(module request mzscheme
  (require (lib "")
           (lib "")
           (lib "")
           (lib "" "net")
           (lib "" "srfi" "26"))
  (require (planet "" ("lizorkin" "ssax.plt" 1)))
  (require (file "")
           (file "")
           (file "")
           (file ""))
  ; Variables ------------------------------------
  ;; http-code-regexp : regexp
  ;; Extracts the response code from an HTTP status line.
  ;; This is supposed to be a little slack - we only care about the code.
  (define http-code-regexp 
    #rx"^HTTP/[0-9.]+[ ]+([0-9][0-9][0-9])")
  ; Procedures -----------------------------------
  ;; http-authorization-header : string string -> string
  (define (http-authorization-header username password)
    (let ([username-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 username)]
          [password-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 password)])
       "Authorization: Basic " 
       (bytes->string/utf-8 (base64-encode (bytes-append username-bytes #":" password-bytes))))))
  ;; send-request : string -> sexp | exn:delicious:auth
  (define (send-request url)
    (when (dump-request-urls?)
      (display url) 
    (let* ([url         (string->url url)]
           [req-headers (list (http-authorization-header (current-username) (current-password)))]
           [in          (call-with-throttle (current-throttle) 
                          (lambda () 
                            (printf "~n-----~nSending ~s ~s~n-----~n" url req-headers)
                            (get-impure-port url req-headers)))]
           [res-headers (purify-port in)])
      (match (regexp-match http-code-regexp res-headers)
        [(list _ "200")
         (let ([sxml (ssax:xml->sxml in null)])
           (close-input-port in)
           (when (dump-sxml-responses?)
             (pretty-print sxml))
           ; Strip off the <?xml ... ?> header:
           (caddr sxml))]
        [(list _ "401")
         (close-input-port in)
         (raise-exn exn:delicious:auth
           "Bad username/password.")]
        [(list _ "503")
         (close-input-port in)
         (raise-exn exn:fail:delicious:throttled
           "Throttled: please wait a bit before trying again.")]
        [(list _ code)
         (close-input-port in)
         (raise-exn exn:fail:delicious 
           (format "Could not handle response (HTTP code ~a)." code))]
        [other (raise-exn exn:fail:delicious
                 (format "Status line not found in delicious response headers:~n~a" res-headers))])))
  ; Provide statements ---------------------------
   [send-request (-> string? (or/c null? pair?))])