunk, etc.), and tries to fail relatively gracefully on files it can’t handle.

(read-rsound-frames path)  nonnegative-integer?
  path : path-string?
Returns the number of frames in the sound indicated by the path. It parses the header only, and is therefore much faster than reading in the whole sound.

The file must be encoded as a WAV file readable with rsound-read.

(read-rsound-sample-rate path)  number?
  path : path-string?
Returns the sample-rate of the sound indicated by the path. It parses the header only, and is therefore much faster than reading in the whole sound.

The file must be encoded as a WAV file readable with rsound-read.

(rsound-write rsound path)  void?
  rsound : rsound?
  path : path-string?
Writes an rsound to a WAV file, using stereo 16-bit PCM encoding. It overwrites an existing file at the given path, if one exists.

3 Rsound Manipulation

These procedures allow the creation, analysis, and manipulation of rsounds.

(struct rsound (data frames sample-rate)
  #:extra-constructor-name make-rsound)
  data : s16vector?
  frames : nonnegative-integer?
  sample-rate : nonnegative-number?
Represents a sound.

(make-silence frames sample-rate)  rsound?
  frames : nonnegative-integer?
  sample-rate : nonnegative-number?
Returns an rsound of length frames containing silence. This procedure is relatively fast.

(rsound-nth-sample/left rsound frame)  nonnegative-integer?
  rsound : rsound?
  frame : nonnegative-integer?
Returns the nth sample from the left channel of the rsound, represented as a number in the range -32768 to 32767.

(rsound-nth-sample/right rsound frame)  nonnegative-integer?
  rsound : rsound?
  frame : nonnegative-integer?
Returns the nth sample from the right channel of the rsound, represented as a number in the range -32768 to 32767.

(rsound-clip rsound start finish)  rsound?
  rsound : rsound?
  start : nonnegative-integer?
  finish : nonnegative-integer?
Returns a new rsound containing the frames in rsound from the startth to the finishth - 1. This procedure copies the required portion of the sound.

(rsound-append* rsounds)  rsound?
  rsounds : (listof rsound?)
Returns a new rsound containing the given rsounds, appended sequentially. This procedure is relatively fast. All of the given rsounds must have the same sample-rate.

(rsound-overlay* assembly-list)  rsound?
  assembly-list : (listof (list/c rsound? nonnegative-integer?))
Returns a new rsound containing all of the given rsounds. Each sound begins at the frame number indicated by its associated offset. The rsound will be exactly the length required to contain all of the given sounds.

So, suppose we have two rsounds: one called ’a’, of length 20000, and one called ’b’, of length 10000. Evaluating

  (rsound-overlay* (list (list a 5000)
                         (list b 0)
                         (list b 11000)))

... would produce a sound of 21000 frames, where each instance of ’b’ overlaps with the central instance of ’a’.

(fun->mono-rsound frames sample-rate fun)  rsound?
  frames : nonnegative-integer?
  sample-rate : nonnegative-integer?
  fun : (-> nonnegative-integer? inexact-number?)
Builds a sound of length frames and sample-rate sample-rate by calling fun with integers from 0 up to frames-1. The result should be an inexact number in the range -1.0 to 1.0. Values outside this range are clipped. Both channels are identical.

4 Visualizing Rsounds

 (require rsound/draw)

(rsound-draw rsound    
  #:title title    
  [#:width width    
  #:height height])  void?
  rsound : rsound?
  title : string?
  width : nonnegative-integer? = 800
  height : nonnegative-integer? = 200
Displays a new window containing a visual representation of the sound as a waveform.

5 RSound Utilities

 (require rsound/util)

not-yet-documented: (provide twopi s16max sine-wave sawtooth-wave square-wave fader dc-signal signal-*s signal-+s make-tone make-squaretone ding make-ding split-in-4 times vectors->rsound echo1)

6 Reporting Bugs

For Heaven’s sake, report lots of bugs!