#lang racket/base
;; For legal info, see file "info.rkt".

;; Note: The dependency on overeasy is commented-out to avoid mcfly runtime having any dependencies.
;; Uncomment for running tests.

(require ;; (planet neil/overeasy:1:0)

 #:id 'test-mcfly-spec

  #:id 'parsing

   #:id 'lambda-formal

   (test (syntax->datum (lambda-formal-stx->spec #'letters #'(a b c)))
         '(procedure (prototype letters
                                ((argument #f a <unspecified> <unspecified>)
                                 (argument #f b <unspecified> <unspecified>)
                                 (argument #f c <unspecified> <unspecified>)))

   (test (syntax->datum (lambda-formal-stx->spec #'procname #'(a0 a1 . an)))
         '(procedure (prototype procname
                                ((argument #f a0 <unspecified> <unspecified>)
                                 (argument #f a1 <unspecified> <unspecified>)
                                 (argument #f an <unspecified> <unspecified>)

   (test (syntax->datum (lambda-formal-stx->spec #'procname #'an))
         '(procedure (prototype procname
                                ((argument #f an <unspecified> <unspecified>)

   (test (syntax->datum (lambda-formal-stx->spec #'procname #'(a0 (a1 d1) . an)))
         '(procedure (prototype procname
                                ((argument #f a0 <unspecified> <unspecified>)
                                 (argument #f a1 <unspecified> d1)
                                 (argument #f an <unspecified> <unspecified>)

   (test (syntax->datum (lambda-formal-stx->spec #'procname #'(#:k0 a0 #:k1 (a1 d1) . an)))
         '(procedure (prototype procname
                                ((argument #:k0 a0 <unspecified> <unspecified>)
                                 (argument #:k1 a1 <unspecified> d1)
                                 (argument #f   an <unspecified> <unspecified>)

   #:id 'contract

   (test (syntax->datum (contract-stx->spec-or-false #'procname #'(-> Number Number Integer String)))
         '(procedure (prototype procname ((argument <unspecified> <unspecified> Number  <unspecified>)
                                          (argument <unspecified> <unspecified> Number  <unspecified>)
                                          (argument <unspecified> <unspecified> Integer <unspecified>)))

  #:id 'unify

  (test (syntax->datum (unify-specs #f
                                    (list #`(a b c)
                                          #`(a b #,unspecified-stx))))
        '(a b c))

  (test (syntax->datum (unify-specs #f
                                    (list #`(a b c)
                                          #`(x y z))))
        '(a b c))

  (test (syntax->datum (unify-specs #f
                                    (list #`(a b c)
                                          #`(#,unspecified-stx #,unspecified-stx #,unspecified-stx))))
        '(a b c))

  (test (syntax->datum (unify-specs #f
                                    (list #`(#,unspecified-stx #,unspecified-stx #,unspecified-stx)
                                          #`(a b c)
        '(a b c))

  (test (syntax->datum (unify-specs #f
                                    (list #`(a #,unspecified-stx c)
                                          #`(a b #,unspecified-stx))))
        '(a b c))

  (test (syntax->datum
          (list #`(a #,unspecified-stx (c #,unspecified-stx) #,unspecified-stx f)
                #`(a b                 (c d                ) #,unspecified-stx f)
                #`(x x                 x                     e                 x))))
        '(a b (c d) e f))

  (test (syntax->datum (unify-specs #f
                                    (list #`(a #,unspecified-stx c)
                                          #`(a b #,unspecified-stx))))
        '(a b c)))

  #:id 'scribble

   #:id 'defproc

   (test (syntax->datum (procedure-spec+body->scribble-defproc
                         #'(procedure (prototype foo
                                                 ((argument #f  a integer? <unspecified>)
                                                  (argument #f  b string?  <unspecified>)
                                                  (argument #f  c integer? 42)
                                                  (argument #:x x integer? 0)
                                                  (argument #:y y integer? <unspecified>)
                                                  (argument #f  z integer? <unspecified>)
                         #'((para "This is a test.")
                            (para "this is only a test."))))
         '(defproc (foo (    a integer?   )
                        (    b string?    )
                        (    c integer? 42)
                        (#:x x integer? 0 )
                        (#:y y integer?   )
                        (    z integer?   )
            (para "This is a test.")
            (para "this is only a test.")))))

  #:id 'overall

  (test (syntax->datum (lambda-formal-stx->spec #'procname #'(a b c)))
        '(procedure (prototype procname
                               ((argument #f a <unspecified> <unspecified>)
                                (argument #f b <unspecified> <unspecified>)
                                (argument #f c <unspecified> <unspecified>)))

  (test (syntax->datum
         (unify-specs #f
                      (list (contract-stx->spec-or-false #'procname #'(-> Number Number Integer String))
                            (lambda-formal-stx->spec #'procname #'(a b c)))))

        '(procedure (prototype procname ((argument #f a Number  <unspecified>)
                                         (argument #f b Number  <unspecified>)
                                         (argument #f c Integer <unspecified>)))

  (test (syntax->datum
          (unify-specs #f
                       (list (contract-stx->spec-or-false      #'myproc #'(-> Number Number Integer String))
                             (lambda-formal-stx->spec #'myproc #'(   a      b      c))))
          #'((para "This is a cool procedure.")
             (para "Yep."))))

        '(defproc (myproc (a Number)
                          (b Number)
                          (c Integer))
           (para "This is a cool procedure.")
           (para "Yep.")))))