;; Advanced Student Parser

;; Copyright (c) 2008 David Van Horn
;; Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0

;; (at dvanhorn (dot ccs neu edu))

;; This module implements an S-Expression parser for
;; Advanced Student syntax.

;; This code is written to be consistent with the parsing
;; done by DrScheme.  The hope is that this code signals
;; and error iff DrScheme would (WWDSD?).  It remains
;; to make the error messages consistent as well.

#lang scheme
(require htdp/testing)
(require lang/htdp-advanced)
(provide (all-defined-out))

(require "data.scm")

(define (parse-error-msg production sexp)
  (format "~a: malformed syntax: ~a" production sexp))

(define (parse-error production sexp)
  (error production (format "malformed syntax: ~a" sexp)))

(define (define-keyword? x)
  (and (symbol? x)
       (case x
         [(define define-struct) true]
         [else false])))

(define (expr-keyword? x)
  (or (head-keyword? x)
      (identifier-keyword? x)))

;; keywords that must appear in head position.
(define (head-keyword? x)
  (and (symbol? x)
       (case x
         [(begin begin0 set! delay lambda local letrec 
                 shared let let* recur cond case else 
                 if when unless and or time quote 
                 quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing)
         [else false])))

;; keywords that may appear in any expression position.
(define (identifier-keyword? x)
  (and (symbol? x)
       (case x
         [(empty true false) true]
         [else false])))
(define (test-case-keyword? x)
  (and (symbol? x)
       (case x
         [(check-expect check-within check-error) true]
         [else false])))

(define (require-keyword? x)
  (and (symbol? x)
       (symbol=? x 'require)))

;; name? : Any -> Boolean
;; A name is any symbol k for which (lambda (k) k) is
;; allowed.
(define (name? x)
  (and (symbol? x)
       (not (any-keyword? x))))

(define (any-keyword? x)
  (or (define-keyword? x)
      (expr-keyword? x)
      (test-case-keyword? x)
      (require-keyword? x)))

;; Programs
;; ========

;; parse-program : SExpr -> Program
(define (parse-program sexp)
  (if (list? sexp)
      (map parse-def-or-expr sexp)
      (parse-error 'parse-program sexp)))

(check-expect (parse-program empty) empty)
(check-expect (parse-program '{ 1 }) (list (parse-expr 1)))
(check-error (parse-program 'x)
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-program 'x))

(define (parse-def-or-expr sexp)
  (cond [(and (cons? sexp) (symbol? (first sexp)))
         (case (first sexp)
           [(define define-struct)
            (parse-definition sexp)]
           [(check-expect check-within check-error)
            (parse-test-case sexp)]
            (parse-library-require sexp)]
            (parse-expr sexp)])]
         (parse-expr sexp)]))

(check-expect (parse-def-or-expr 1)
              (parse-expr 1))
(check-expect (parse-def-or-expr '(f x))
              (parse-expr '(f x)))
(check-expect (parse-def-or-expr '(define x 1))
              (parse-definition '(define x 1)))
(check-expect (parse-def-or-expr '(check-expect x y))
              (parse-test-case '(check-expect x y)))
(check-expect (parse-def-or-expr '(require "f"))
              (parse-library-require '(require "f")))

;; Definitions
;; ===========

(define (parse-define sexp)
  (if (= 3 (length sexp))
      (cond [(name? (second sexp)) 
             (make-<definition-value> (make-<identifier> (second sexp))
                                      (parse-expr (third sexp)))]
            [(and (list? (second sexp))
                  (not (empty? (second sexp)))
                  (andmap name? (second sexp)))
             (make-<definition-procedure> (make-<identifier> (first (second sexp)))
                                          (map make-<identifier> (rest (second sexp)))
                                          (parse-expr (third sexp)))]
             (parse-error 'parse-define sexp)])
      (parse-error 'parse-define sexp)))
(define (parse-define-struct sexp)
  (if (and (= 3 (length sexp))
           (name? (second sexp))
           (list? (third sexp))
           (andmap name? (third sexp)))
       (make-<identifier> (second sexp))
       (map make-<identifier> (third sexp)))
      (parse-error 'parse-define-struct sexp)))

(define (parse-definition sexp)
  (cond [(and (pair? sexp) (define-keyword? (first sexp)))
         (case (first sexp)
           [(define)        (parse-define sexp)]
           [(define-struct) (parse-define-struct sexp)])]
         (parse-error 'parse-definition sexp)]))

(check-expect (parse-definition '(define x 1))
              (make-<definition-value> (make-<identifier> 'x)
                                       (parse-expr 1)))
(check-expect (parse-definition '(define (x) 1))
              (make-<definition-procedure> (make-<identifier> 'x)
                                           (parse-expr 1)))
(check-expect (parse-definition '(define-struct f ()))
              (make-<definition-struct> (make-<identifier> 'f) empty))
(check-expect (parse-definition '(define-struct f (x)))
              (make-<definition-struct> (make-<identifier> 'f) (list (make-<identifier> 'x))))
(check-error (parse-definition '(define-struct f (1)))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-define-struct '(define-struct f (1))))
(check-error (parse-definition 1)
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-definition 1))
(check-error (parse-definition '(define x y z))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-define '(define x y z)))
(check-error (parse-definition '(defun x 1))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-definition '(defun x 1)))
(check-error (parse-definition '(define (f 1) x))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-define '(define (f 1) x)))

;; Expressions
;; ===========

;; parse-id+exprs : Symbol SExpr SExpr ([Listof Id] [Listof Expr] -> X) -> X
;; Purpose: to parse a potential list of bindings: ((id expr) ...).  If
;; it parses, then k is called on the list of ids and exprs.
;; The parameters name and ctx are used for error reporting only
;; and represent the context of this list of bindings.
(define (parse-id+exprs name ctx sexp k)
  ;; ((id expr) ...)
  (local [(define (parse-id+exprs-accum sexp ids exprs)
            (cond [(empty? sexp) (k (reverse ids) (reverse exprs))]
                  [(and (list? sexp)
                        (list? (first sexp))
                        (= 2 (length (first sexp)))
                        (name? (first (first sexp))))
                    (rest sexp)
                    (cons (make-<identifier> (first (first sexp))) ids)
                    (cons (parse-expr (second (first sexp))) exprs))]
                   (parse-error name ctx)]))]
    (parse-id+exprs-accum sexp empty empty)))
(check-expect (parse-id+exprs 'name 'ctx empty list)
              (list empty empty))
(check-expect (parse-id+exprs 'name 'ctx '((x 1)) list)
              (list (list (make-<identifier> 'x))
                    (list (parse-expr 1))))
(check-error (parse-id+exprs 'name 'ctx '(1) list)
             (parse-error-msg 'name 'ctx))

;; parse-let-helper : Symbol SExpr ([Listof Id] [Listof Expr] Expr -> X) -> X
;; Purpose: parse potential "let-like" expressions: (_ ((id expr) ...) expr).
;; If it parses, the given constructor is applied.
;; The parameter name is used for error reporting.
(define (parse-let-helper name sexp k)
  ;; (let ((id expr) ...) expr)
  (if (and (= 3 (length sexp))
           (list? (second sexp)))
      (parse-id+exprs name sexp (second sexp)
                      (lambda (ids exprs)
                        (k ids exprs (parse-expr (third sexp)))))
      (parse-error name sexp)))

(check-expect (parse-let-helper 'name '(_ () x) list)
              (list empty empty (parse-expr 'x)))
(check-expect (parse-let-helper 'name '(_ ((x 1)) x) list)
              (list (list (make-<identifier> 'x))
                    (list (parse-expr 1))
                    (parse-expr 'x)))
(check-error (parse-let-helper 'name '(_ x) list)
             (parse-error-msg 'name '(_ x)))

;; parse-named-let-helper : Symbol SExpr (Id [Listof Id] [Listof Expr] Expr -> X) -> X
;; Purpose: parse potential "named let-like" expressions: (_ id ((id expr) ...) expr).
;; If it parses, the given constructor is applied.
;; The parameter name is used for error reporting.
(define (parse-named-let-helper name sexp k)
  ;; (let id ((id expr) ...) expr)
  (if (and (= 4 (length sexp))
           (name? (second sexp))
           (list? (third sexp)))
      (parse-id+exprs name sexp (third sexp)
                      (lambda (ids exprs)
                        (k (make-<identifier> (second sexp))
                           ids exprs (parse-expr (fourth sexp)))))
      (parse-error name sexp)))

(check-expect (parse-named-let-helper 'name '(_ f () x) list)
              (list (make-<identifier> 'f)
                    (make-<identifier> 'x)))
(check-expect (parse-named-let-helper 'name '(_ f ((x 1)) x) list)
              (list (make-<identifier> 'f)
                    (list (make-<identifier> 'x))
                    (list (parse-expr 1))
                    (make-<identifier> 'x)))
(check-error (parse-named-let-helper 'name '(_ x) list)
             (parse-error-msg 'name '(_ x)))

;; parse-begin-helper : Symbol SExpr ([Listof Id] -> X) -> X
;; Purpose: parse potential "begin-like" expressions: (_ expr expr ...).
;; If it parses, the given constructor is applied.
;; The parameter name is used for error reporting.
(define (parse-begin-helper name sexp k)
  ;; (begin expr expr ...)
  (if (not (empty? (rest sexp)))
      (k (map parse-expr (rest sexp)))
      (parse-error name sexp)))

(check-expect (parse-begin-helper 'name '(_ 1) identity)
              (list (parse-expr 1)))
(check-expect (parse-begin-helper 'name '(_ 1 2) identity)
              (list (parse-expr 1)
                    (parse-expr 2)))
(check-error (parse-begin-helper 'name '(_) identity)
             (parse-error-msg 'name '(_)))

;; parse-delay-helper : Symbol SExpr (Expr -> X) -> X
;; Purpose: parse potential "delay-like" expressions: (_ expr).
(define (parse-delay-helper name sexp k)
  (if (= 2 (length sexp))
      (k (parse-expr (second sexp)))
      (parse-error name sexp)))

(check-expect (parse-delay-helper 'name '(_ x) identity)
              (parse-expr 'x))
(check-error (parse-delay-helper 'name '(_) identity)
             (parse-error-msg 'name '(_)))
(check-error (parse-delay-helper 'name '(_ x y) identity)
             (parse-error-msg 'name '(_ x y)))

;; parse-when-helper : Symbol SExpr (Expr Expr -> X) -> X
;; Purpose: parse potential "when-like" expressions: (_ expr expr).
(define (parse-when-helper name sexp k)
  (if (= 3 (length sexp))
      (k (parse-expr (second sexp)) (parse-expr (third sexp)))
      (parse-error name sexp)))

(check-expect (parse-when-helper 'name '(_ x y) list)
              (list (parse-expr 'x) (parse-expr 'y)))
(check-error (parse-when-helper 'name '(_ x) list)
             (parse-error-msg 'name '(_ x)))
(check-error (parse-when-helper 'name '(_) list)
             (parse-error-msg 'name '(_)))

;; parse-and-helper : Symbol SExpr ([Listof Expr] -> X) -> X
(define (parse-and-helper name sexp k)
  (if (<= 3 (length sexp))
      (k (map parse-expr (rest sexp)))
      (parse-error name sexp)))

(check-expect (parse-and-helper 'name '(_ x y) identity)
              (map parse-expr '(x y)))
(check-expect (parse-and-helper 'name '(_ x y z) identity)
              (map parse-expr '(x y z)))
(check-error (parse-and-helper 'name '(_ x) identity)
             (parse-error-msg 'name '(_ x)))

(define (parse-begin sexp)
  (parse-begin-helper 'parse-begin sexp make-<begin>))
(define (parse-begin0 sexp)
  (parse-begin-helper 'parse-begin0 sexp make-<begin0>))

(define (parse-set! sexp)
  (if (and (= 3 (length sexp))
           (name? (second sexp)))
      (make-<set!> (make-<identifier> (second sexp)) 
                   (parse-expr (third sexp)))
      (parse-error 'parse-set! sexp)))

(define (parse-delay sexp)
  (parse-delay-helper 'parse-delay sexp make-<delay>))

(define (parse-if sexp)
  (if (= 4 (length sexp))
      (make-<if> (parse-expr (second sexp))
                 (parse-expr (third sexp))
                 (parse-expr (fourth sexp)))
      (parse-error 'parse-if  sexp)))

(define (parse-when sexp)
  (parse-when-helper 'parse-when sexp make-<when>))
(define (parse-unless sexp)
  (parse-when-helper 'parse-unless sexp make-<unless>))
(define (parse-and sexp)
  (parse-and-helper 'parse-and sexp make-<and>))
(define (parse-or sexp)
  (parse-and-helper 'parse-or sexp make-<or>))

(define (parse-time sexp)
  (parse-delay-helper 'parse-time sexp make-<time>))

(define (parse-lambda sexp)
  ;; (lambda (id ...) expr)
  (if (and (= 3 (length sexp))
           (list? (second sexp))
           (andmap name? (second sexp)))
      (make-<lambda> (map make-<identifier> (second sexp))
                     (parse-expr (third sexp)))
      (parse-error 'parse-lambda sexp)))

(define (parse-local sexp)
  ;; (local [definition ...] expr)
  (if (and (= (length sexp) 3)
           (list? (second sexp)))
      (make-<local> (map parse-definition (second sexp))
                    (parse-expr (third sexp)))
      (parse-error 'parse-local sexp)))

(define (parse-letrec sexp)
  (parse-let-helper 'parse-let sexp make-<letrec>))
(define (parse-let sexp)
  (case (length sexp)
    [(3) (parse-let-helper 'parse-let sexp make-<let>)]
    [(4) (parse-named-let-helper 'parse-named-let sexp make-<recur>)]
    [else (parse-error 'parse-let sexp)]))
(define (parse-let* sexp)
  (parse-let-helper 'parse-let* sexp make-<let*>))
(define (parse-shared sexp)
  (parse-let-helper 'parse-shared sexp make-<shared>))
(define (parse-recur sexp)
  (parse-named-let-helper 'parse-recur sexp make-<recur>))

(define (parse-cond sexp)
  (local [(define (parse-cond-clauses-accum cs qs as)
            (if (and (pair? cs)
                     (list? (first cs))
                     (= 2 (length (first cs))))
                (if (empty? (rest cs))
                    (if (symbol=? (first (first cs)) 'else)
                        (make-<cond/else> (reverse qs) (reverse as) (parse-expr (second (first cs))))
                        (make-<cond> (reverse (cons (parse-expr (first (first cs))) qs))
                                     (reverse (cons (parse-expr (second (first cs))) as))))
                     (rest cs)
                     (cons (parse-expr (first (first cs))) qs)
                     (cons (parse-expr (second (first cs))) as)))
                (parse-error 'parse-cond sexp)))]
    (parse-cond-clauses-accum (rest sexp) empty empty)))

(define (choice? x)
  (or (number? x)
      (symbol? x)))
(define (parse-choice sexp)
  (cond [(number? sexp) (make-<number> sexp)]
        [(symbol? sexp) (make-<identifier> sexp)]))
(define (parse-case sexp)
  (local [(define (parse-case-lines-accum ls cs as)
            (if (and (pair? ls)
                     (list? (first ls))
                     (= 2 (length (first ls)))
                     (or (and (list? (first (first ls)))
                              (andmap choice? (first (first ls))))
                         (and (symbol? (first (first ls)))
                              (symbol=? 'else (first (first ls))))))
                (if (empty? (rest ls))
                    (if (and (symbol? (first (first ls))) 
                             (symbol=? (first (first ls)) 'else))
                        (make-<case/else> (parse-expr (second sexp))
                                          (reverse cs)
                                          (reverse as)
                                          (parse-expr (second (first ls))))
                        (make-<case> (parse-expr (second sexp))
                                     (reverse (cons (map parse-choice (first (first ls))) cs))
                                     (reverse (cons (parse-expr (second (first ls))) as))))
                     (rest ls)
                     (cons (map parse-choice (first (first ls))) cs)
                     (cons (parse-expr (second (first ls))) as)))
                (parse-error 'parse-case sexp)))]
    (if (<= 3 (length sexp))
        (parse-case-lines-accum (rest (rest sexp)) empty empty) 
        (parse-error 'parse-case sexp))))
(define (parse-quote sexp)
  ;; 'id or 'quoted (quoted value)
  (if (= 2 (length sexp))
      (make-<quote> (parse-quoted (second sexp)))
      (parse-error 'parse-quote sexp)))

(define (parse-quoted sexp)
  (cond [(symbol? sexp)
         (make-<identifier> sexp)]
        [(number? sexp)
         (make-<number> sexp)]
        [(string? sexp)
         (make-<string> sexp)]
        [(char? sexp)
         (make-<character> sexp)]
        [(list? sexp)
         (make-<quoted-list> (map parse-quoted sexp))]))

(define (parse-application sexp)
  (make-<application> (parse-expr (first sexp))
                      (map parse-expr (rest sexp))))

;; parse-expr : SExpr -> Expr
;; Purpose: parse a potential expression.
(define (parse-expr sexp)
  (cond [(and (pair? sexp) (head-keyword? (first sexp)))
         (case (first sexp)
           [(begin)  (parse-begin sexp)]
           [(begin0) (parse-begin0 sexp)]
           [(set!)   (parse-set! sexp)]
           [(delay)  (parse-delay sexp)]
           [(lambda) (parse-lambda sexp)]
           [(local)  (parse-local sexp)]
           [(letrec) (parse-letrec sexp)]
           [(shared) (parse-shared sexp)]
           [(let)    (parse-let sexp)]
           [(let*)   (parse-let* sexp)]
           [(recur)  (parse-recur sexp)]
           [(cond)   (parse-cond sexp)]
           [(case)   (parse-case sexp)]
           [(if)     (parse-if sexp)]
           [(when)   (parse-when sexp)]
           [(unless) (parse-unless sexp)]
           [(and)    (parse-and sexp)]
           [(or)     (parse-or sexp)]
           [(time)   (parse-time sexp)]
           [(quote)  (parse-quote sexp)])]
        [(cons? sexp)   (parse-application sexp)]
        [(name? sexp)   (make-<identifier> sexp)]
        [(number? sexp) (make-<number> sexp)]
        [(string? sexp) (make-<string> sexp)]
        [(char? sexp)   (make-<character> sexp)]
        [(identifier-keyword? sexp)
         (case sexp
           [(empty) (make-<empty>)]
           [(true)  (make-<true>)]
           [(false) (make-<false>)])]
        [else (parse-error 'parse-expr sexp)]))

(check-expect (parse-expr 'empty)
(check-expect (parse-expr 'true)
(check-expect (parse-expr 'false)
(check-expect (parse-expr 5)
              (make-<number> 5))
(check-expect (parse-expr #\a)
              (make-<character> #\a))
(check-expect (parse-expr "hi")
              (make-<string> "hi"))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(f x))
              (make-<application> (parse-expr 'f) (list (parse-expr 'x))))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(begin x))
              (make-<begin> (list (parse-expr 'x))))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(begin0 x))
              (make-<begin0> (list (parse-expr 'x))))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(set! x y))
              (make-<set!> (make-<identifier> 'x)
                           (parse-expr 'y)))
(check-error (parse-expr '(set! 1 x))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-set! '(set! 1 x)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(delay x))
              (make-<delay> (parse-expr 'x)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(let () 1))
              (make-<let> empty empty (parse-expr 1)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(let* () 1))
              (make-<let*> empty empty (parse-expr 1)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(letrec () 1))
              (make-<letrec> empty empty (parse-expr 1)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(shared () 1))
              (make-<shared> empty empty (parse-expr 1)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(let ((x 1)) x))
              (make-<let> (list (make-<identifier> 'x))
                          (list (parse-expr 1))
                          (parse-expr 'x)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(let ((x 1) (y 2)) x))
              (make-<let> (list (make-<identifier> 'x)
                                (make-<identifier> 'y))
                          (list (parse-expr 1)
                                (parse-expr 2))
                          (parse-expr 'x)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(let f () x))
              (make-<recur> (make-<identifier> 'f)
                            (parse-expr 'x)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(let f ((x 1)) x))
              (make-<recur> (make-<identifier> 'f)
                            (list (make-<identifier> 'x))
                            (list (parse-expr 1))
                            (parse-expr 'x)))
(check-error (parse-expr '(let f))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-let '(let f)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(cond [x y]))
              (make-<cond> (list (parse-expr 'x))
                           (list (parse-expr 'y))))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(cond [u v] [w x]))
              (make-<cond> (list (parse-expr 'u) (parse-expr 'w))
                           (list (parse-expr 'v) (parse-expr 'x))))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(cond [else x]))
              (make-<cond/else> empty empty (parse-expr 'x)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(cond [u v] [else w]))
              (make-<cond/else> (list (parse-expr 'u))
                                (list (parse-expr 'v))
                                (parse-expr 'w)))
(check-error (parse-expr '(cond x))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-cond '(cond x)))
(check-error (parse-expr '(cond [x]))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-cond '(cond (x))))
(check-error (parse-expr '(cond [x y z]))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-cond '(cond (x y z))))

(check-expect (parse-expr '(case x [(1) x]))
              (make-<case> (parse-expr 'x)
                           (list (list (parse-choice 1)))
                           (list (parse-expr 'x))))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(case x [(a) x]))
              (make-<case> (parse-expr 'x)
                           (list (list (parse-choice 'a)))
                           (list (parse-expr 'x))))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(case x [(a 1) x]))
              (make-<case> (parse-expr 'x)
                           (list (list (parse-choice 'a) (parse-choice 1)))
                           (list (parse-expr 'x))))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(case x [(1) x] [(b) y]))
              (make-<case> (parse-expr 'x)
                           (list (list (parse-choice '1)) (list (parse-choice 'b)))
                           (list (parse-expr 'x) (parse-expr 'y))))
(check-error (parse-expr '(case x))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-case '(case x)))
(check-error (parse-expr '(case x ["f" x]))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-case '(case x ["f" x])))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(case x [(a) x] [else z]))
              (make-<case/else> (parse-expr 'x)
                                (list (list (parse-choice 'a)))
                                (list (parse-expr 'x))
                                (parse-expr 'z)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(case x [(a 1) x] [else z]))
              (make-<case/else> (parse-expr 'x)
                                (list (list (parse-choice 'a) (parse-choice 1)))
                                (list (parse-expr 'x))
                                (parse-expr 'z)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(case x [(1) x] [(b) y] [else z]))
              (make-<case/else> (parse-expr 'x)
                                (list (list (parse-choice '1)) (list (parse-choice 'b)))
                                (list (parse-expr 'x) (parse-expr 'y))
                                (parse-expr 'z)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(recur f () x))
              (make-<recur> (make-<identifier> 'f)
                            (parse-expr 'x)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(recur f ((x 1)) x))
              (make-<recur> (make-<identifier> 'f)
                            (list (make-<identifier> 'x))
                            (list (parse-expr 1))
                            (parse-expr 'x)))                                
(check-expect (parse-expr '(if x y z))
              (make-<if> (parse-expr 'x)
                         (parse-expr 'y)
                         (parse-expr 'z)))
(check-error (parse-expr '(if x))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-if '(if x)))
(check-error (parse-expr '(if x y))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-if '(if x y)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(when x y))
              (make-<when> (parse-expr 'x)
                           (parse-expr 'y)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(unless x y))
              (make-<unless> (parse-expr 'x)
                             (parse-expr 'y)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(and x y))
              (make-<and> (map parse-expr '(x y))))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(and x y z))
              (make-<and> (map parse-expr '(x y z))))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(or x y))
              (make-<or> (map parse-expr '(x y))))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(or x y z))
              (make-<or> (map parse-expr '(x y z))))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(time x))
              (make-<time> (parse-expr 'x)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(lambda () x))
              (make-<lambda> empty (parse-expr 'x)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(lambda (x) x))
              (make-<lambda> (list (make-<identifier> 'x))
                             (parse-expr 'x)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(lambda (x y z) x))
              (make-<lambda> (list (make-<identifier> 'x)
                                   (make-<identifier> 'y)
                                   (make-<identifier> 'z))
                             (parse-expr 'x)))
(check-error (parse-expr '(lambda (1) x))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-lambda '(lambda (1) x)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(local () x))
              (make-<local> empty (parse-expr 'x)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(local ((define x 1)) x))
              (make-<local> (list (parse-definition '(define x 1)))
                            (parse-expr 'x)))
(check-error (parse-expr '(local () x y))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-local '(local () x y)))
(check-error (parse-expr '(local x y))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-local '(local x y)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '((f g) x))
               (make-<application> (parse-expr 'f)
                                   (list (parse-expr 'g)))
               (list (parse-expr 'x))))
(check-error (parse-expr '(lambda (lambda) lambda))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-lambda '(lambda (lambda) lambda)))
(check-error (parse-expr '(lambda (quote) quote))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-lambda '(lambda (quote) quote)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(quote x))
              (make-<quote> (make-<identifier> 'x)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(quote quote))
              (make-<quote> (make-<identifier> 'quote)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(quote 3))
              (make-<quote> (make-<number> 3)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(quote "s"))
              (make-<quote> (make-<string> "s")))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(quote #\c))
              (make-<quote> (make-<character> #\c)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(quote ()))
              (make-<quote> (make-<quoted-list> empty)))
(check-expect (parse-expr '(quote (x y lambda)))
              (make-<quote> (make-<quoted-list> 
                             (list (make-<identifier> 'x)
                                   (make-<identifier> 'y)
                                   (make-<identifier> 'lambda)))))
(check-error (parse-expr '(quote x y))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-quote '(quote x y)))
(check-error (parse-expr 'quote)
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-expr 'quote))

;; Test cases
;; ==========

(define (parse-test-case s)
  (case (first s)
     (cond [(and (list? s) (= 3 (length s)))
            (make-<check-expect> (parse-expr (second s))
                                 (parse-expr (third s)))]
           [else (parse-error 'check-expect s)])]
     (cond [(and (list? s) (= 4 (length s)))
            (make-<check-within> (parse-expr (second s))
                                 (parse-expr (third s))
                                 (parse-expr (fourth s)))]
           [else (parse-error 'check-within s)])]
     (cond [(and (list? s) (= 3 (length s)))
            (make-<check-error> (parse-expr (second s))
                                (parse-expr (third s)))]
           [else (parse-error 'check-error s)])]))

(check-expect (parse-test-case '(check-expect e1 e2))
              (make-<check-expect> (parse-expr 'e1) (parse-expr 'e2)))
(check-expect (parse-test-case '(check-within e1 e2 e3))
              (make-<check-within> (parse-expr 'e1) (parse-expr 'e2) (parse-expr 'e3)))
(check-expect (parse-test-case '(check-error e1 e2))
              (make-<check-error> (parse-expr 'e1) (parse-expr 'e2)))

(check-error (parse-test-case '(check-expect))
             (parse-error-msg 'check-expect '(check-expect)))
(check-error (parse-test-case '(check-within))
             (parse-error-msg 'check-within '(check-within)))
(check-error (parse-test-case '(check-error))
             (parse-error-msg 'check-error '(check-error)))

;; Library requires
;; ================

(define (parse-library-require sexp)
  (if (and (list? sexp)
           (= 2 (length sexp))
           (symbol? (first sexp))
           (symbol=? (first sexp) 'require))
      (cond [(string? (second sexp))
             (make-<require-file> (second sexp))]
            [(and (list? (second sexp))
                  (>= (length (second sexp)) 2)
                  (and (symbol? (first (second sexp)))
                       (symbol=? 'lib (first (second sexp))))
                  (andmap string? (rest (second sexp))))
             (make-<require-lib> (rest (second sexp)))]
            [(and (list? (second sexp))
                  (= 3 (length (second sexp)))
                  (and (symbol? (first (second sexp)))
                       (symbol=? 'planet (first (second sexp))))
                  (string? (second (second sexp)))
                  (list? (third (second sexp)))
                  (= 4 (length (third (second sexp))))
                  (string? (first (third (second sexp))))
                  (string? (second (third (second sexp))))
                  (number? (third (third (second sexp))))
                  (number? (fourth (third (second sexp)))))
              (second (second sexp))
              (first (third (second sexp)))
              (second (third (second sexp)))
              (third (third (second sexp)))
              (fourth (third (second sexp))))]
             (parse-error 'parse-require sexp)])
      (parse-error 'parse-require sexp)))

(check-expect (parse-library-require '(require "f"))
              (make-<require-file> "f"))
(check-error (parse-library-require '(require 1))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-require '(require 1)))
(check-error (parse-library-require '(require f g))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-require '(require f g)))
(check-expect (parse-library-require '(require (lib "f")))
              (make-<require-lib> (list "f")))
(check-expect (parse-library-require '(require (lib "f" "g")))
              (make-<require-lib> (list "f" "g")))
(check-error (parse-library-require '(require (lib f)))
             (parse-error-msg 'parse-require '(require (lib f))))
(check-expect (parse-library-require 
               '(require (planet "" ("dvanhorn" "tetris.plt" 5 0))))
              (make-<require-planet> ""
