#lang scribble/doc @(require scribble/manual (for-label scheme "tiles.ss" teachpack/htdp/image)) @title{Tiles Teachpack} @defmodule[tiles/tiles] @section{About This Teachpack} Provides a variety of functions for combining and manipulating images. Imagine that each image were on a ceramic tile; you would expect to be able to put two tiles together side by side, or one above another, or rotate a tile, etc. That's exactly what this teachpack provides. @section{Installation} If you're reading this, you've probably already installed the teachpack successfully, but if you need to install it on a different machine, ... @itemize{ @item{start DrScheme} @item{switch languages to Module and click "Run"} @item{in the Interactions pane, type @schemeblock[(require (planet "install.ss" ("sbloch" "tiles.plt" 1 13)))]} @item{after a few seconds, you should see the message "Wrote file "tiles.ss" to installed-teachpacks directory."} @item{switch languages back to one of the HtDP languages, like Beginning Student} @item{from the Language menu, choose "Add Teachpack..." and select "tiles.ss"} @item{click "Run"} } @section{Functions} @defproc[(image-above (img1 image?) (img2 image?) ...) image?] Combines two or more images into one, putting the first above the second (above the third, ...). @defproc[(image-above-align-right (img1 image?) (img2 image?) ...) image?] Just like image-above, but lines up the right-hand edges of all the images. @defproc[(image-above-align-left (img1 image?) (img2 image?) ...) image?] Just like image-above, but lines up the left-hand edges of all the images. @defproc[(image-above-align-center (img1 image?) (img2 image?) ...) image?] Just like image-above, but lines up the centers of all the images. @defproc[(image-beside (img1 image?) (img2 image?) ...) image?] Combines two or more images into one, putting the first to the left of the second (to the left of the third, ...). @defproc[(image-beside-align-top (img1 image?) (img2 image?) ...) image?] Just like image-beside, but lines up the top edges of all the images. @defproc[(image-beside-align-bottom (img1 image?) (img2 image?) ...) image?] Just like image-beside, but lines up the bottom edges of all the images. @defproc[(image-beside-align-center (img1 image?) (img2 image?) ...) image?] Just like image-beside, but lines up the centers of all the images. @defproc[(reflect-vert (img image?)) image?] Flips an image top-to-botom. @defproc[(reflect-horiz (img image?)) image?] Flips an image left-to-right. @defproc[(reflect-main-diag (img image?)) image?] Flips an image from top-right to bottom-left, leaving the top-left and bottom-right unchanged. @defproc[(reflect-other-diag (img image?)) image?] Flips an image from top-left to bottom-right, leaving the top-right and bottom-left unchanged. @defproc[(rotate-cw (img image?)) image?] Rotates an image 90 degrees clockwise. @defproc[(rotate-ccw (img image?)) image?] Rotates an image 90 degrees counterclockwise. @defproc[(rotate-180 (img image?)) image?] Rotates an image 180 degrees around its center. @defproc[(show-pinhole (img image?)) image?] Overlays a small black dot at the pinhole of the given image, so you can see where it is. (This function will go away when pinholes go away....) @defproc[(crop-top (img image?) (pixels natural-number/c)) image?] Chops off the specified number of pixels from the top of the image. @defproc[(crop-bottom (img image?) (pixels natural-number/c)) image?] Chops off the specified number of pixels from the bottom of the image. @defproc[(crop-left (img image?) (pixels natural-number/c)) image?] Chops off the specified number of pixels from the left side of the image. @defproc[(crop-right (img image?) (pixels natural-number/c)) image?] Chops off the specified number of pixels from the right side of the image. @section{Functions from image.ss} Since anybody using these functions will almost certainly also want to use other image-creation and image-manipulation functions, this teachpack @italic{includes} the standard teachpack @bold{image.ss}. That is, if you have @bold{tiles.ss} loaded, you don't also need @bold{image.ss} (and you're better off not loading it). @; @include-section{image.ss}