#lang scheme/gui

; This is mostly a verbatim copy of 2htdp/universe (from version 4.2.2),
; but it uses my-private-world rather than 2htdp/private/world, redefining
; the world% and aworld% classes.

#| TODO: 
   -- make window resizable :: why
   -- what if clauses are repeated in world and/or universe descriptions? 
   -- what if the initial world or universe state is omitted? the error message is bad then. 

(require (for-syntax 2htdp/private/syn-aux
                     ; scheme/function
                     #; (rename-in lang/prim (first-order->higher-order f2h)))
         (rename-in lang/prim (first-order->higher-order f2h)))

(provide (all-from-out "")

 ;; (launch-many-worlds e1 ... e2)
 ;; run expressions e1 through e2 in parallel, produce all values in same order

 sexp?  ;; Any -> Boolean
 scene? ;; Any -> Boolean

(define-keywords AllSpec
  ;; -- on-tick must specify a tick handler; it may specify a clock-tick rate
  [on-tick (function-with-arity
            [(_ x rate) 
             #'(list (proc> 'on-tick (f2h x) 1) 
                     (num> 'on-tick rate positive? "pos. number" "rate"))])]
  ;; -- state specifies whether to display the current state
  [state (expr-with-check bool> "expected a boolean (show state or not)")]
  ;; -- check-with must specify a predicate
  [check-with (function-with-arity 1)])

;   ;   ;                  ;        ;
;   ;   ;                  ;        ;
;   ;   ;                  ;        ;
;   ;   ;   ;;;   ; ;;     ;     ;;;;
;   ;   ;  ;   ;  ;;  ;    ;    ;   ;
;   ; ; ;  ;   ;  ;   ;    ;    ;   ;
;   ;; ;;  ;   ;  ;        ;    ;   ;
;   ;   ;  ;   ;  ;        ;    ;   ;
;   ;   ;   ;;;   ;        ;;    ;;;;

(provide big-bang     ;; <syntax> : see below
         make-package ;; World Sexp -> Package
         package?     ;; Any -> Boolean
         run-movie    ;; [Listof Image] -> true
         mouse-event?  ;; Any -> Boolean : MOUSE-EVTS
         mouse=?       ;; MOUSE-EVTS MOUSE-EVTS -> Boolean
         key-event?    ;; Any -> Boolean : KEY-EVTS
         key=?         ;; KEY-EVTS KEY-EVTS -> Boolean
         ;; IP : a string that points to a machine on the net
         LOCALHOST     ;; IP

 run-simulation (create-scene) ; (Nat -> Scene) -> Nat

 animate (create-scene) ; (Nat -> Scene) -> Nat

(define MOUSE-EVTS 

(define KEY-EVTS 
    "numpad0" "numpad1" "numpad2" "numpad3" "numpad4" 
    "numpad5" "numpad6" "numpad7" "numpad8" "numpad9" 
    "numpad-enter" "multiply" "add" "separator" "subtract" "decimal" "divide"
    "f1" "f2" "f3" "f4" "f5" "f6" "f7" "f8" "f9" "f10" "f11" "f12" "f13" 
    "f14" "f15" "f16" "f17" "f18" "f19" "f20" "f21" "f22" "f23" "f24"

(define-keywords WldSpec 
  ;; -- on-draw must specify a rendering function; it may specify dimensions
  [on-draw (function-with-arity 
            [(_ f width height) 
             #'(list (proc> 'on-draw (f2h f) 1) 
                     (nat> 'on-draw width "width")
                     (nat> 'on-draw height "height"))])]
  ;; -- on-mouse must specify a mouse event handler
  [on-mouse (function-with-arity 4)]
  ;; -- on-key must specify a key event handler
  [on-key (function-with-arity 2)]
  ;; -- on-receive must specify a receive handler
  [on-receive (function-with-arity 2)]
  ;; -- stop-when must specify a predicate; it may specify a rendering function
  [stop-when (function-with-arity 
              [(_ stop? last-picture)
               #'(list (proc> 'stop-when (f2h stop?) 1)
                       (proc> 'stop-when (f2h last-picture) 1))])]
  ;; -- should the session be recorded and turned into PNGs and an animated GIF
  [record? (expr-with-check bool> "expected a boolean (to record? or not)")]
  [name (expr-with-check string> "expected a name (string) for the world")]
  ;; -- register must specify the internet address of a host (including LOCALHOST)
  [register (expr-with-check ip> "expected a host (ip address)")])

(define-syntax (big-bang stx)
  (define world0 "big-bang needs at least an initial world")
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(big-bang) (raise-syntax-error #f world0 stx)]
    [(big-bang w clause ...)
     (let* ([rec? #'#f]
             (lambda (kw)
               (when (free-identifier=? kw #'record?)
                 (syntax-case #'E ()
                   [(V) (set! rec? #'V)]
                   [_ (err 'record? stx)])))]
            [args (->args stx (syntax (clause ...)) AllSpec WldSpec ->rec? "world")])
       #`(parameterize ([current-eventspace (make-eventspace)])
           (let ([o (new (if #,rec? aworld% world%) [world0 w] #,@args)])
             (send o last))))]))

(define (run-simulation f)
  (check-proc 'run-simulation f 1 "first" "one argument")
  (big-bang 1 (on-tick add1) (on-draw f)))

(define animate run-simulation)

(define (run-movie r m*)
  (check-arg 'run-movie (positive? r) "positive number" "first" r)
  (check-arg 'run-movie (list? m*) "list (of images)" "second" m*)
  (for-each (lambda (m) (check-image 'run-movie m "first" "list of images")) m*)
  (let* ([fst (car m*)]
         [wdt (image-width fst)]
         [hgt (image-height fst)])
     (on-tick rest r) 
     (on-draw (lambda (m) (if (empty? m) (text "The End" 22 'red) (first m))))
     (stop-when empty?))))

(define (mouse-event? a) (and (string? a) (pair? (member a MOUSE-EVTS))))

(define (mouse=? k m)
  (check-arg 'mouse=? (mouse-event? k) 'MouseEvent "first" k)
  (check-arg 'mouse=? (mouse-event? m) 'MouseEvent "second" m)
  (string=? k m))

(define (key-event? k) 
  (and (string? k) (or (= (string-length k) 1) (member k KEY-EVTS))))

(define (key=? k m)
  (check-arg 'key=? (key-event? k) 'KEY-EVTS "first" k)
  (check-arg 'key=? (key-event? m) 'KEY-EVTS "second" m)
  (string=? k m))

(define LOCALHOST "")

;   ;   ;           ;                                     
;   ;   ;           ;                                     
;   ;   ;                                                 
;   ;   ;  ;;;;     ;    ;   ;   ;;;   ; ;;    ;;;    ;;; 
;   ;   ;  ;   ;    ;    ;   ;  ;   ;  ;;  ;  ;   ;  ;   ;
;   ;   ;  ;   ;    ;     ; ;   ;;;;;  ;   ;   ;;;   ;;;;;
;   ;   ;  ;   ;    ;     ; ;   ;      ;          ;  ;    
;   ;   ;  ;   ;    ;      ;    ;   ;  ;      ;   ;  ;   ;
;    ;;;   ;   ;    ;      ;     ;;;   ;       ;;;    ;;; 

 ;; type World
 iworld?    ;; Any -> Boolean
 iworld=?   ;; World World -> Boolean
 iworld-name ;; World -> Symbol
 iworld1    ;; sample worlds
 ;; type Bundle = (make-bundle [Listof World] Universe [Listof Mail])
 ;; type Mail = (make-mail World S-expression)
 make-bundle ;; [Listof World] Universe [Listof Mail] -> Bundle
 bundle?     ;; is this a bundle?
 make-mail   ;; World S-expression -> Mail
 mail?       ;; is this a real mail?
 universe    ;; <syntax> : see below

(define-keywords UniSpec
  ;; -- on-new must specify what happens when a world joins the universe
  [on-new (function-with-arity 2)]
  ;; -- on-msg must specify what happens to a message from a world
  [on-msg (function-with-arity 3)]
  ;; -- on-disconnect may specify what happens when a world drops out
  [on-disconnect (function-with-arity 2)]
  ;; -- to-string specifies how to render the universe as a string for display
  [to-string (function-with-arity 1)])

(define-syntax (universe stx)
  (define legal "not a legal clause in a universe description")
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(universe) (raise-syntax-error #f "not a legal universe description" stx)]
    [(universe u) (raise-syntax-error #f "not a legal universe description" stx)]
    [(universe u bind ...)
     (let* ([args (->args stx (syntax (bind ...)) AllSpec UniSpec void "universe")]
            [domain (map (compose syntax-e car) args)])
         [(not (memq 'on-new domain))
          (raise-syntax-error #f "missing on-new clause" stx)]
         [(not (memq 'on-msg domain))
          (raise-syntax-error #f "missing on-msg clause" stx)]
         [else ; (and (memq #'on-new domain) (memq #'on-msg domain))
          #`(parameterize ([current-eventspace (make-eventspace)])
              (send (new universe% [universe0 u] #,@args) last))]))]))