#lang planet dyoo/whalesong

(require (planet dyoo/whalesong/js)
         (planet dyoo/whalesong/image)
         (planet dyoo/whalesong/web-world)
         (planet dyoo/whalesong/resource))

(define-resource index.html)

;; Boid flocking behavior.
;; http://www.vergenet.net/~conrad/boids/pseudocode.html

;; A Boid has an identity, a velocity and position vector, as well as a color
(define-struct boid (id velocity position color))

(define width (viewport-width))
(define height (viewport-height))

;; A vec represents a vector in 2d space.
(define-struct vec (x y))

;; A mass-data represents the total velocity and position
;; of a collection of boids.
(define-struct mass-data (center-velocity center-position))

;; (: vec+ (vec vec -> vec))
;; Adds two vecs together.
(define (vec+ v1 v2)
  (make-vec (+ (vec-x v1)
               (vec-x v2))
            (+ (vec-y v1)
               (vec-y v2))))

;; Let's test vec+.
(check-expect (vec+ (make-vec 3 4)
                    (make-vec 5 6))
              (make-vec  8 10))

(check-expect (vec+ (make-vec 1024 2)
                    (make-vec -1024 -1))
              (make-vec 0 1))

;; (: vec- (vec vec -> vec))
;; Subtracts one vec from another.
(define (vec- v1 v2)
  (make-vec (- (vec-x v1)
               (vec-x v2))
            (- (vec-y v1)
               (vec-y v2))))

(check-expect (vec- (make-vec 3 4)
                    (make-vec 5 6))
              (make-vec -2 -2))

(check-expect (vec- (make-vec 1024 2)
                    (make-vec -1024 -1))
              (make-vec 2048 3))

;; (: vec-scale (vec Real -> vec))
;; Scales a vector by a certain scalar.
(define (vec-scale v n)
  (make-vec (* (vec-x v) n)
            (* (vec-y v) n)))

(check-expect (vec-scale (make-vec 3 4) 7)
              (make-vec 21 28))

(check-expect (vec-scale (make-vec 1 2) 1/2)
              (make-vec 1/2 1))

;; (: square (Real -> Real))
(define (sqr x) (* x x))
(check-expect (sqr 10) 100)
(check-expect (sqr -2) 4)

;; (: vec-distance^2 (vec vec -> Real))
;; Produces the square of the distance between two vecs.
(define (vec-distance^2 v1 v2)
  (+ (sqr (- (vec-x v1) (vec-x v2)))
     (sqr (- (vec-y v1) (vec-y v2)))))

(check-expect (vec-distance^2 (make-vec 0 0)
                              (make-vec 3 4))
(check-expect (vec-distance^2 (make-vec 1924 2329)
                              (make-vec 1924 2328))

;; (: vec-center ((Listof vec) -> vec))
;; Given a list of vecs, produces the center, assuming each vec has the same mass.
(define (vec-center vecs)
    [(empty? vecs)
     ;; We'll raise a runtime error if we ever try to take the center of the
     ;; empty set.
     (error 'vec-center "trying to take the center of an empty collection of vecs")]
     (vec-scale (foldl vec+ (first vecs) (rest vecs))
                (/ 1 (length vecs)))]))

(check-expect (vec-center (list (make-vec 1 1)
                                (make-vec 2 7)
                                (make-vec 1 3)))
              (make-vec 4/3 11/3))

(check-expect (vec-center (list (make-vec 5 0)
                                (make-vec 4 2)))
              (make-vec 9/2 1))

(define (vec-mag v)
  (sqrt (+ (sqr (vec-x v))
           (sqr (vec-y v)))))

;; (: vec-normalize (vec -> vec))
;; Produces a vector of length 1 going in the same direction.
(define (vec-normalize v)
  (let ([n (vec-mag v)])
    (make-vec (/ (vec-x v) n) (/ (vec-y v) n))))

;; collect-mass-data: (Listof boid) -> mass-data
(define (collect-mass-data boids)
  (let ([the-center-velocity
	 (vec-center (map boid-velocity boids))]
	  (vec-center (map boid-position boids))])
    (make-mass-data the-center-velocity the-center-position)))

;; (: rule-1 (boid (Listof boid) -> vec))
;; Boids try to fly toward the center of mass of neighboring boids.
;; Produce a vector pointing to the center of the boid cloud.
(define (rule-1 boid boids mass-data)
  (vec- (mass-data-center-position mass-data)
	(boid-position boid)))

;; (: rule-2 (boid (Listof boid) -> vec))
;; Boids try to keep a small distance away from other boids.
(define (rule-2 boid boids)
  (foldl (lambda (neighbor the-center)
             [(eq? boid neighbor)
	     [(too-close? boid neighbor)
	      (vec- the-center (vec- (boid-position neighbor)
				     (boid-position boid)))]
         (make-vec 0 0)

;; (: too-close? (boid boid -> Boolean))
;; Produces true if the two boids are too close for comfort.
(define (too-close? b1 b2)
  (let ([threshold (sqr 15)])
    (< (vec-distance^2 (boid-position b1)
                       (boid-position b2))

;; (: rule-3 (boid (Listof boid) -> vec))
;; Boids try to match velocity with near boids.
(define (rule-3 boid boids mass-data)
  (vec- (mass-data-center-velocity mass-data)
	(boid-velocity boid)))

;; (: move-boid (boid (Listof boid) -> boid))
;; Moves a boid according to the rules.
(define (move-boid b boids mass-data)
  (let ([rule-1-scale-factor 0.05]
	[rule-2-scale-factor 0.1]
	[rule-3-scale-factor 1/8]
	[rule-4-scale-factor 0.8])
    (let ([new-velocity
	   (vec+ (boid-velocity b) 
		 (vec+ (vec-scale (rule-1 b boids mass-data) 
		       (vec+ (vec-scale (rule-2 b boids)
			     (vec+ (vec-scale (rule-3 b boids mass-data)
				   (vec-scale (rule-4 b)
	   (vec+ (boid-position b)
		 (boid-velocity b))])
    (make-boid (boid-id b)
	       (boid-color b)))))

;; Boids should avoid going out of bounds.  If they stray out of bounds,
;; nudge them toward the center of the screen.
(define (rule-4 boid)
   [(out-of-bounds? (boid-position boid))
     (vec- (make-vec (random width) (random height))
	   (boid-position boid)))]
    (make-vec 0 0)]))

(define (out-of-bounds? v)
  (or (not (<= 100 (vec-x v) 540))
      (not (<= 100 (vec-y v) 380))))


;; (: tick ((Listof boid) dom -> (Listof boid)))
(define (tick boids dom)
  (map (lambda (b)
         (let ([mass-data (collect-mass-data (boid-neighborhood b boids 40))])
            (move-boid b boids mass-data)

(define (boid-neighborhood b boids n)
  (filter (lambda (b2)
	    (< (vec-mag (vec- (boid-position b)
			      (boid-position b2)))

(define (cap-boid-velocity b mag)
  (make-boid (boid-id b)
             (vec-cap (boid-velocity b) mag)
             (boid-position b)
             (boid-color b)))

(define (vec-cap v n)
   [(> (vec-mag v) n)
    (vec-scale (vec-normalize v) n)]

(define (slow-down-boids boids)
  (map (lambda (b)
         (make-boid (boid-id b)
                    (vec-scale (boid-velocity b) 0.9)
                    (boid-position b)
                    (boid-color b)))

(define (speed-up-boids boids)
  (map (lambda (b)
         (make-boid (boid-id b)
                    (vec-scale (boid-velocity b) 1.1)
                    (boid-position b)
                    (boid-color b)))

;; draw: (listof boid) view -> scene
(define (draw boids dom)
  (foldl (lambda (boid dom)
           (define with-left (update-view-css (view-focus dom (boid-id boid))
                                              (format "~apx"
                                                      (vec-x (boid-position boid)))))
           (define with-left-and-top (update-view-css with-left
                                             (format "~apx"
                                                     (vec-y (boid-position boid)))))

;; make-random-boid: -> boid
;; Makes a random boid that starts near the upper left corner,
;; drifting downward.
(define (make-random-boid)
  (make-boid (fresh-id)
             (make-vec (random 10)
		       (random 10))
	     (make-vec (random width)
		       (random height))
	     (make-color (random 255)
			 (random 255)
			 (random 255))))

(define (new-population)
  (build-list 10 (lambda (i) (make-random-boid))))

;; visualize: -> void
;; Animates a scene of the boids flying around.
(define (visualize)
  (define population (new-population))

  (define view-with-boids (view-append-child
                           (view-focus (->view index.html) "playground")
                           (xexp->dom `(div ,@(map (lambda (b)
                                                     `(div (@ (id ,(boid-id b))
                                                              (class "boid"))
  (define view-with-colored-boids
    (foldl (lambda (b view)
             (update-view-css (view-focus view (boid-id b))
                              (format "rgb(~a,~a,~a)"
                                      (color-red (boid-color b))
                                      (color-green (boid-color b))
                                      (color-blue (boid-color b)))))
  (big-bang population
            (initial-view view-with-colored-boids)
            (on-tick tick 1/20)
            (to-draw draw)))
