#lang planet dyoo/whalesong
(require (planet dyoo/whalesong/web-world)

;; Note: this is dyoo's API key.  Please don't abuse this.  :)
(initialize-google-maps-api! "AIzaSyCRKQNI_nbyyN1286cssEy3taKj5IZcHN8" #f)

;; We dynamically create a dom node for the presentation of the map,
;; and an auxiliary gmap value that we use to manage the internal
;; state of the map.
(define-values (dom gmap)
  (make-dom-and-map 41.82706261971936 -71.39962630844116))

;; on-map-click: world handler
;; Creates an on-map-click associated to the gmap, ready to be used in
;; a big bang.
;; It'll be used as an input device for our world program.
(define on-map-click (make-on-map-click gmap))

(xexp->dom '(h1 "Google Maps demonstration"))

(big-bang "???"
            `(div (p (@ (id "where"))
                     "<<fill me in>>")
                  (p "Instructions: click the map.  The "
                     "world program will follow the map clicks."))))
          (to-draw (lambda (w v)
                     (update-view-text (view-focus v "where")
                                       (format "~a" w))))
          (on-map-click (lambda (w v lat lng)
                          (list lat lng))))