1 Quick Start
#lang planet dyoo/js-vm:1:14 (printf "hello world\n") (check-expect (* 3 4 5) 60) (current-seconds) (image-url "http://racket-lang.org/logo.png") (check-expect (big-bang 0 (on-tick add1 1) (stop-when (lambda (x) (= x 10)))) 10) "last line"
This program is in a language that has been enriched with Javascript-specific functions. It can be partially evaluated in plain Racket, but evaluation will halt at the call to image-url because image-url constructs a image DOM element and needs to run in an Javascript context.
Once the program is saved, create a new file called "run.rkt" in the same working directory with the following contents:
#lang racket (require (planet dyoo/js-vm:1:14)) (run-in-browser "test.rkt")
When this program is executed, run-in-browser will take "test.rkt" and translate it to run on the browser; a temporary web-server will opened and your browser’s window will open with the running program.
Finally, you can create zip packages by using create-zip-package. For example, modify "run.rkt" to be:
#lang racket (require dyoo/js-vm:1:14) (create-zip-package "test.rkt" "test.zip")
A slightly more substantial example is an animation using a built-in functional event-driven programming library.
#lang planet dyoo/js-vm:1:14 ; falling.ball.rkt ; Simple falling ball example. A red ball falls down the screen ; until hitting the bottom. (define-struct world (radius y)) ; The dimensions of the screen: (define WIDTH 320) (define HEIGHT 480) ; The radius of the red circle. (define RADIUS 15) ; The world is the distance from the top of the screen. (define INITIAL-WORLD (make-world RADIUS 0)) ; tick: world -> world ; Moves the ball down. (define (tick w) (make-world RADIUS (+ (world-y w) 5))) ; hits-floor?: world -> boolean ; Returns true when the distance reaches the screen height. (define (hits-floor? w) (>= (world-y w) HEIGHT)) ; We have some simple test cases. (check-expect (hits-floor? (make-world RADIUS 0)) false) (check-expect (hits-floor? (make-world RADIUS HEIGHT)) true) ; render: world -> scene ; Produces a scene with the circle at a height described by the world. (define (render w) (place-image (circle RADIUS "solid" "red") (/ WIDTH 2) (world-y w) (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT))) ; Start up a big bang, 15 frames a second. (check-expect (big-bang INITIAL-WORLD (on-tick tick 1/15) (to-draw render) (stop-when hits-floor?)) (make-world 15 480))
#lang racket (require (planet dyoo/js-vm:1:14)) (run-in-browser "falling-ball.rkt")