#lang setup/infotab
(define name "JavaScript")
(define blurb
  (list "An implementation of JavaScript as a PLT Scheme language."))
(define scribblings '(("scribblings/javascript.scrbl" (multi-page))))
(define categories '(devtools))
(define version "0.17")
(define primary-file "")
(define release-notes
  (list '(ul (li "Implemented " (tt "Array") " library. "
                 "See " (a ([href ""]) "issue #106") ".")
             (li "Implemented other miscellaneous standard libraries.")
             (li "Fixed a bug with treating primitives as objects. "                 
                 "See " (a ([href ""]) "issue #107") ".")
             (li "Fixed some prototype chain relationships in the standard library objects.")
             (li "Implemented a module language, allowing interoperability with Scheme modules."
                 "See " (a ([href ""]) "issue #112") ".")
             (li "Implemented a " (tt "#lang") " reader, enabling use with the Module language; "
                 "try it out with " (tt "#lang planet dherman/javascript") ". "
                 "See " (a ([href ""]) "issue #108") ".")
             (li "Implemented " (tt "import") " and " (tt "export") " declarations.")
             (li "Major reimplementation of variable binding.")
             (li "Correct implementation of " (tt "eval") " that has access to the lexical environment.")
             (li "API changes in " (tt "") ", " (tt "") ", and " (tt "") ".")
(define required-core-version "")
(define repositories '("4.x"))