#lang scheme/base

(require (for-syntax scheme/base
                     (file "syntax-prerender.ss")
                     (file "syntax-expand.ss"))
         (file "../test-base.ss")
         (file "../javascript/javascript.ss")
         (file "render.ss")
         (file "struct.ss")
         (file "syntax.ss"))

; Helpers ----------------------------------------

(define url1 "http://www.example.com")
(define url2 (string->url "http://www.example.com?a=b&c=d"))
(define text "Text")
(define sym 'symbol)

(define-syntax (check-xml stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(check-xml expr expected)
     #'(check-xml expr expected "no message")]
    [(check-xml expr expected msg)
     (with-syntax ([prerendered (prerender-block #'(expr))]
                   [expanded    (expand-block    #'(expr))])
       #`(begin (with-check-info (['prerendered '#,(syntax->datum #'prerendered)])
                  (check-equal? (xml->string prerendered) expected (format "xml: ~a" msg)))
                (with-check-info (['expanded '#,(syntax->datum #'expanded)])
                  (check-equal? (xml->string expanded) expected (format "xml*: ~a" msg)))))]))

; Tests ------------------------------------------

(define render-tests
  (test-suite "render.ss"
    (test-case "literals"
      (check-xml #t            "yes"                                "true")
      (check-xml #f            "no"                                 "false")
      (check-xml 12345         "12345"                              "number")
      (check-xml "blah &\"<>"  "blah &amp;&quot;&lt;&gt;"           "string")
      (check-xml 'blah\&\"<>   "blah&amp;&quot;&lt;&gt;"            "symbol")
      (check-xml #"blah &\"<>" "blah &amp;&quot;&lt;&gt;"           "bytes"))
    (test-case "raw"
      (check-xml (!raw "&\"<>") "&\"<>"                          "string")
      (check-xml (!raw 'dave)   "dave"                           "symbol")
      (check-xml (!raw ,url2)   "http://www.example.com?a=b&c=d" "unquote")
      (check-xml (!raw "a" 123) "a123"                           "multiple arguments"))
    (test-case "comment"
      (check-xml (!comment "&\"<>") "<!--&\"<>-->"                  "string")
      (check-xml (!comment 'dave)   "<!--dave-->"                   "symbol")
      (check-xml (!comment ,url1)   "<!--http://www.example.com-->" "unquote")
      (check-xml (!comment "a" 123) "<!--a123-->"                   "multiple arguments"))
    (test-case "cdata"
      (check-xml (!cdata "&\"<>") "<![CDATA[&\"<>]]>"                  "string")
      (check-xml (!cdata 'dave)   "<![CDATA[dave]]>"                   "symbol")
      (check-xml (!cdata ,url1)   "<![CDATA[http://www.example.com]]>" "unquote")
      (check-xml (!cdata "a" 123) "<![CDATA[a123]]>"                   "multiple arguments")
      (check-xml (script (!cdata "\n" ,(js (alert "Clicked")) "\n// "))
                 "<script><![CDATA[\nalert(\"Clicked\");\n// ]]></script>"
                 "unquote to js"))
    (test-case "pi"
      (check-xml (!pi "&\"<>") "<?&\"<>?>"                  "string")
      (check-xml (!pi 'dave)   "<?dave?>"                   "symbol")
      (check-xml (!pi ,url1)   "<?http://www.example.com?>" "unquote")
      (check-xml (!pi "a" 123) "<?a123?>"                   "multiple arguments"))
    (test-case "entities"
      (check-xml (& nbsp) "&nbsp;"   "symbol")
      (check-xml (& 1234) "&#1234;"  "integer")
      (check-xml (& ,sym) "&symbol;" "unquote"))
    (test-case "elements"
      (check-xml (br)
                 "<br />"
      (check-xml (h1 "Dave")
      (check-xml (hr (@ [class "narrow"]))
                 "<hr class=\"narrow\" />" 
      (check-xml (script (@ [src "file.js"]))
                 "<script src=\"file.js\"></script>"
                 "attributes, no children, preserve singletons")
      (check-xml (span (@ [title "&\"<>"]) "stuff")
                 "<span title=\"&amp;&quot;&lt;&gt;\">stuff</span>"
                 "attributes and children")
      (check-xml (a (@ ,(make-attribute 'href url1)) ,text)
                 "<a href=\"http://www.example.com\">Text</a>"
                 "unquote in attributes and children")
      (check-xml (a (@ ,@(list (make-attribute 'href url1) (make-attribute 'class "blue"))) ,@(list text text))
                 "<a href=\"http://www.example.com\" class=\"blue\">TextText</a>"
                 "unquote-splicing in attributes and children")
      (check-xml (span (@ ,@(xml-attrs [title "title"] ,@null)) "text")
                 "<span title=\"title\">text</span>"
                 "unquote-splicing with null in attributes")
      (check-xml (script ,(js (alert "Clicked 1")))
                 "<script>alert(&quot;Clicked 1&quot;);</script>"
                 "unquote to js"))
    (test-case "javascript attribute"
      (check-xml (a (@ [onclick ,(js (alert "Clicked 1") (alert "Clicked 2") (alert "Clicked 3"))]) "Click here")
                 "<a onclick=\"alert(&quot;Clicked 1&quot;); alert(&quot;Clicked 2&quot;); alert(&quot;Clicked 3&quot;);\">Click here</a>"))
    (test-equal? "xml-attrs and javascript attribute values"
      (xml->string (xml (a (@ ,@(xml-attrs [onclick ,(js (alert 10))])) "blah")))
      "<a onclick=\"alert(10);\">blah</a>")
    (test-equal? "xml-attrs and javascript attribute values"
      (xml->string (xml (a (@ ,(xml-attrs [onclick ,(js (alert 10))])) "blah")))
      "<a onclick=\"alert(10);\">blah</a>")))

; Provide statements -----------------------------

(provide render-tests)