#lang setup/infotab (define name "picturing-programs") (define categories '(media)) (define can-be-loaded-with 'all) (define required-core-version "") (define primary-file "main.rkt") (define scribblings '(("doc.scrbl" ()))) (define repositories '("4.x")) (define blurb `("The picturing-programs collection supersedes the tiles and sb-world collections. It provides functions to rotate, etc. images, as well as a slightly modified version of the universe teachpack.")) (define release-notes '( (p "Version 2.4: Added map3-image, build3-image. Cleaned up documentation.") (p "Version 2.3: Renamed files from .ss to .rkt, so they work better with Racket. Added map-image, build-image, name->color, and friends; re-fixed bug in rotate-cw and rotate-ccw.") (p "Version 2.2: Fixed bug in rotate-cw and rotate-ccw; restored reflect-vert and reflect-horiz; added with-input-from-url.") (p "Version 2.1: Added argument type-checking. And reflection primitives are now present but produce error message, rather than being missing.") (p "Version 2.0: now fully compatible with 2htdp/image and 2htdp/universe. No pinholes; temporarily disabled reflection primitives.") (p "Version 1.6: fixed same transparency bug for 4.2.4") (p "Version 1.5: fixed same transparency bug for 4.2.3") (p "Version 1.4: fixed transparency bug for 4.2.2") (p "Version 1.3: initial release, for DrScheme 4.2.4") (p "Version 1.2: initial release, for DrScheme 4.2.3") (p "Version 1.1: initial release, for DrScheme 4.2.2")))