#lang scribble/doc @(require planet/scribble ;scribble/eval scriblib/footnote scribble/manual (for-label racket "../main.rkt" "../web-launch.rkt")) @title[#:tag "top"]{RacketUI: Automated Web UI Generator} @author{@(author+email "Nadeem Abdul Hamid" "nadeem@acm.org")} This teachpack provides facilities for the quick and easy generation of web interfaces for programs written in the @hyperlink["http://docs.racket-lang.org/htdp-langs/index.html"]{HtDP (@italic{How to Design Programs})} student languages of Racket. @bold{Browser Requirements:} RacketUI requires that the user's default web browser be of a reasonably recent version and have JavaScript support and cookies enabled. @table-of-contents[] @section{Quick Start} Consider the following program, which builds an acronym from the capitalized words in a list of strings: @racketblock[ (code:comment @{acronym : listof string -> string}) (define (acronym a-los) (cond [(empty? a-los) ""] [(cons? a-los) (if (string-upper-case? (string-ith (first a-los) 0)) (string-append (string-ith (first a-los) 0) (acronym (rest a-los))) (acronym (rest a-los)))])) ] A web application for this can be automatically generated by including the following at the top of the program: @defmodule/this-package[main] and then putting the following code beneath the definition of @racket[acronym]: @racketblock[ (web-launch "Acronym Builder" (function "Enter some words to build an acronym." (acronym ["Words" (listof+ ["Word" string+])] -> ["The acronym" string]))) ] Running this program should launch a web browser with a user interface that allows input of a list of words (strings) and provides controls to apply the function to the input and view the result. See the section on @secref{using} for details on the functionality provided by the generated web interface. @section{Web Field Specifications} RacketUI generates a user interface based on an annotated specification of the types of data that the underlying function consumes and produces. The types of data that RacketUI supports are given by the @tech{web specs} below. These are intended to correspond to the types of data used in @italic{How to Design Programs}. For the purposes of generating a user-friendly interface, specifications are annotated with text informally describing their purpose or interpretation in the context of the program. An annotated web field specification, which we call a @deftech{labeled spec}, is a pair @itemlist[ @item{ @defform/none[[label spec]] where @racket[label] is a @racket[string] and @racket[spec] is a @tech{web spec}. } ] A @deftech{web spec} (web field specification) is one of @itemlist[ @item{ @defform/none[#:literals (constant) (constant x)] where @racket[x] is any value } @item{ @defform/none[#:literals (boolean) boolean]{} } @item{ @defform/none[#:literals (number) number] } @item{ @defform/none[#:literals (symbol) symbol] } @item{ @defform/none[#:literals (string) string] } @item{ @defform/none[#:literals (string+) string+] for non-empty strings } @item{ @defform/none[#:literals (image) image] } @item{ @defform/none[#:literals (filename) filename] for functions that expect the name of an input file whose content will be read, or that produce the name of a generated output file } @item{ @defform/none[#:literals (structure) (structure constr lab-spec ...+)] where @racket[constr] is a structure constructor and @racket[lab-spec] are one or more @tech{labeled specs} corresponding to the types expected for the fields of the structure } @item{ @defform/none[#:literals (oneof) (oneof lab-spec ...+)] where @racket[lab-spec] are one or more @tech{labeled specs} corresponding to an itemization (union) of specifications } @item{ @defform/none[#:literals (listof) (listof lab-spec)] or, for non-empty lists, @defform/none[#:literals (listof+) (listof+ lab-spec)] where @racket[lab-spec] is a @tech{labeled spec} describing the type of elements in the list } @item{ @defform/none[#:literals (function ->) (function purpose (proc lab-spec ...+ -> lab-spec))] where @racket[purpose] is a @racket[string], @racket[proc] is the name of a procedure, and @racket[lab-spec] are @tech{labeled specs}. This form represents a specification for the given function (@racket[proc]), consuming one or more parameters whose specifications precede @racket[->], and producing data that meets the right-most specification. At the moment, only the outermost form of a @tech{web spec} should be a @racket[function], and it is what should be provided to @racket[web-launch] (see @secref{starting}). } ] It is possible to define a name for specifications that occur repeatedly: @defform/none[#:literals (define/web) (define/web id spec)] After this, @racket[id] can be used in any context where a @tech{web spec} is expected. @section[#:tag "starting"]{Starting a Web Application} To start a web application, use the following form: @defform/none[#:literals (web-launch) (web-launch title web-spec)] where @racket[title] is a @racket[string] and @racket[web-spec] is a @racket[function] @tech{web spec}. @section{Examples} The @racket[acronym] example above requires the user to enter a list of at least one word (@racket[listof+]), where each word is not empty (@racket[string+]). The resulting output is a @racket[string], possibly empty. Here are a few additional examples demonstrating use of the @tech{web spec} forms. @subsection{A Union of Structures} Consider the following data definition: @racketblock[ (code:comment @{A File is either:}) (code:comment @{ - a Text-File (make-text-file String Number)}) (code:comment @{ - an Image-File (make-image-file String Number Number), or}) (code:comment @{ - a Sound-File (make-sound-file String Number)}) (define-struct text-file (name lines)) (define-struct image-file (name width height color?)) (define-struct sound-file (name duration)) ] And suppose one has defined the following function: @racketblock[ (code:comment @{file-size : File -> Number}) (code:comment @{produces the size of the given file in bytes}) (define (file-size a-file) ...) ] One can now proceed to define the corresponding @tech{web specs} for the data definitions: @racketblock[ (define/web text-file/web (structure make-text-file ["File name" string+] ["Number of lines" number])) (define/web image-file/web (structure make-image-file ["File name" string+] ["Width (pixels)" number] ["Height (pixels)" number] ["Full-color" boolean])) (define/web sound-file/web (structure make-sound-file ["File name" string+] ["Duration of play (secs)" number])) (define/web media/web (oneof ["Text file" text-file/web] ["Image file" image-file/web] ["Sound file" sound-file/web])) ] And the following form launches the web interface: @racketblock[ (web-launch "File Size Computer" (function "Computes the size of a web media file in bytes" (file-size ["Media file info" media/web] -> ["Computed size in bytes" number]))) ] @subsection{List of Grades} Consider the following data definition for student exam grades: @racketblock[ (code:comment @{ A Grade is either:}) (code:comment @{ - a Number}) (code:comment @{ - a String }) (code:comment @{ - a Re-take (make-retake Number Number), or}) (code:comment @{ - empty}) (define-struct retake (fst snd)) ] A grade entry is either a simple numeric value recording the grade or a @racket[string] giving a reason for excusal for that particular exam (in which case the grade is not calculated in an average). If the student missed the exam, indicate that using @racket[empty] (counts as a 0). If the student attempted the exam twice, that is represented using a @racket[retake] structure. Of course, one must write an @racket[average] function (left as an exercise for the reader): @racketblock[ (code:comment @{ average: List-of-Grades -> Number }) (code:comment @{ Produces the average of the given list of grades}) (code:comment @{ ignoring excusals, counting missing grades as 0,}) (code:comment @{ and taking into account the higher of two grades in }) (code:comment @{ case of a retake.}) (code:comment @{ If there are no values at all to average, produces}) (code:comment @{ the string "No Data".}) (define (average a-log) ...) ] A @tech{web spec} corresponding to the data definition above would be: @racketblock[ (define/web grade/web (oneof ["Actual grade" number] ["Excused (reason)" string+] ["Retake" (structure make-retake ["First attempt" number] ["Second attempt" number])] ["Missing" (constant empty)])) ] And the web interface would be launched using: @racketblock[ (web-launch "Grade Average Computer" (function "Computes the average of grades in the given list." (average ["Grades" (listof ["Grade Result" grade/web])] -> ["Final Grade" (oneof ["Average grade" number] ["No Data" (constant "No Data")])]))) ] @subsection{Input/Output Files} The @racket[filename] @tech{web spec} is intended to be used for functions that utilize the @hyperlink["http://docs.racket-lang.org/teachpack/2htdpbatch-io.html"]{HtDP/2e Batch Input/Output} teachpack to read and/or write (text) files. Suppose one has written the following function: @racketblock[ (code:comment @{ encryptFile : String String Number Boolean -> String}) (code:comment @{ Opens the file with given name, encrypts every line }) (code:comment @{ in the file using a caesar cipher with the given key}) (code:comment @{ (converting to uppercase if upcase?) and writes the}) (code:comment @{ encrypted lines to an output file with given name.}) (code:comment @{ Produces the name of the output file upon completion.}) (define (encryptFile in-file-name out-file-name secret-key upcase?) ...) ] The corresponding @tech{web spec} should use the @racket[filename] specification for strings that correspond to the names of files whose content will be read as inputs, or written as outputs. The generated web interface will provide elements to upload input files and view (or download) output files. @racketblock[ (web-launch "!Encryptor!" (function "Use this program to encrypt your most secret files." (encryptFile ["Input file" filename] ["Output file name" string+] ["Secret key" number] ["Uppercase?" boolean] -> ["Encrypted file" filename]))) ] Note that the specification for the output file name is @racket[string+] not @racket[filename], because it really is only the @italic{name} of output file (not content) that is taken as input, unlike the input file whose content will be read. The result produced by the function is the name of an output file to which content has been written; using @racket[filename], the generated web interface will provide the user a link to download and view the file upon completion. @subsection{Images} The @racket[image] @tech{web spec} provides UI elements allowing the user to specify an image (currently by given a URL) that will be loaded and provided as a bitmap to the function, or returned from a function as a bitmap. The following could be a @tech{web spec} for a function that generates an image with clock hands on a given background image. @racketblock[ (web-launch "Clock Image Generator" (function "Generates an image of a clock on a background of your choice (should be round'ish)." (time-clock ["Background image" image] ["Hour" number] ["Minutes" number] -> ["Clock image" image]))) ] @section[#:tag "using"]{Using the Web Interface} Upon launch of a RacketUI web application, the user's web browser should open to a window containing three tabs: a @deftech{saved input} tab, a @deftech{program input} tab, and a @deftech{results} tab. @subsection{Program Input} RacketUI automatically generates a form with appropriate input elements laid out based on a @racket[function]'s @tech{web spec}. The user interface should be self-explanatory, as standard web form elements are used. @itemlist[ @item{The @racket[number], @racket[symbol], @racket[string] specifications generate normal web form text boxes for the user's input. Upon attempting to apply the function, the input will be validated (e.g. to ensure it is a number, or a non-empty string). The @racket[boolean] input element is rendered as a labeled checkbox.} @item{A @racket[listof] @tech{web spec} generates a list structure with handles allowing the user to reorder items in the list and buttons (with trash can icon) allowing the user to delete items in the list. } @item{@racket[oneof] specifications generate a popup menu where the user must choose one of the choices of the itemization; then appropriate input elements are provided for that choice. } @item{For a @racket[(constant x)] specification, the value @racket[x] may be rendered as a string and displayed in a disabled input element (in some contexts, only the label will be rendered for a @racket[constant] @tech{web spec}).} @item{File inputs display a platform-specific input element allowing the user to select a file for upload. Upon selection, the application will immediately beginning uploading the file. There is no way to cancel the upload (except by reloading the page (?)). When the file has been transferred to the application, its name will be displayed, along with a link to delete it from the input (this does not delete the file on the user's file system - only the temporary copy uploaded to the RacketUI application). The file's name itself is a link which will popup a separate window displaying the contents of the file. The user should also be able to right-click and save/download the file (this may be more useful with output files produced as a result of a function).} ] Upon providing valid entries for all required input, when the user clicks the "Apply input" button at the bottom of the page, the @tech{results} tab will be activated. The program's output result will be rendered at the top of the Results page, along with a display of the input below it. Clicking on the "Edit input again" button, or the "Program Input" tab will take the user back to the @tech{program input} form to modify and reapply the input as desired. @subsection{Saved Input} @note{RacketUI save data is stored in a "racketui" subdirectory of the standard directory for storing the current user’s preferences.} With every function application, or when the user clicks the "Save current input" button in the @tech{program input} tab, RacketUI saves a snapshot of the user's input, including any uploaded files. This makes it easier to recall, modify, and re-apply input without having to enter it all over again. Saved input is preserved even when the application is terminated. The @tech{saved input} tab provides a drop-down menu with a list of saved input items, identified and sorted by time and date. When an entry is selected, a preview of the input data is displayed in the bottom portion of the page. One can also use the left and right arrow keys, or the "Previous entry" and "Next entry" links on the page, to easily browse through the input history. Initially, only input entries for the specific function that has been launched are shown in the saved list. However, if two distinct functions expect @italic{exactly} the same type of input, then RacketUI allows the user to view all saved input entries for such similar functions by clicking the "Include entries from similar programs" checkbox. Thus, if another function had an input @tech{web spec} similar to that of @racket[acronym] above (i.e. @racket[["..." (listof+ ["..." string+])]] or even @racket[["..." (listof ["..." string])]], where the actual labels don't matter), then the user can recall, edit, and apply lists of words entered from either web application on the @tech{saved input} tab of each if this checkbox is enabled. The list of saved input entries distinguishes between auto-saved and user-saved entries. The latter are displayed with asterisks and/or bold font in the menu. To filter the menu so that only user-saved entries are listed, click the "Only show user-saved input" checkbox. In addition to loading and editing, or applying, input entries can also be individually or collectively deleted. Note that auto-saved entries are automatically purged -- only a certain number of the most recent auto-saved entries are kept. @subsection{Miscellaneous} The web application interface provided by RacketUI does not involve page navigation in the browser; thus the forward and back buttons will not function. RacketUI occasionally saves the state of interaction, so even if the page is refreshed in the browser, any input that the user has entered should be reloaded. Also, if no user interaction occurs for a period of time (several minutes), the RacketUI application may reload and refresh its state the next time the user interacts with it. Even in this situation, any user input should still be preserved in the @tech{program input} tab. To exit the web application, click the "Exit ..." button at the very bottom left of the window. If the program is being run from DrRacket, the Interactions pane of DrRacket will be suspended until the RacketUI application is terminated.