
javascript: A s-exp syntax for Javascript

_javascript: A s-exp syntax for Javascript_

Jay McCarthy <>

Keywords: _dev_, _lang_, _web_


A nice way of constructing JavaScript ASTs and code in Scheme.

Uses dherman/javascript.plt for ASTs, parsing, and pretty-printing.



Require it like this:

> (require (planet "" ("jaymccarthy" "javascript.plt" 1)))

It provides the follow identifiers:

> js : (syntax javascript-sexp?) -> (syntax string?)

> javascript : (syntax javascript-sexp?) -> (syntax javascript?)

> javascript-marshal : marshallable? -> javascript?

> javascript-unmarshal : javascript? -> marshallable?

> javascript->string : javascript? -> string?

> string->javascript : string? -> javascript?

The following things are _marshallable?_:
    * (hash-table marshallable? marshallable?)
    * (alist marshallable? marsallable?)
    * (list marshallable?)
    * (vector marshallable?)
    * boolean?
    * void?
    * number?
    * string?

Hash-tables and alists become JS objects. Vectors and lists become JS
arrays. Everything else becomes what it is.

The JavaScript S-exp AST:

I : identifier?

P = I
    | STRING
    | NUMBER

D = (define (I I ...) SE ...)
     | (define I)
     | (define I E)
     | UNQUOTE

    | NUMBER
    | VOID
    | (regexp STRING BOOL BOOL)
    | (regexp STRING)
    | (array E ...)
    | (object [P E] ...)

R = (this)
    | X
    | (dot E I ...)

E = L
    | R
    | (new E E ...)
    | (E <postfix>)
    | (<prefix> E)
    | (<infix> E E)
    | (if E E E)
    | (<assignment> E E)
    | (lambda (I ...) SE ...)
    | (lambda I (I ...) SE ...)
    | (E E ...)

S = (begin S ...)
    | (ignore E)
    | (if E S)
    | (if E S S)
    | (do S while E)
    | (while E S)
    | (for E (and E ...) E S)
    | (for (E in E) S)
    | (continue)
    | (continue I)
    | (break)
    | (break I)
    | (return)
    | (return E)
    | (with E S)
    | (switch E CASE ...)
    | (I : S)
    | (throw E)
    | (try S CATCH ...)
    | (try S CATCH ... (finally S))

CASE = (case S ...)
          | (case E S ...)

CATCH = (catch I S)

SE = S
      | D

UNQUOTE = ,marshalable?
                   | #,javascript?


(printf "~a~n"
            ((dot YAHOO util Connect asyncRequest)
             #,(make-StringLiteral #f "URL")
             (make_callback ,"Activity" ,"Day")))))


YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest("GET", "URL", make_callback("Activity", "Day"));


June 23rd, 2006
     * Initial