#lang planet dyoo/whalesong (require (planet dyoo/whalesong/world)) ;; Constants: (define E "empty") ;See CellValue data definition below (define D "dot") ; (define W "wall") ; (define INIT-BOARD ;See Board data definition below (vector (vector W W W W W W W W W W W W W) (vector W D D D D D D D D D D D W) (vector W D W D W W W W W D W D W) (vector W D W D W D D D W D W D W) (vector W D W D D D W D D D W D W) (vector W D W W D W W W D W W D W) (vector W D D D D D E D D D D D W) (vector W W W W W W W W W W W W W))) (define SMALL-BOARD (vector (vector E E E) (vector E E E))) (define CELL-SIZE 20) (define BOARD-WIDTH (* CELL-SIZE (vector-length (vector-ref INIT-BOARD 0)))) (define BOARD-HEIGHT (* CELL-SIZE (vector-length INIT-BOARD))) (define SMALL-BOARD-WIDTH (* CELL-SIZE (vector-length (vector-ref SMALL-BOARD 0)))) (define SMALL-BOARD-HEIGHT (* CELL-SIZE (vector-length SMALL-BOARD))) (define SCORE-HEIGHT 30) (define SCORE-TEXT-SIZE 20) (define PM (circle 10 "solid" "yellow")) (define MTC (rectangle CELL-SIZE CELL-SIZE "solid" "black")) ; empty cell (define DTC (overlay (circle 3 "solid" "white") MTC)) ; dot in cell (define WALL (rectangle CELL-SIZE CELL-SIZE "solid" "blue")) ; wall (define MTB (empty-scene BOARD-WIDTH (+ BOARD-HEIGHT SCORE-HEIGHT))) (define SMALL-MTB (empty-scene SMALL-BOARD-WIDTH (+ SMALL-BOARD-HEIGHT SCORE-HEIGHT))) ;; Data definitions: ;; Score is Natural ;; interp. dots eaten by pac-man since start of game (define INIT-SCORE 0) ;; CellValue is one of: ;; - "empty" ;; - "dot" ;; - "wall" ;; interp. the content of a board cell ;; Direction is one of: ;; - "U" ;; - "D" ;; - "L" ;; - "R" ;; interp. direction that a sprite is facing (define-struct sprite (x y dir)) ;; Sprite is (make-sprite Natural Natural Direction) ;; interp. the position in Board coordinates, and the direction of a sprite (define INIT-PM (make-sprite 6 6 "U")) ;; Board is (vectorof (vectorof CellValue)) ;; interp. the game board (define RENDER-TEST-BOARD (vector (vector W E) (vector D E))) (define-struct gs (pm board board-image score)) ;; GameState is (make-gs Sprite Board Image Score) ;; interp. all parts of the pac-man game; pac-man, the current ;; board, the current board image, and the current score (define MTB-GS (make-gs INIT-PM INIT-BOARD MTB INIT-SCORE)) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Testing values: ;; Sprite: (define R-SPRITE (make-sprite 1 1 "R")) (define L-SPRITE (make-sprite 1 1 "L")) (define U-SPRITE (make-sprite 1 1 "U")) (define D-SPRITE (make-sprite 1 1 "D")) ;; Board: (define EE-BOARD (vector (vector W W W W) (vector W E E W) (vector W W W W))) (define ED-BOARD (vector (vector W W W W) (vector W E D W) (vector W W W W))) (define DD-BOARD (vector (vector W W W W) (vector W D D W) (vector W W W W))) ;; GameState: ;; MTB-GS previously defined above (define END-GS (make-gs R-SPRITE EE-BOARD SMALL-MTB 0)) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Functions: ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; on-tick handler: ;; GameState -> GameState ;; advances the game (define (tick gs) (local [(define pm (gs-pm gs)) (define board (gs-board gs)) (define board-image (gs-board-image gs)) (define score (gs-score gs)) (define new-pm (tick-pm pm board)) (define new-board (tick-board board new-pm)) (define new-board-image (tick-board-image board board-image new-pm)) (define new-score (tick-score new-pm board score))] (make-gs new-pm new-board new-board-image new-score))) ;; Sprite Board -> Sprite ;; updates pac-man's position based on its direction (define (tick-pm pm bd) (local [(define x (sprite-x pm)) (define y (sprite-y pm)) (define dir (sprite-dir pm))] (make-sprite (checked-move-x x y dir bd) (checked-move-y x y dir bd) dir))) ;; Natural Natural Direction Board -> Natural ;; moves x in direction dir, unless it runs into a wall on bd or dir is not in the x direction ;; ASSUMPTION: assumes x, y is at least one cell away from any edge of bd (define (checked-move-x x y dir bd) (cond [(string=? "L" dir) (restrict-move (sub1 x) y x (sub1 x) bd)] [(string=? "R" dir) (restrict-move (add1 x) y x (add1 x) bd)] [else x])) ;; Natural Natural Direction Board -> Natural ;; moves y in direction dir, unless it runs into a wall on bd or dir is not in the y direction ;; ASSUMPTION: assumes x, y is at least one cell away from any edge of bd (define (checked-move-y x y dir bd) (cond [(string=? "U" dir) (restrict-move x (sub1 y) y (sub1 y) bd)] [(string=? "D" dir) (restrict-move x (add1 y) y (add1 y) bd)] [else y])) ;; Natural Natural Natural Natural Board -> Natural ;; produces new-coord if bd does not contain a wall at check-x, check-y; otherwise produces old-coord (define (restrict-move check-x check-y old-coord new-coord bd) (if (string=? (board-ref bd check-x check-y) "wall") old-coord new-coord)) ;; Board Sprite -> Board ;; if cell at pacman's position is not empty, make a new board in which it is (define (tick-board bd pm) (local [(define x (sprite-x pm)) (define y (sprite-y pm))] (if (string=? (board-ref bd x y) "empty") bd (new-board-w-empty-at x y bd)))) ;; Number Number Board -> Board ;; produces a new board with an empty cell at x, y (define (new-board-w-empty-at x0 y0 bd) (map-board (lambda (x y cv) (if (and (= x0 x) (= y0 y)) "empty" cv)) bd)) ;; Board Image Sprite -> Image ;; updates the board image with an empty cell at x, y if pac-man is in a cell with a dot (define (tick-board-image bd board-image pm) (local [(define x (sprite-x pm)) (define y (sprite-y pm))] (if (string=? (board-ref bd x y) "dot") (place-cell-image MTC x y board-image) board-image))) ;; Sprite Board Score -> Score ;; increases by 1 the score if pac-man is now in a cell containing a dot (define (tick-score new-pm last-board score) (local [(define x (sprite-x new-pm)) (define y (sprite-y new-pm))] (cond [(string=? (board-ref last-board x y) "dot") (add1 score)] [else score]))) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; on-key handler: ;; GameState KeyEvent -> GameState ;; updates pac-man's direction based on key (define (key-handler gs key) (make-gs (new-dir-pm (gs-pm gs) key) (gs-board gs) (gs-board-image gs) (gs-score gs))) ;; Sprite KeyEvent -> Sprite ;; produces pac-man facing in a new direction based on key (define (new-dir-pm pm key) (cond [(key=? "up" key) (make-sprite (sprite-x pm) (sprite-y pm) "U")] [(key=? "down" key) (make-sprite (sprite-x pm) (sprite-y pm) "D")] [(key=? "left" key) (make-sprite (sprite-x pm) (sprite-y pm) "L")] [(key=? "right" key) (make-sprite (sprite-x pm) (sprite-y pm) "R")] [else pm])) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; on-tilt handler: ;; ;; GameState Number Number Number -> GameState ;; ;; change pac-man's direction based on tilt ;; (define (tilt-handler gs yaw pitch roll) ;; (make-gs (tilt-pm (gs-pm gs) pitch roll) ;; (gs-board gs) ;; (gs-board-image gs) ;; (gs-score gs))) ;; ;; Sprite Number Number -> Sprite ;; ;; changes pac-man's Direction based on pitch and roll ;; (define (tilt-pm pm pitch roll) ;; (make-sprite (sprite-x pm) ;; (sprite-y pm) ;; (tilt->dir (sprite-dir pm) pitch roll))) ;; ;; Direction Number Number -> Direction ;; ;; changes Direction if there is a prominant tilt, otherwise produces old dir ;; (define (tilt->dir dir pitch roll) ;; (cond [(> (abs pitch) (abs roll)) ;; (if (positive? pitch) ;; "U" ;; "D")] ;; [(> (abs roll) (abs pitch)) ;; (if (positive? roll) ;; "R" ;; "L")] ;; [else dir])) ;; (define (key-handler gs a-key) ;; (make-gs (key-pm pm a-key) ;; (gs-board gs) ;; (gs-board-image gs) ;; (gs-source gs))) ;; (define (key-pm pm a-key) ;; (make-sprite (sprite-x pm) ;; (sprite-y pm) ;; (cond ;; [(key=? a-key "left") ;; "L"] ;; [(key=? a-key "right") ;; "R"] ;; [(key=? a-key "up") ;; "U"] ;; [(key=? a-key "down") ;; "D"] ;; [else ;; (sprite-dir pm)]))) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; stop-when handler: ;; GameState -> Boolean ;; determines if pac-man has eaten all the dots (define (game-over? gs) (empty-board? (gs-board gs))) ;; Board -> Boolean ;; determines if the board is empty (define (empty-board? bd) (foldr-board (lambda (x y cv b) (and b (not (string=? cv "dot")))) true bd)) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; to-draw handler: ;; GameState -> Image ;; draws the game (define (render gs) (render-pm (gs-pm gs) (render-score (gs-score gs) (gs-board-image gs)))) ;; Board -> Image ;; draws the board (define (render-board bd) (foldr-board (lambda (x y cv b) (place-cell-image (cell-image cv) x y b)) MTB bd)) ;; Sprite Image -> Image ;; adds pac-man image to img (define (render-pm pm img) (place-cell-image PM (sprite-x pm) (sprite-y pm) img)) ;; Score Image -> Image ;; adds score to img (define (render-score score img) (local [(define score-text (text (string-append "Score: " (number->string score)) SCORE-TEXT-SIZE "black"))] (place-image score-text (/ BOARD-WIDTH 2) BOARD-HEIGHT img))) ;; CellValue -> Image ;; draws a board cell (define (cell-image cv) (cond [(string=? cv "empty") MTC] [(string=? cv "dot") DTC] [(string=? cv "wall") WALL])) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Operations on Board and other helpers: ;; Board Natural Natural -> CellValue ;; looks up the value of a Board cell (define (board-ref bd x y) (vector-ref (vector-ref bd y) x)) (define (build-vector n f) (let ([vec (make-vector n)]) (let loop ([i 0]) (cond [(< i n) (vector-set! vec i (f i)) (loop (add1 i))])) vec)) ;; (Natural Natural CellValue -> CellValue) Board -> Board ;; the analogue of map for boards, the function is called for ;; each position in the board to produce a cell value for that ;; position in a new resulting board (define (map-board fn bd) (build-vector (vector-length bd) (lambda (y) (build-vector (vector-length (vector-ref bd y)) (lambda (x) (fn x y (board-ref bd x y))))))) ;; (Natural Natural CellValue X -> X) X Board -> X ;; the analogue of foldr for boards, the function is called for ;; each position in the board to produce single value (define (foldr-board fn base bd) (local [(define nrows (vector-length bd)) (define ncols (vector-length (vector-ref bd 0))) (define (rows y b) (cond [(= y nrows) b] [else (rows (add1 y) (cols 0 y b))])) (define (cols x y b) (cond [(= x ncols) b] [else (cols (add1 x) y (fn x y (board-ref bd x y) b))]))] (rows 0 base))) ;; Image Natural Natural Image -> Image ;; adds cell-img to board-image at x, y board coordinates (define (place-cell-image cell-img x y board-image) (place-image cell-img (+ (* x CELL-SIZE) (/ CELL-SIZE 2)) (+ (* y CELL-SIZE) (/ CELL-SIZE 2)) board-image)) ;; -> GameState ;; runs the game (local [(define INIT-GS (make-gs INIT-PM INIT-BOARD (render-board INIT-BOARD) INIT-SCORE))] (big-bang INIT-GS (on-tick tick 0.3) (to-draw render) (on-key key-handler) ;;(on-tilt tilt-handler) (stop-when game-over?)))