(module syntax-reprinter mzscheme
  (require (lib "")
           (lib "" "syntax"))
  (provide syntax-reprint)
  ;; We need to maintain our current position.
  (define-struct pos (line column))
  ;; pos-newline: pos -> pos
  ;; moves a-pos down one row.
  (define (pos-newline a-pos)
    (make-pos (add1 (pos-line a-pos)) 0))
  ;; pos-forward-column: pos [number=1] -> pos
  ;; pushes a-pos forward by n columns.
  (define pos-forward-column
       (pos-forward-column a-pos 1)]
      [(a-pos n)
       (make-pos (pos-line a-pos) (+ n (pos-column a-pos)))]))
  ;; pos-stx-printed: pos syntax -> pos
  (define (pos-stx-printed a-pos stx)
    ;; TODO: handle strings with internal newlines
    (make-pos (pos-line a-pos)
              (+ (syntax-span stx) (pos-column a-pos))))
  ;; In order to handle the syntactic abbreviations in a nice way,
  ;; we keep a mapping them here:
  (define abbreviations (make-module-identifier-mapping)) 
  (for-each (lambda (abbv+string)
              (module-identifier-mapping-put! abbreviations
                                              (first abbv+string)
                                              (second abbv+string)))
            (list (list #'quote "'")
                  (list #'quasiquote "`")
                  (list #'unquote ",")
                  (list #'unquote-splicing ",@")
                  (list #'syntax "#'")
                  (list #'quasisyntax "#`")
                  (list #'unsyntax "#,")
                  (list #'unsyntax-splicing "#,@")))
  ;; abbreviated-quote?: syntax -> boolean
  (define (abbreviated-quote? stx)
    (let/ec return
      (let ([s (module-identifier-mapping-get abbreviations stx
                                              (lambda () (return #f)))])
        (= (syntax-span stx) (string-length s)))))
  ;; abbreviated-quote-stx->string: syntax -> string
  (define (abbreviated-quote-stx->string stx)
    (module-identifier-mapping-get abbreviations stx))
  ;; syntax-reprint: stx output-port -> void
  (define syntax-reprint
      [(stx) (syntax-reprint stx (current-output-port))]
      [(stx outp)
       ;; entry-point: -> void
       ;; Starts off the syntax-reprint.
       (define (entry-point)
         (reprint stx (make-pos (syntax-line stx) 0))
       ;; reprint: syntax pos -> pos
       ;; prints out datum, returns last position.
       (define (reprint stx last-pos)
           [(< (pos-line last-pos) (syntax-line stx))
            (newline outp)
            (reprint stx (pos-newline last-pos))]
           [(< (pos-column last-pos) (syntax-column stx))
            (display " " outp)
            (reprint stx (pos-forward-column last-pos))]
            (main-case-analysis stx last-pos)]))
       ;; main-case-analysis: syntax number number -> number
       ;; Does the main case analysis on the datum.
       ;; Returns the last syntax object printed.
       (define (main-case-analysis stx last-pos)
         (syntax-case stx ()
           [(abbreviated-quote datum)
            (abbreviated-quote? (syntax abbreviated-quote))
            (handle-abbreviated-quote stx last-pos)]
           [(_0 . _1)
            (handle-pair/empty stx last-pos)]
            (handle-pair/empty stx last-pos)]
           [#(_ ...)
            (handle-vector stx last-pos)]
            (handle-datum stx last-pos)]))
       ;; handle-abbreviated-quote: syntax pos -> pos
       (define (handle-abbreviated-quote stx last-pos)
         (syntax-case stx ()
           [(abbrv-quote datum)
            (abbreviated-quote? (syntax abbrv-quote))
            (let ([quote-string (abbreviated-quote-stx->string (syntax abbrv-quote))])
              (display quote-string outp)
              (reprint (syntax datum)
                       (pos-forward-column last-pos (string-length quote-string))))]))
       ;; handle-pair/empty: syntax pos -> pos
       (define (handle-pair/empty stx last-pos)
         (display (open stx) outp)
         (let ([new-last-pos
                (reprint-sequence-internals (syntax-e stx) (pos-forward-column last-pos))])
           (display (close stx) outp)
           ;; unfortunately, syntax objects do not capture enough
           ;; for us to know if there's some newline between the
           ;; open and close parens. We just assume that we've just gone forward.
           (pos-forward-column new-last-pos)))
       ;; handle-vector: syntax pos -> pos
       (define (handle-vector stx last-pos)
         (display "#(" outp)
         (let* ([vec (syntax-e stx)]
                [len (vector-length vec)])
           (let loop ([i 0]
                      [last-pos (pos-forward-column last-pos 2)])
             (cond [(< i len)
                    (loop (add1 i)
                          (reprint (vector-ref vec i) last-pos))]
                    (display ")" outp)
                    (pos-forward-column last-pos)]))))
       ;; handle-datum: syntax pos -> pos
       (define (handle-datum stx last-pos)
         (print (syntax-object->datum stx) outp)
         (pos-stx-printed last-pos stx))
       ;; reprint-sequence-internals: syntax (union syntax-pair empty syntax-object) -> syntax
       ;; Handles the printing of the internal elements.
       ;; Returns the syntax of the last printed element.
       (define (reprint-sequence-internals stx-pair last-pos)
         (let loop ([stx-pair stx-pair]
                    [last-pos last-pos])
             [(empty? stx-pair) last-pos]
             [(pair? stx-pair)
              (let ([new-last-pos
                     (reprint (first stx-pair) last-pos)])
                (loop (rest stx-pair) new-last-pos))]
              (display " . " outp)
              (reprint stx-pair (pos-forward-column last-pos 3))])))
       ;; open: syntax -> character
       ;; Depending on the shape of the stx, returns the appropriate opening paren.
       (define (open stx)
         (case (syntax-property stx 'paren-shape)
           [(#\[) "["]
           [(#\{) "{"]
           [else "("]))
       ;; close: syntax -> character
       ;; Depending on the shape of the stx, returns the appropriate closing paren.
       (define (close stx)
         (case (syntax-property stx 'paren-shape)
           [(#\[) "]"]
           [(#\{) "}"]
           [else ")"]))