


Version 1.1
Richard Cobbe
January 2007
<cobbe at ccs dot neu dot edu>

This software is distributed under a BSD-style license (see license.txt).

This package provides two files, _check-values.ss_ and
_check-values-tests.ss_.  The former defines two macros, which make it
easier to write SchemeUnit test cases for functions and other forms that
return multiple values.

The second file defines a SchemeUnit test suite for the macros in  Note that most of these test cases are *SUPPOSED* to
fail; I'm interested primarily in ensuring that the message is formatted
correctly in case of failure.  These test cases may also be useful examples
of how to use the two macros.


Provided Forms:

> (check-values actual ((same? expected) ...) [msg])

This macro checks an expression that produces multiple values.  The first
argument, actual, is the expression to be tested.  Unlike the other checks
in SchemeUnit, this is a macro, and you should *NOT* wrap actual in a
thunk!  The sequence of (same? expected) lists specify the values that
actual should produce, along with the predicate to be used to compare the

The check

    (check-values actual ((same_1 expected_1) ... (same_n expected_n)))

succeeds if actual produces values v_1 through v_n and if

    (check same_i v_i expected_i)

succeeds for all i between 1 and n.

As with other SchemeUnit checks, this form accepts an optional message

If the check fails, it fails with a message that contains the original
message, if any, and indicate the cause of the error: if actual produced
the wrong number of values, or which produced value failed to match the
corresponding expected value.

For example,

    (check-values (quotient/remainder 5 2) ([= 2] [= 1]))

should succeed, and

    (check-values (quotient/remainder 5 2) ([= 2]))

will fail with a message indicating that the test case expected 1 value but
got 2.

> (check-values* same? actual (expected ...) [msg])

This macro is an optimization of check-values for the case in which all
values are to be compared with the same equality predicate.

    (check-values* EQ EXPR (V1 ...))

expands (roughly) to

    (check-values EXPR ((EQ V1) ...))

You'd write the two examples above with check-values as follows:

    (check-values = (quotient/remainder 5 2) (2 1))
    (check-values = (quotient/remainder 5 2) (2))



  1) Right now, I have to run the test cases by hand and look at the
     resulting messages to make sure they're formatted correctly.  Is it
     possible to write a meta-test-case that would automate this process?

  2) The backtrace in the GUI isn't very helpful; it shows only the call to
     test/graphical-ui.  (This might be because of .zo compilation.)



  * since version 1.0:

    - documented test cases
    - added keywords, CHANGES, TODO, usage examples to doc.txt
    - fixed bug in calls to raise-syntax-error



Carl Eastlund suggested (and I think implemented the initial draft of) the
generalization from check-values* to check-values.