(module pretty-print mzscheme
  (require (lib "")
           (lib "")

  ;; ===========================================================================
  ;; ===========================================================================

  (define current-indentation-width (make-parameter 4))
  (define current-indentation (make-parameter 0))
  #;(define current-column (make-parameter 0))
  (define collapse-lines? (make-parameter #f))
  (define collapse-simple-substatements? (make-parameter #f))

  ;; ===========================================================================
  ;; ===========================================================================

  ;; TODO: shouldn't `new' bind tighter than call? make a test case

  (define expression-precedences
    (list ;; binds loosest
          (list struct:AssignmentExpression)
          (list struct:ConditionalExpression)
          (list struct:InfixExpression)
          (list struct:PrefixExpression)
          (list struct:PostfixExpression)
          (list struct:NewExpression)
          (list struct:FunctionExpression struct:BracketReference struct:DotReference struct:CallExpression)
          (list struct:StringLiteral struct:NumericLiteral struct:BooleanLiteral
                struct:ThisReference struct:VarReference
                struct:ArrayLiteral struct:ObjectLiteral)
          ;; binds tightest

  ;; expression-precedence : (union struct-type Expression) -> natural-number
  (define (expression-precedence e)
    (let ([type (cond
                  [(Expression? e) (let-values ([(type _) (struct-info e)]) type)]
                  [(struct-type? e) e])])
      (let loop ([precedences expression-precedences] [n 0])
        (if (memq type (car precedences))
            (loop (cdr precedences) (add1 n))))))

  (define infix-expression-precedence (expression-precedence struct:InfixExpression))

  ;; binds-tighter? : Expression * Expression -> boolean
  (define (binds-tighter? e1 e2)
    (let ([p1 (expression-precedence e1)]
          [p2 (expression-precedence e2)])
      (or (> p1 p2)
          (and (= p1 p2 infix-expression-precedence)
               (infix-binds-tighter? e1 e2)))))

  (define operator-precedences
    '(;; binds loosest
      (== != === !==)
      (< > <= >= instanceof in)
      (<< >> >>>)
      (+ -)
      (* / %)
      ;; binds tightest

  ;; operator-precedence : (union InfixExpression symbol) -> natural-number
  (define (operator-precedence e)
    (let ([operator (cond
                      [(InfixExpression? e) (InfixExpression-operator e)]
                      [(symbol? e) e])])
      (let loop ([precedences operator-precedences] [n 0])
        (if (memq operator (car precedences))
            (loop (cdr precedences) (add1 n))))))

  ;; infix-binds-tighter? : InfixExpression * InfixExpression -> boolean
  (define (infix-binds-tighter? e1 e2)
    (> (operator-precedence e1)
       (operator-precedence e2)))

  ;; ===========================================================================
  ;; ===========================================================================

  (define-syntax with-indentation
    (syntax-rules ()
      [(_ e0 e1 ...)
       (parameterize ([current-indentation (if (collapse-lines?)
                                               (+ (current-indentation) (current-indentation-width)))])
         e0 e1 ...)]))

  (define (pretty-newline)
    (if (not (collapse-lines?))
        (begin (newline)
               (display (make-string (current-indentation) #\space))
               #;(current-column (current-indentation)))
        (begin (display " ")
               #;(current-column (add1 (current-column))))))

  (define (pretty-display v)
    (let ([str (format "~a" v)])
      (display str)
      #;(current-column (+ (current-column) (string-length str)))))

  ;; comma-separate : (a -> any) * (listof a) -> any
  (define (comma-separate proc elts)
    (match elts
      [() (void)]
      [(elt) (proc elt)]
      [(elt0 elts ...)
       (proc elt0)
       (for-each (lambda (elt)
                   (pretty-display ", ")
                   (proc elt))

  ;; ===========================================================================
  ;; ===========================================================================

  ;; TODO: design this as a combinator library, e.g.:
  ;;       (pretty-printf
  ;;          "function " name "(" (~c ~a args) ") {"
  ;;              (~i (~e pretty-print-function-element body)) ~n
  ;;          "}")
  ;; The combinators may or may not be pure. I could do various acrobatics to
  ;; design the library to be context-passing in order to achieve linear
  ;; efficiency, but it's probably acceptable just to keep using ports.

  ;; pretty-print-source-element : SourceElement -> any
  (define (pretty-print-source-element elt)
    (pretty-print elt))

  ;; pretty-print-declaration : Declaration -> any
  (define (pretty-print-declaration decl)
    (match decl
      [($ FunctionDeclaration _ name args body)
       (pretty-display "function ")
       (pretty-print-identifier name)
       (pretty-display "(")
       (comma-separate pretty-print-identifier args)
       (pretty-display ") {")
         (for-each pretty-print-source-element body))
       (pretty-display "}")]
      [($ VariableDeclaration _ id init)
       (pretty-print-identifier id)
       (when init
         (pretty-display " = ")
         (pretty-print-expression init))]))

  ;; pretty-print-expression : Expression -> any
  (define (pretty-print-expression expr)
    (match expr
      [($ StringLiteral _ value)
       (pretty-display (format "~v" value))] ;; TODO: use the real lexical definition
      [($ NumericLiteral _ value)
       (pretty-display (format "~a" value))] ;; TODO: use the real lexical definition
      [($ BooleanLiteral _ value)
       (pretty-display (if value "true" "false"))]
      [($ NullLiteral _)
       (pretty-display "null")]
      [($ ArrayLiteral _ elements)
       (if (null? elements)
           (pretty-display "[]")
           (begin (pretty-display "[ ")
                  (when (car elements)
                    (pretty-print-expression (car elements)))
                  (for-each (lambda (element)
                              (pretty-display ",")
                              (when element
                                (pretty-display " ")
                                (pretty-print-expression element)))
                            (cdr elements))
                  (pretty-display " ]")))]
      [($ ObjectLiteral _ properties)
       (if (null? properties)
           (pretty-display "{}")
           (begin (pretty-display "{")
                    (pretty-print-property (car properties))
                    (for-each (lambda (property)
                                (pretty-display ",")
                                (pretty-print-property property))
                              (cdr properties)))
                  (pretty-display "}")))]
      [($ ThisReference _)
       (pretty-display "this")]
      [($ VarReference _ id)
       (pretty-print-identifier id)]
      [($ BracketReference _ container key)
       (pretty-print-subexpression container expr)
       (pretty-display "[")
       (pretty-print-expression key)
       (pretty-display "]")]
      [($ DotReference _ container id)
       (pretty-print-subexpression container expr)
       (pretty-display ".")
       (pretty-print-identifier id)]
      [($ NewExpression _ constructor arguments)
       (pretty-display "new ")
       (pretty-print-subexpression constructor expr)
       (pretty-display "(")
       (comma-separate pretty-print-expression arguments)
       (pretty-display ")")]
      [($ PostfixExpression _ expression operator)
       (pretty-print-subexpression expression expr)
       (pretty-display operator)]
      [($ PrefixExpression _ operator expression)
       (pretty-display operator)
       (pretty-print-subexpression expression expr)]
      [($ InfixExpression _ left operator right)
       (if (InfixExpression? left)
           (if (infix-binds-tighter? expr left)
               (begin (pretty-display "(")
                      (pretty-print-expression left)
                      (pretty-display ")"))
               (pretty-print-expression left))
           (pretty-print-subexpression left expr))
       (pretty-display " ")
       (pretty-display operator)
       (pretty-display " ")
       ;; We don't reassociate because of e.g. overloading of the + operator.
       ;; We could potentially reassociate some operators, but this is enough.
       (if (binds-tighter? right expr)
           (pretty-print-expression right)
           (begin (pretty-display "(")
                  (pretty-print-expression right)
                  (pretty-display ")")))]
      [($ ConditionalExpression _ test consequent alternate)
       (pretty-print-subexpression test expr)
       (pretty-display " ? ")
       (pretty-print-subexpression consequent expr)
       (pretty-display " : ")
       (pretty-print-subexpression alternate expr)]
      [($ AssignmentExpression _ lhs operator rhs)
       (pretty-print-subexpression lhs expr)
       (pretty-display " ")
       (pretty-display operator)
       (pretty-display " ")
       (pretty-print-subexpression rhs expr)]
      [($ FunctionExpression _ name args body)
       (pretty-display "function")
       (when name
         (pretty-display " ")
         (pretty-print-identifier name))
       (pretty-display "(")
       (comma-separate pretty-print-identifier args)
       (pretty-display ") {")
         (for-each pretty-print-source-element body))
       (pretty-display "}")]
      [($ CallExpression _ method args)
       (pretty-print-subexpression method expr)
       (pretty-display "(")
       (comma-separate pretty-print-expression args)
       (pretty-display ")")]
      [($ ParenExpression _ expr)
       (pretty-display "(")
       (pretty-print-expression expr)
       (pretty-display ")")]))

  ;; pretty-print-subexpression : Expression * Expression -> any
  (define (pretty-print-subexpression expr parent)
    (if (binds-tighter? parent expr)
        (begin (pretty-display "(")
               (pretty-print-expression expr)
               (pretty-display ")"))
        (pretty-print-expression expr)))

  ;; pretty-print-statement : Statement -> any
  ;;   - statement output includes its own semicolon if appropriate
  ;;   - statement output is not newline-terminated
  (define (pretty-print-statement stmt)
    (match stmt
      [($ BlockStatement _ statements)
       (if (null? statements)
           (pretty-display "{}")
               (pretty-display "{")
               (pretty-print-substatement (car statements))
               (for-each (lambda (statement)
                           (pretty-print-substatement statement))
                         (cdr statements)))
             (pretty-display "}")))]
      [($ VariableStatement _ declarations)
       (pretty-display "var ")
       (comma-separate pretty-print-declaration declarations)
       (pretty-display ";")]
      [($ EmptyStatement _)
       (pretty-display ";")]
      [($ ExpressionStatement _ expression)
       (pretty-print-expression expression)
       (pretty-display ";")]
      [($ IfStatement _ test consequent alternate)
       (pretty-display "if (")
       (pretty-print-expression test)
       (pretty-display ")")
       (pretty-print-nested-substatement consequent)
         [(IfStatement? alternate)
          (pretty-display "else ")
          (pretty-print-statement alternate)]
          (pretty-display "else")
          (pretty-print-nested-substatement alternate)])]
      [($ DoWhileStatement _ body test)
       (pretty-display "do")
       (if (BlockStatement? body)
           (begin (pretty-display " ")
                  (pretty-print-substatement body)
                  (pretty-display " "))
           (begin (with-indentation
                    (pretty-print-substatement body))
       (pretty-display "while (")
       (pretty-print-expression test)
       (pretty-display ");")]
      [($ WhileStatement _ test body)
       (pretty-display "while (")
       (pretty-print-expression test)
       (pretty-display ")")
       (pretty-print-nested-substatement body)]
      [($ ForStatement _ init test incr body)
       (pretty-display "for (")
         [(and (pair? init)
               (Expression? (car init)))
          (comma-separate pretty-print-expression init)]
         [(and (pair? init)
               (VariableDeclaration? (car init)))
          (pretty-display "var ")
          (comma-separate pretty-print-declaration init)])
       (pretty-display ";")
       (when test
         (pretty-display " ")
         (pretty-print-expression test))
       (pretty-display ";")
       (unless (null? incr)
         (pretty-display " ")
         (comma-separate pretty-print-expression incr))
       (pretty-display ")")
       (pretty-print-nested-substatement body)]
      [($ ForInStatement _ lhs container body)
       (pretty-display "for (")
       (if (Expression? lhs)
           (pretty-print-expression lhs)
           (begin (pretty-display "var ")
                  (pretty-print-declaration lhs)))
       (pretty-display " in ")
       (pretty-print-expression container)
       (pretty-display ")")
       (pretty-print-nested-substatement body)]
      [($ ContinueStatement _ label)
       (pretty-display "continue")
       (when label
         (pretty-display " ")
         (pretty-print-identifier label))
       (pretty-display ";")]
      [($ BreakStatement _ label)
       (pretty-display "break")
       (when label
         (pretty-display " ")
         (pretty-print-identifier label))
       (pretty-display ";")]
      [($ ReturnStatement _ value)
       (pretty-display "return")
       (when value
         (pretty-display " ")
         (pretty-print-expression value))
       (pretty-display ";")]
      [($ WithStatement _ context body)
       (pretty-display "with (")
       (pretty-print-expression context)
       (pretty-display ")")
         (pretty-print-substatement body))]
      [($ SwitchStatement _ expression cases)
       (pretty-display "switch (")
       (pretty-print-expression expression)
       (pretty-display ") {")
         (pretty-print-case-clause (car cases))
         (for-each (lambda (case)
                     (pretty-print-case-clause case))
                   (cdr cases)))
       (pretty-display "}")]
      [($ LabelledStatement _ label statement)
       (pretty-print-identifier label)
       (pretty-display ":")
         (pretty-print-substatement statement))]
      [($ ThrowStatement _ value)
       (pretty-display "throw ")
       (pretty-print-expression value)
       (pretty-display ";")]
      [($ TryStatement _ body catches finally)
       (pretty-display "try")
       (pretty-print-nested-substatement body)
       (for-each (lambda (catch)
                   (match-let ([($ CatchClause _ id body) catch])
                     (pretty-display "catch (")
                     (pretty-print-identifier id)
                     (pretty-display ")")
                     (pretty-print-nested-substatement body)))
       (when finally
         (pretty-display "finally")
         (pretty-print-nested-substatement finally))]))

  ;; pretty-print-nested-substatement : SubStatement -> any
  ;;   - starts on the same line as its containing statement
  (define (pretty-print-nested-substatement body)
      [(EmptyStatement? body)
       (pretty-display ";")]
      [(or (BlockStatement? body)
       (pretty-display " ")
       (pretty-print-substatement body)]
        (pretty-print-substatement body))]))

  ;; pretty-print-substatement : SubStatement -> any
  (define (pretty-print-substatement statement)
    (if (FunctionDeclaration? statement)
        (pretty-print-declaration statement)
        (pretty-print-statement statement)))

  ;; pretty-print-case-clause : CaseClause -> any
  (define (pretty-print-case-clause case)
    (let ([question (CaseClause-question case)]
          [answer (CaseClause-answer case)])
      (if question
          (pretty-print-expression question)
          (pretty-display "default"))
      (pretty-display ":")
      (if (= (length answer) 1)
          (pretty-print-nested-substatement (car answer))
            (for-each pretty-print-substatement answer)))))

  ;; pretty-print-property : Property -> any
  (define (pretty-print-property pair)
    (let ([property (car pair)]
          [value (cdr pair)])
      (if (Identifier? property)
          (pretty-print-identifier property)
          (pretty-print property))
      (pretty-display ": ")
      (pretty-print-expression value)))

  ;; pretty-print-identifier : Identifier -> any
  (define (pretty-print-identifier id)
    (pretty-display (Identifier-name id)))

  ;; pretty-print : Term -> any
  (define (pretty-print term)
      [(Declaration? term) (pretty-print-declaration term)]
      [(Statement? term) (pretty-print-statement term)]
      [(Expression? term) (pretty-print-expression term)]))

  ;; pretty-format : Term -> string
  (define (pretty-format term)
    (let ([string-port (open-output-string)])
      (parameterize ([current-output-port string-port])
        (pretty-print term)
        (get-output-string string-port))))

    [pretty-print (Term? . -> . any)]
    [pretty-format (Term? . -> . string?)])

  (provide current-indentation-width current-indentation collapse-lines? collapse-simple-substatements?))