#lang scribble/manual @(require planet/scribble scribble/eval racket/sandbox planet/resolver (for-label (this-package-in main))) @(define my-evaluator (make-base-eval)) @title{Least Squares: fitting a line to a sequence of 2d-points} @author+email["Danny Yoo" "dyoo@hashcollision.org"] @(defmodule/this-package main) This is a simple implementation of the least squares method for lines, described in a standard statistics textbook. Sample usage: @interaction[#:eval my-evaluator (require (planet dyoo/least-squares)) (least-squares '((0 -0.2342) (1 1.0001) (2 1.82123) (3 3.1415926))) (define my-linear-function (least-squares-function '((0 -0.2342) (1 1.0001) (2 1.82123) (3 3.1415926)))) (my-linear-function 0) (my-linear-function 1) (my-linear-function 2) (my-linear-function 3)] A slightly larger example: @interaction[#:eval my-evaluator (define data '(#(2.745 2.080) #(2.700 2.045) #(2.690 2.050) #(2.680 2.005) #(2.675 2.035) #(2.670 2.035) #(2.665 2.020) #(2.660 2.005) #(2.655 2.010) #(2.655 2.000) #(2.650 2.000) #(2.650 2.005) #(2.645 2.015) #(2.635 1.990) #(2.630 1.990) #(2.625 1.995) #(2.625 1.985) #(2.620 1.970) #(2.615 1.985) #(2.615 1.990) #(2.615 1.995) #(2.610 1.990) #(2.590 1.975) #(2.590 1.995) #(2.565 1.955))) (least-squares data) (require plot) (plot (list (points data) (function (least-squares-function data))))] @defproc[(least-squares [data (sequenceof (sequence number number))]) (values [slope number] [intersect number])]{ Computes the slope and intersect for a line that best fits the points according to the method of least squares. For example: @interaction[#:eval my-evaluator (least-squares '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))) (least-squares '((2.718 3.1415926) (1.618 1.414213))) ] } @defproc[(least-squares-function [data (sequenceof (sequence number number))]) [f (number -> number)]]{ Constructs a function that fits the given data. For example: @interaction[#:eval my-evaluator (define g (least-squares-function '((2.718 3.1415926) (1.618 1.414213)))) g (g 0) (g 1) (g 2) (g 3)] } The function returned from @racket[least-squares-function] is actually a structured value whose slope and intersect can be queried with @racket[least-squares-function-slope] and @racket[least-squares-function-intersect]. @defproc[(least-squares-function-slope [f least-squares-function?]) number]{} @defproc[(least-squares-function-intersect [f least-squares-function?]) number]{} Example: @interaction[#:eval my-evaluator (define h (least-squares-function '((2.718 3.1415926) (1.618 1.414213)))) (least-squares-function-slope h) (least-squares-function-intersect h)] @defproc[(least-squares-function? [x any]) boolean]{Returns true if @racket[x] is a function produced by @racket[least-squares-function]. Example: @interaction[#:eval my-evaluator (least-squares-function? (lambda (x) x)) (define k (least-squares-function '((0 0) (1 1)))) (least-squares-function? k)] }