
join-forest: join a forest of binary trees

_join-forest_: join a forest of binary trees

Danny Yoo ( /

This module provides a few functions for joining a forest of binary
trees together, preserving traversal order.


    > (require (planet "" ("dyoo" "join-forest.plt" 1)))
    > (define (node-depth a-node)
          [(pair? a-node)
           (add1 (max (node-depth (car a-node))
                      (node-depth (cadr a-node))))]
          [else 0]))
    > (define (node-join node-1 node-2)
        (list node-1 node-2))
    > (define tree1 '(1 (2 3)))
    > (define tree2 '((4 5) 6))
    > (define tree3 '((7 8) 9))
    > (define tree4 '10)
    > (define tree5 '11)
    > (define a-forest (list tree1 tree2 tree3 tree4 tree5))
    > (define j1 (naive-join-forest a-forest node-join))
    > (define j2 (simple-join-forest a-forest node-join))
    > (define j3 (optimal-join-forest a-forest node-join node-depth))
    > (node-depth j1)
    > (node-depth j2)
    > (node-depth j3)


> simple-join-forest: (listof X) (X X -> X) -> X

Given a nonempty list of nodes and a node-joining function, returns
the concatenation of all the nodes.  Done by splitting the forest in
half, joining both halves recursively, and then joining the

> naive-join-forest: (listof X) (X X -> X) -> X

Given a nonempty list of nodes and a node-joining function, returns
the concatenation of all the nodes.  Done by left-folding the join
function across the forest.

> optimal-join-forest: (listof X) (X X -> X) (X -> natural-number) -> X

Given a nonempty list of nodes, a node-joining function, and a
function defining the depth of a node, returns the concatenation of
all the nodes.  Done by computing an optimal join that minimizes the
total depth of the resulting concatenation.

Note: there's a built-in assumption in optimal-join-forest that:

    (node-depth (node-join A B)) = (add1 (max (node-depth A) (node-depth B)))

If this is not true, then this function won't do what you want.
However, a more general optimal-joiner is defined in API

There is an auxillary module in the join-forest package called that's used to implement the optimal-join-forest
function.  It uses a dynamic-programming approach, closely following
the sketch of the optimal matrix-multiplication / parenthesization
algorithm in "Introduction to Algorithms."

> join-forest/cost+: (listof X) (X X -> X) (X -> natural-number) 
                       (natural-number natural-number -> natural-number)
                        -> X

Given a forest, a node-joiner, a node-cost function, and a cost+
function, returns a concatenation that minimizes cost.

> join-forest: (listof X) (X X -> X) (X -> natural-number) -> X

Given a forest, a node-joiner, a node-cost function returns a
concatenation that minimizes total cost, under the assumption that
given nodes A and B,

    (node-cost (node-join A B)) = (add1 (max (node-cost A) (node-cost B)))

join-forest is defined in terms of join-forest/cost+:

  (define (join-forest forest join-f depth-f)
    (local [(define (cost+ c1 c2)
              (add1 (max c1 c2)))]
      (join-forest/cost+ forest join-f depth-f cost+)))


Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein.  "Introduction to Algorithms, Second
Edition".  MIT Press and McGraw-Hill, 2001.