#lang scribble/doc @(require unstable/scribble (for-label "main.rkt" scheme) scribble/manual) @title{dbm} @author{@(author+email "Jay McCarthy" "jay@racket-lang.org")} @defmodule/this-package[] This package provides an interface to @link["http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dbm"]{UNIX dbm} databases for Racket. @defproc[(dbm? [v any/c]) boolean?]{ Returns @scheme[#t] if @scheme[v] is a dbm structure, @scheme[#f] otherwise. A dbm structure is a dictionary. } @defproc[(dbm-open [pth path-string?]) dbm?]{ Opens the dbm file at @scheme[pth], returning a handle. } @defproc[(dbm-close! [dbm dbm?]) void]{ Closes the database handled by @scheme[dbm]. } @defproc[(dbm-remove! [dbm dbm?] [key string?]) void]{ Removes @scheme[key] from @scheme[dbm]. } @defproc[(dbm-set! [dbm dbm?] [key string?] [val string?] [#:replace? replace? boolean? #f]) void]{ Sets @scheme[key] to @scheme[val] in @scheme[dbm]. Results in an error if @scheme[key] is present in @scheme[dbm] and @scheme[replace?] is not true. } @defproc[(dbm-ref [dbm dbm?] [key string?] [fail (or/c string? (-> string?))]) string?]{ Returns @scheme[key]'s value in @scheme[dbm], calling or returning @scheme[fail] if @scheme[key] is not present, like @scheme[dict-ref]. }