1 Example

Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Jay McCarthy <jay at plt-scheme dot org>

 (require (planet jaymccarthy/dijkstra:1:2))

This package provides an implementation of Dijkstra’s Algorithm that uses a Fibonacci heap for the queue.

(shortest-path node-edges    
hash? hash?
  node-edges : (any/c . -> . (listof any/c))
  edge-weight : (any/c . -> . number?)
  edge-next : (any/c . -> . node?)
  start : any/c
  stop? : (any/c . -> . boolean?) = (lambda (n) #f)

Starts the algorithm at start using node-edges to determine a node’s edges edge-weight to find the weight of the edge and edge-next to find the node at the end of an edge. The search is stopped if stop? returns #t on the minimum element in the queue (so you can pass (lambda (n) (= n target)) to have a directed search.)

The return values are first a hash table mapping nodes to their distance from start and second a hash table mapping nodes to the previous node on the shortest path.

(shortest-path-to previous target)  (listof node?)
  previous : hash?
  target : any/c

Uses previous (the second return value from shortest-path) to trace a path from the start to target.

1 Example

  (define-struct edge (end weight))
  (define-struct graph (adj))
  (define (create-graph)
   (make-graph (make-hasheq)))
  (define (graph-add! g start end [weight 0])
   (hash-update! (graph-adj g)
                 (lambda (old)
                   (list* (make-edge end weight) old))
  (define (graph-shortest-path g src [stop? (lambda (n) #f)])
   (shortest-path (lambda (n) (hash-ref (graph-adj g) n empty))
  (define g (create-graph))

  > (graph-add! g 1 2 4)
  > (graph-add! g 1 4 1)
  > (graph-add! g 2 1 74)
  > (graph-add! g 2 3 2)
  > (graph-add! g 2 5 12)
  > (graph-add! g 3 2 12)
  > (graph-add! g 3 10 12)
  > (graph-add! g 3 6 74)
  > (graph-add! g 4 7 22)
  > (graph-add! g 4 5 32)
  > (graph-add! g 5 8 33)
  > (graph-add! g 5 4 66)
  > (graph-add! g 5 6 76)
  > (graph-add! g 6 10 21)
  > (graph-add! g 6 9 11)
  > (graph-add! g 7 3 12)
  > (graph-add! g 7 8 10)
  > (graph-add! g 8 7 2)
  > (graph-add! g 8 9 72)
  > (graph-add! g 9 10 7)
  > (graph-add! g 9 6 31)
  > (graph-add! g 9 8 18)
  > (graph-add! g 10 6 8)
  > (define-values (dist1 prev1)
      (graph-shortest-path g 1))
  > (shortest-path-to prev1 10)

  (1 2 3)

  > (hash-ref dist1 10)


  > (define-values (dist2 prev2)
      (graph-shortest-path g 1 (lambda (n) (= n 10))))
  > (shortest-path-to prev2 10)

  (1 2 3)

  > (hash-ref dist2 10)
