#lang scheme

;; ##################################################################################
;; # ============================================================================== #
;; #                                                              #
;; #                                             #
;; # Copyright (C) Laurent Orseau, 2010                                             #
;; # ============================================================================== #
;; #                                                                                #
;; # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                  #
;; # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License                    #
;; # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2                 #
;; # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                         #
;; #                                                                                #
;; # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                #
;; # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                 #
;; # GNU General Public License for more details.                                   #
;; #                                                                                #
;; # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License              #
;; # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                    #
;; # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.    #
;; #                                                                                #
;; ##################################################################################

(require scheme/gui/base

(provide (all-from-out ""))

;; code-value
;; WARNING: the given proc MUST not use any value that is not defined in scheme/gui
;; because code generation won't be able to use anything else (if not included
; in the `requires' field of the project)

(define/provide container-classes
 (list frame% dialog% panel% pane%))

(define/provide shortcut-list
  (append '(#f)
          (string->list "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789")
          (list 'start

(define/provide prop:shortcut%
  (class prop:one-of%
    (inherit-field value)
    (super-new [choices shortcut-list])

    ;; Instead of writing the whole list,
    ;; just write its name.
    ;; Of course, this means that `shortcut-values' must be accessible
    ;; when loading the file in,
    ;; which is the case for "".
    (define/override (code-write)
      (list 'shortcut-values (code-write-value value)))

(define/provide (shortcut-values [val #f])
  (new prop:shortcut% [value val]))

;; This function will also be written (precode) in the generated code.
;; It must also be accessible (via require) at template loading.
(provide label-bitmap-proc)
(define/precode (label-bitmap-proc l)
  (let ([label (first l)]
        [image? (second l)]
        [file (third l)])
    (or (and image?
             (or (and file 
                      (let ([bmp (make-object bitmap% file)])
                        (and (send bmp ok?) bmp)))
                 "<Bad Image>"))

;; TODO: this could be lightened with prop:proc-unquoted
(define/provide (label-bitmap-values [dft-text ""])
    (prop:bool "Image?" #f)
    (prop:file #f)
   label-bitmap-proc ; this proc MUST then be accessible in the generated code!!

;; Fonts

(provide list->font)
(define/precode (list->font l)
  (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ(e)
                               (send/apply the-font-list find-or-create-font
                                           ; try without the face name:
                                           (cons (first l) (rest (rest l))))
    (send/apply the-font-list find-or-create-font l)

(define/provide (font->list ft)
  (list (send ft get-point-size)
        (send ft get-face)
        (send ft get-family)
        (send ft get-style)
        (send ft get-weight)
        (send ft get-underlined)
        (send ft get-smoothing)
        (send ft get-size-in-pixels)

(define/provide prop:font%
  (class prop:proc%
    (super-new )

;; We could also use (get-font-from-user)
;; which is a mcuh better font chooser!
;; (that would need to make a specific prop:font%...
;; OR: use prop:proc with a function that is defined here!
(define/provide (font-values)
  (new prop:font%
       ; at first, there is no family !
       [value (flat-prop->prop '(8 default normal normal #f default #f))]
       ; we put it here because code-write is not yet able to remove fields!
       ; this should be easy though...
       [prop-code (prop:code list->font)]
;  (prop:proc
;    (prop:popup
;     (prop:group
;      8 ; size [1-255]
;      (prop:one-of '(default decorative roman script
;                      swiss modern symbol system)
;                   'default) ; family
;      (prop:one-of '(normal italic slant) 'normal) ; style
;      (prop:one-of '(normal bold light) 'normal) ; weight
;      (prop:bool "underline?" #f) ; underline
;      (prop:one-of '(default partly-smoothed smoothed unsmoothed)
;                   'default) ; smoothing
;      (prop:bool "size in pixels?" #f) ; size-in-pixels?
;      ))
;     font-proc
;    ))

(define/provide (alignment-values [horiz 'center] [vert 'top])
   (prop:one-of '(left center right) horiz)
   (prop:one-of '(top center bottom) vert)))

(define/provide (prop:false-or-number v)
    (and v #t) ; this is no mistake (I want it to write #t)
    (or v 0)
   (λ(l)(and (first l) (second l)))