On this page:
make-plain-response/ incremental

4 Plain text

Mirrors contains a few procedures and utilities for sending plain text responses:

 (require (planet untyped/mirrors/plain/plain))

(make-plain-response [#:code code    
  #:message message    
  #:seconds seconds    
  #:mime-type mime-type    
  #:headers headers]    
  content)  response
  code : integer? = 200
  message : string? = "OK"
  seconds : integer = (current-seconds)
  mime-type : (U string? bytes?) = #"text/plain; charset=utf-8"
  headers : (alistof symbol? string?) = no-cache-http-headers
  content : (listof string?)

Keyword wrapper for make-response/full with sensible defaults for most purposes.

(make-plain-response/incremental [#:code code 
  #:message message 
  #:seconds seconds 
  #:mime-type mime-type 
  #:headers headers] 
  code : integer? = 200
  message : string? = "OK"
  seconds : integer? = (current-seconds)
  mime-type : (U string? bytes?) = #"text/plain; charset=utf-8"
  headers : (alistof symbol? string?) = no-cache-http-headers
  content : (((listof (U bytes? string?)) -> any) -> any)

Keyword wrapper for make-response/incremental with sensible defaults for most purposes.

(make-redirect-response [#:code code    
  #:message message    
  #:headers headers]    
  url)  response
  code : integer? = 302
  message : string? = "Moved temporarily"
  headers : (alistof symbol? string?) = no-cache-http-headers
  url : (U string? url?)

Creates a response that redirects the user to the specified url. A Location header is constructed from the URL; members of headers of the same name are removed.

no-cache-http-headers : (listof header?)

The default HTTP headers generated by make-html-response, make-js-response, make-plain-response and others, designed to prevent the browser caching dynamically generated pages:

  > (for-each (lambda (header)
                (printf "~a: ~a~n"
                        (header-field header)
                        (header-value header)))

  Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store

  Pragma: no-cache

  Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT