#lang setup/infotab
(require string-constants)

(define name "PLAI")
(define blurb '("Language levels for the Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation textbook"))
(define release-notes 
     (li "New GC heap GUI (Thanks Robby!)")
     (li "Added λ binding to mutator language")
     (li "Fixed error in mutator language")
     (li "Added eq? to mutator language")
     (li "Fixed constructor printing for datatypes")
     (li "Mutator language infers names for procedures better. (Thanks Robby!)"))))
(define categories '(devtools))
(define can-be-loaded-with 'all)
(define homepage "")
(define primary-file "")
(define repositories '("4.x"))
(define scribblings '(("scribblings/plai.scrbl" ())))

(define textbook-pls
  (list (list '("plai-small.gif" "plai")
              "Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation"
              (string-constant teaching-languages)
              "Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation")))

(define tools (list ""))
(define tool-icons (list "plai-small.gif"))
(define tool-names 
  (list "Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation"))
(define tool-urls 
  (list ""))