string->sha224/ utf-8
string->sha256/ utf-8
string->sha512/ utf-8
Version: 5.2


Jan Dvorak <>

SHA-2 family of functions modelled after the openssl/sha1 module.

 (require (planet mordae/sha2:1:2))

(sha224-bytes in)  bytes?
  in : input-port?
Returns 28-byte string that represents SHA-2 224-bit variant hash of the content from in, consuming all of the input from in until an end-of-file.

(sha256-bytes in)  bytes?
  in : input-port?
Returns 32-byte string that represents SHA-2 256-bit variant hash of the content from in, consuming all of the input from in until an end-of-file.

(sha512-bytes in)  bytes?
  in : input-port?
Returns 64-byte string that represents SHA-2 512-bit variant hash of the content from in, consuming all of the input from in until an end-of-file.

(sha224 in)  string?
  in : input-port?
Returns a 56-character string that represents SHA-2 224-bit variant hash (in hexadecimal notation) of the content from in, consuming all of the input from in until an end-of-file.

(sha256 in)  string?
  in : input-port?
Returns a 64-character string that represents SHA-2 256-bit variant hash (in hexadecimal notation) of the content from in, consuming all of the input from in until an end-of-file.

(sha512 in)  string?
  in : input-port?
Returns a 128-character string that represents SHA-2 512-bit variant hash (in hexadecimal notation) of the content from in, consuming all of the input from in until an end-of-file.

(bytes->sha224 bstr)  string?
  bstr : bytes?
Returns a 56-character string that represents SHA-2 224-bit variant hash (in hexadecimal notation) of the given byte string bstr.

(bytes->sha256 bstr)  string?
  bstr : bytes?
Returns a 64-character string that represents SHA-2 256-bit variant hash (in hexadecimal notation) of the given byte string bstr.

(bytes->sha512 bstr)  string?
  bstr : bytes?
Returns a 128-character string that represents SHA-2 512-bit variant hash (in hexadecimal notation) of the given byte string bstr.

(string->sha224/utf-8 str)  string?
  str : string?
Returns a 56-character string that represents SHA-2 224-bit variant hash (in hexadecimal notation) of the given string str as if it were an UTF-8 encoded byte string.

(string->sha256/utf-8 str)  string?
  str : string?
Returns a 64-character string that represents SHA-2 256-bit variant hash (in hexadecimal notation) of the given string str as if it were an UTF-8 encoded byte string.

(string->sha512/utf-8 str)  string?
  str : string?
Returns a 128-character string that represents SHA-2 512-bit variant hash (in hexadecimal notation) of the given string str as if it were an UTF-8 encoded byte string.