


The "ahocorasick" collection implements the classic Aho-Corasick
multiple keyword matching automaton.  It includes functions for
constructing an AhoCorasickTree from a list of words, as well as a
macro for compiling them down into lambdas a-la Shriram
Krishnamurthi's Automata As Macros paper.

The documentation here is a little sparse since the interface might
change a bit; see the source code and its comments for the details.
I'll document the functions that will probably be used the most.

(Note: the documentation here has a string bias.  I haven't tested my
assumption yet, but the core functions actually shouldn't care about
strings, so it should be possible to build automaton with different
label and output types.)

_Example of building and searching with an AhoCorasickTree_

The following quick-and-dirty program:

    (require (prefix a: (planet "" ("dyoo" "ahocorasick.plt" 1))))
    (define tree (a:make-from-strings (list "he" "she" "his" "hers")))
    (display (a:string-search 
               "his doctor said she said PLT Scheme was his"))

will show:

    ((his 0 3) (he 17 19) (she 16 19) (he 17 19) (he 31 33) (his 40 43))

_AhoCorasickTree API_


    (require (planet "" ("dyoo" "ahocorasick.plt" 1)))

to load this library.

> make: -> AhoCorasickTree
Constructs a new AhoCorasickTree with an initial zerostate state.
Example: (define tree (make-tree))

> add: AhoCorasickTree labels [output] -> void
Adds a sequence of labels to the tree.  If the optional output is
given, associates a match of the labels with that output.
Otherwise, associates the keyword itself as the output.

     (let ((tree (make-tree)))
       (add tree (string->list "plt"))
       (add tree (string->list "scheme") 'oh-yeah))

> prepare: AhoCorasickTree -> void
Finish up the construction of the tree.  This needs to be called
before the tree is used for searching.

> make-from-strings: (listof string) -> AhoCorasickTree
Builds a prepared tree from a given set of strings.

Since a main application for building these automata are to process
strings, this function provides a one-step way of building a usable

> port-search: AhoCorasickTree port -> (listof (list output
Returns a list of matches, using the port as the input source.

> string-search: AhoCorasickTree port -> (listof (list output
Returns a list of matches, using the string as the input source.

_Compiling using macros_


    (require (planet "" ("dyoo" "ahocorasick.plt" 1)))

to load this library.

This is mostly modeled from Shriram Krishnamurthi's Automata as Macros
paper.  Here's a quick-and-dirty example of using it:

    (require (prefix a: ""))
    (require (lib ""))
    (pretty-display (a:automaton-sexp-from-strings "he" "she" "his" "hers"))
    (define my-automaton (a:automaton-from-strings "he" "she" "his" "hers"))
    (display (a:string-search 
               "his doctor said she said PLT Scheme was his"))

which should display:

      (root : (s -> state-1) (h -> state-2) (else -> root))
      (state-1 : (h -> state-3) (fail -> root))
      (state-2 : (e -> state-4) (i -> state-5) (fail -> root))
      (state-3 : (e -> state-6) (fail -> state-2))
      (state-4 : (outputs (he)) (r -> state-7) (fail -> root))
      (state-5 : (s -> state-8) (fail -> root))
      (state-6 : (outputs (he she)) (fail -> state-4))
      (state-7 : (s -> state-9) (fail -> root))
      (state-8 : (outputs (his)) (fail -> state-1))
      (state-9 : (outputs (hers)) (fail -> state-1)))
    ((his 0 3) (he 17 19) (she 16 19) (he 31 33) (his 40 43))

The automaton s-expressions are compiled with the _automaton_ syntax;
it's similar to the one described in Shriram's paper, except:

    In the list of transitions, the first "transition" can be an
    'outputs' directive that lists the outputs associated with the
    particular state in the Aho-Corasick automaton.

    There are two special transition label types:

    * else can consume any token, and follows to the next state.
      Meant to be used for the root state, which in the Aho-Corasick
      automaton, has edges to everything else.

    * fail does not consume tokens, but still follows the edge.  This
      corresponds to the failure links of the Aho-Corasick automaton.

My macros are also quite a bit messier just because I'm still learning
the macro system.