#lang scribble/manual @(require unstable/scribble (for-label (only-in racket/base planet)) (for-label (planet dyoo/moby:3)) (for-label (planet dyoo/moby:3/phone/location)) (for-label (planet dyoo/moby:3/phone/tilt)) (for-label (planet dyoo/moby:3/phone/sms))) @title{Moby: Racket for Mobile Phones} @section{What is Moby?} Moby is a project from the @hyperlink["http://racket-lang.org/people.html"]{PLT} team. The Moby compiler consumes Advanced Student Language (ASL) programs that use @link["http://world.cs.brown.edu/"]{World} primitives, and produces applications for mobile platforms. The current prototype supports web browsers and smartphones. Our long-term goal is to make Racket the premiere reactive scripting language for mobile phones. Shriram Krishnamurthi presented the ideas behind Moby at ILC 2009 in his talk @link["http://www.cs.brown.edu/~sk/Publications/Talks/Moby-Bootstrap/"]{The Moby Scheme Compiler for Smartphones}. Moby requires Racket 5.0.1. @section{Quick Start} Let's see if Moby has been installed on your system. Run the following simple program. @racketmod[planet #,(this-package-version-symbol) "hello world" true (define (f x) (* x x)) (check-expect (f 42) 1764) (check-expect (map f '(1 2 3 4 5)) (list 1 4 9 16 25)) ] On the very first run of this program, Racket may pause as it installs the Moby PLaneT package and generates its documentation. Expect to wait a few minutes for the installation to complete. Moby programs can run in DrRacket as long as they don't use any Javascript-specific functions. Let's create a simple application that does use a Javascript context. The following example shows a rapidly incrementing counter. Create a file @filepath{counter.rkt} in the Module language with this content: @racketmod[planet #,(this-package-version-symbol) (define initial-world 0) (big-bang initial-world (on-tick add1)) ] This program can be partially executed in Racket, but evaluation will halt on the @racket[big-bang] because it's a function that requires a Javascript context. The function @racket[run-in-browser] can be used to provide a Javascript environment in your web browser: @racketmod[racket (require (planet #,(this-package-version-symbol))) (run-in-browser "counter.rkt") ] This will bring up a web server and a browser window with the running program. As a warning, package generation may take about 30 seconds to complete. Moby programs can be be translated to Android phone packages. To create an Android apk package, you can use @racket[create-android-phone-package]. Create a file called @filepath{build-counter.rkt} with the following content: @racketmod[racket (require (planet #,(this-package-version-symbol))) (create-android-phone-package "counter.rkt" "counter.apk") ] Running this will take @filepath{counter.rkt} and compile it to an Android package @filepath{counter.apk}. Because Moby programs use the web, they can dynamically generate DOM trees and style them with CSS, as in the examples below. This example renders the world as a paragraph of text, styled with a font-size of 30. It uses @racket[draw-page] and @racket[draw-css] to draw the web page. The background color of the paragraph changes as the world reacts to the clock tick. @racketmod[planet #,(this-package-version-symbol) @code:comment{The world is a number.} (define initial-world 0) (define (draw-html w) (list (js-p '(("id" "myPara"))) (list (js-text "hello world")))) (define (draw-css w) `(("myPara" ("font-size" "30") ("background-color" ,(format "rgb(~a, ~a, ~a)" (modulo w 255) (modulo w 255) (modulo w 255)))))) (big-bang initial-world (to-draw-page draw-html draw-css) (on-tick add1))] The next example shows an image and an input text field. As with the previous example, it uses @racket[draw-html] and @racket[draw-css] to construct the web page, and every time the world changes, the runtime environment reacts by re-drawing the web page. @racketmod[planet #,(this-package-version-symbol) (define (form-value w) (format "~a" w)) (define (update-form-value w v) (string->number v)) (define elt (js-input "text" update-form-value '())) (define (draw-html w) (list (js-div) (list (js-img "http://racket-lang.org/logo.png")) (list elt) (list (js-p '(("id" "aPara"))) (list (js-text (format "~a" w)))))) (define (draw-css w) '(("aPara" ("font-size" "50px")))) (big-bang false (to-draw-page draw-html draw-css))] One subtle point about this program is that @racket[elt] is constructed at the toplevel so that the element persists from one call of @racket[draw-html] to the next. If @racket[elt] were inlined into @racket[draw-html]'s definition, then the text field would be cleared with every world update. We can also use phone-specific features, such as geolocation. The following program shows the current location. @racketmod[planet #,(this-package-version-symbol) (require #,(schememodname/this-package phone/location)) (define (make-message w lat lng) (format "I think I am at: ~s ~s" lat lng)) (big-bang "initial state" (on-location-change make-message))] Note that the program requires @racket[phone/location], one of the modules provided by this package. If this program is evaluated with @racket[run-in-browser], the browser environment will provide a control at the bottom of the page to allow the user to inject artificial GPS positions for testing. The last example is a phone mood ring called @filepath{mood-ring.rkt}: it shows a single DIV whose background color is controlled by the phone's orientation; it uses @racket[phone/tilt] to get at the orientation of the phone, and arbitrarily maps it to a color. @racketmod[planet #,(this-package-version-symbol) (require #,(schememodname/this-package phone/tilt)) @code:comment{The world is a color.} (define initial-world (make-color 0 0 0)) @code:comment{tilt: world number number number -> world} @code:comment{Tilting the phone adjusts the color.} (define (tilt w azimuth pitch roll) (make-color (scale azimuth 360) (scale (+ pitch 90) 180) (scale (+ roll 90) 180))) @code:comment{scale-azimuth: number -> number} @code:comment{Take a number going from 0-360 and scale it to a number between 0-255} (define (scale n domain-bound) (inexact->exact (floor (* (/ n domain-bound) 255)))) @code:comment{User interface.} (define view (list (js-div '((id "background"))))) (define (draw-html w) view) (define (draw-css w) (list (list "background" (list "background-color" (format "rgb(~a, ~a, ~a)" (color-red w) (color-green w) (color-blue w))) (list "width" "300") (list "height" "300")))) (big-bang initial-world (on-tilt tilt) (to-draw-page draw-html draw-css))] Again, to package the program, we use @racket[create-android-phone-package]. @racketmod[racket (require #,(schememodname/this-package)) (create-android-phone-package "mood-ring.rkt" "mood.apk") ] @section{Running and packaging Android programs} @defmodule/this-package[] @defproc[(run-in-browser [input-file path-string?]) void]{ Runs the given @racket[input-file] in a Javascript context.} @defproc[(create-android-phone-package [input-file path-string?] [output-apk path-string?]) void]{ Creates an Android phone package.} @section{Phone API} The functions in this section provide access to features on a smartphone. In order to make testing easier, if these functions are used outside of a phone, Moby will inject @emph{mocks} that allow the user to simulate phone events. The other language bindings of Moby language are provided by the @hyperlink["http://planet.racket-lang.org/display.ss?package=js-vm.plt&owner=dyoo"]{js-vm} PLaneT package; please refer to the documentation of @emph{js-vm}: @other-doc['(planet dyoo/js-vm)] Here is an example that shows the status of all three sensors: @racketmod[planet #,(this-package-version-symbol) (require #,(schememodname/this-package phone/tilt)) (require #,(schememodname/this-package phone/location)) (define-struct gps (lat lng)) (define-struct tilt (a p r)) (define-struct accel (x y z)) (define-struct sensors (gps tilt accel)) (define (update-gps w lat lng) (make-sensors (make-gps lat lng) (sensors-tilt w) (sensors-accel w))) (define (update-tilt w a p r) (make-sensors (sensors-gps w) (make-tilt a p r) (sensors-accel w))) (define (update-accel w x y z) (make-sensors (sensors-gps w) (sensors-tilt w) (make-accel x y z))) (big-bang (make-sensors (make-gps "loading" "loading") (make-tilt "loading" "loading" "loading") (make-accel "loading" "loading" "loading")) (on-location-change update-gps) (on-tilt update-tilt) (on-acceleration update-accel))] @subsection{Location (GPS)} @defmodule/this-package[phone/location] @defproc[(on-location-change [world-updater (world [latitude number] [longitude number] -> world)]) handler]{Constructs a world handler that watches for changes in the phone's geographic location. } @;;; Commenting out sms messaging temporarily @;{ @subsection{SMS Messaging} @defmodule/this-package[phone/sms] @defproc[(on-sms-receive [world-updater (world [sender string] [message string] -> world)]) handler]{ Constructs a world handler that watches for incoming SMS messages.} } @subsection{Motion sensors and tilt} @defmodule/this-package[phone/tilt] @defproc[(on-acceleration [world-updater (world [x number] [y number] [z number] -> world)]) handler]{ Constructs a world handler that watches acceleration updates.} @defproc[(on-shake [world-updater (world -> world)]) handler]{ Constructs a world handler that watches the phone for shakes.} @defproc[(on-tilt [world-updater (world [azimuth number] [pitch number] [roll number] -> world)]) handler]{Constructs a world handler that watches changes in orientation.} @subsection{Internet access} @defmodule/this-package[phone/internet] This module does not provide any bindings, but is meant to notify @racket[create-android-phone-package] if a program needs permission to access the internet. If your program is using @racket[image-url] or @racket[js-img], add a @racket[require] to this module.