
Digest Jens Axel Søgaard

  _Digest_                                         Jens Axel Søgaard

2007-feb-03  Release 1.0
 - bytes->hex-string
 - make-digest-context, init-context, update-context
 - final-context->bytes, final-context->hex-string
 - bytes-digest, digest, bytes-digest-port digest-port

2007-feb-18  Release 1.1
 - added ability to calculate message digest of
   part of a byte string. 
   Specifically: added offsets and lengths to update-context
   and the various named digest functions such as md5, md5-bytes, etc.


This library provides bindings to the message digest algorithms
in libcrypto. The supported message digests are as follows:
  _md2_  _md4_  _md5_ _sha_ _sha1_ _ripemd160_

Functions are provided to calculate the message digest for both
byte strings and ports. Furthermore there is support for incremental

Libcrypto is part of the normal distribution of PLT Scheme.


> md2 : bytes [[offset] length] -> string
> md4 : bytes [[offset] length] -> string
> md5 : bytes [[offset] length] -> string
> sha : bytes [[offset] length] -> string
> sha1 : bytes [[offset] length] -> string
> ripemd160 : bytes [[offset] length] -> string

These functions receive a byte string and returns a string
with each byte represented as two hexadecimal digits:

  > (require (planet "" ("soegaard" "digest.plt" 1 1)))
  > (md5 #"abc")
Given two arguments bytes and length the digest
of the first length bytes is found.

Given three arguments the digest of the bytes 
  (bytes-ref bytes offset)
  (bytes-ref bytes (+ offset 1))
  (bytes-ref bytes (+ offset length -1))
is found.

  > (md5 #"345")
  > (md5 #"34567" 3)
  > (md5 #"123456" 2 3)

> md2-bytes : bytes [[offset] length] -> bytes
> md4-bytes : bytes [[offset] length] -> bytes
> md5-bytes : bytes [[offset] length] -> bytes
> sha-bytes : bytes [[offset] length] -> bytes
> sha1-bytes : bytes [[offset] length] -> bytes
> ripemd160 : : bytes [[offset] length] -> bytes

Same as the above functions, but return a byte string
containing the hash value instead of a string.

  > (md5-bytes #"abc")

> bytes->hex-string : bytes -> string 

Converts a message digest represented as a byte string
into a hexadecimal string.

  > (bytes->hex-string (md5-bytes #"abc"))


> digest : bytes symbol -> string
> bytes-digest : bytes symbol -> bytes

These functions calculates the message digest of the first argument,
using the algorithm indicated by the symbol.

  > (digest #"abc" 'md5)
  > (digest #"abc" 'sha1)

> digest-port : port symbol -> string
> bytes-digest-port : port symbol -> bytes

Calculates the message digest of the bytes produces
by reading from the port until the eof-object is reached.

  > (digest-port (open-input-string "abc") 'md5)


> make-digest-context : symbol -> context
> init-context : context ->
> update-context : context bytes [[offset] length] -> #void
> final-context->bytes : context -> bytes
> final-contxt->hex-string : context -> string

These functions provide the interface to the incremental
calculation of a message digest.

make-digest-context makes and initializes a new 
message digest context. The function update-context
is called repeatedly with the bytes to be digested.
When all bytes have been digested, either final-context->bytes
or final-context->hex-string is called to calculate the
final result.

  > (define c (make-digest-context 'md5))
  > (update-context c #"a")
  > (update-context c #"b")
  > (update-context c #"c")
  > (final-context->hex-string c)

The initialization routine init-context makes it
possible to reuse the digest context:

  > (init-context c)
  > (update-context c #"a")
  > (final-context->hex-string c)

And it even works:

  > (md5 #"a")

The update-context function has three forms:

  (update-context context bytes)
     update context with all bytes in bytes
  (update-context context bytes length)
     update context with the first length bytes of bytes
  (update-context context bytes offset length)
     skip the first offset bytes of bytes, and 
     then update context with the following length bytes


Keywords: _message_ _digest_ _hash_ _hashing_ _libcrypto_