#lang at-exp racket/base
;; For legal info, see file "info.rkt".

(require (planet neil/mcfly)

(provide (all-from-out "snappy.rkt"))


     @para{This is an FFI binding for the
           @hyperlink[""]{Snappy library}
           from Google. Snappy provides very fast compression
           and decompression, though with larger compressed sizes.}}

  @defproc[(compress [input bytes?]) bytes?]{
    Compresses the input bytestring and returns the
    resulting bytestring.

  @defproc[(uncompress [input (and/c bytes? valid-compression?)]) bytes?]{
    Uncompresses the input bytestring and returns the
    resulting bytestring. Requires that the input bytestring
    was the result of a valid Snappy compression.

  @defproc[(valid-compression? [input bytes?]) boolean?]{
    Returns @racket[#t] if @racket[input] is a compressed
    bytestring that can be uncompressed with Snappy.
    Otherwise returns @racket[#f].

(doc history
     (#:planet 1:0 #:date "2012-10-14"
               "Initial release."))