#lang scheme/base

(require "../../base.ss")

(require (unlib-in list symbol)

; Aliases --------------------------------------

; (U (symbol table              -> table-alias)
;    (symbol select             -> select-alias)
;    (symbol expression         -> expression-alias)
;    (symbol table-alias column -> column-alias))
(define sql:alias
    [(list (? symbol? id) (? table? item))
     (make-table-alias id item)]
    [(list (? symbol? id) (? select? item))
     (make-select-alias id item)]
    [(list (? symbol? id) (? non-alias-expression? item))
     (make-expression-alias id item)]
    [(list (and alias (struct table-alias (name table))) (? column? col))
     (if (eq? (column-table col) table)
         (make-column-alias alias col)
         (raise-exn exn:fail:contract (format "table does not contain column: ~s ~s" table col)))]
    [any (raise-exn exn:fail:contract (format "bad arguments: ~s" any))]))

; any -> boolean
(define (non-alias-expression? item)
  (and (expression? item)
       (not (expression-alias? item))
       (not (column-alias? item))))

; Select ---------------------------------------

;  [#:what     (U table-alias
;                 column-alias
;                 expression-alias
;                 (listof (U table-alias column-alias expression-alias)))]
;  [#:distinct (U expression #f)
;   #:from     (U relation select)
;  [#:where    (U expression #f)]
;  [#:group    (listof (U table-alias group-alias expression))]
;  [#:order    (listof order)]
;  [#:having   (U expression #f)]
;  [#:limit    (U integer #f)]
;  [#:offset   (U integer #f)]
; ->
;  select
(define (sql:select #:what     [what     #f] 
                    #:distinct [distinct #f]
                    #:from      from
                    #:where    [where    #f]
                    #:group    [group    null]
                    #:order    [order    null]
                    #:having   [having   #f]
                    #:limit    [limit    #f]
                    #:offset   [offset   #f])
  (sql:select/internal what distinct from where group order having limit offset))

;  (U column relation (listof (U column relation)) #f)
;  relation
;  (U expression #f)
;  (listof (U relation column))
;  (listof order)
;  (U expression #f)
;  (U integer #f)
;  (U integer #f)
; ->
;  select
(define (sql:select/internal what* distinct* from* where group* order having limit offset)
  ; relation
  (define from
    (sql-lift from*))
  ; (listof (U column-alias expression-alias))
  ; (U table type (listof (U table type)))
  (define-values (what expand-info)
    (expand-what-argument (if what* what* (make-default-what-argument from))))
  ; (U (listof expression) #f)
  (define distinct
    (cond [(expression? distinct*) (list distinct*)]
          [(eq? distinct* #t) (list)]
          [(eq? distinct* #f) #f]
          [else (raise-select-exn #:distinct "(U expression (listof expression) #t #f)" distinct*)]))
  ; (listof expression-alias)
  (define group
    (expand-group-argument group*))
  ; Check #:from:
  (unless (relation? from)
    (raise-select-exn #:from "relation" from))
  ; Check #:where:
  (unless (or (expression? where) (not where))
    (raise-select-exn #:where "(U expression #f)" where))
  ; Check #:group:
  (unless (and (list? group) (andmap expression? group))
    (raise-select-exn #:group "(listof expression)" group))
  ; Check #:order:
  (unless (and (list? order) (andmap order? order))
    (raise-select-exn #:order "(listof order)" order))
  (unless (or (expression? having) (not having))
    (raise-select-exn #:having "(U expression #f)" having))
  ; Check #:limit:
  (unless (or (integer? limit) (not limit))
    (raise-select-exn #:limit "(U integer #f)" limit))
  ; Check #:offset:
  (unless (or (integer? offset) (not offset))
    (raise-select-exn #:offset "(U integer #f)" offset))
  (let*-values (; (listof relation)
                [(relations) (relation->relations from)]
                ; (listof column)
                ; (listof column)
                [(local-columns imported-columns) (relation->columns from)]
                ; (listof column)
                [(columns) (append local-columns imported-columns)]
                [(columns*) (append what columns)])
    ; No need to check the from clause: create-join does that for us.
    (check-what-clause what relations columns)
    (check-distinct-clause distinct relations columns)
    (check-where-clause where relations columns)
    (check-group-clause group relations columns*)
    (check-order-clause order relations columns*)
    (check-having-clause having relations columns*)
    ; Make and return the structure:
    (make-select what distinct from where group order having limit offset local-columns imported-columns expand-info)))

; keyword string any -> void | exn:fail:contract
(define (raise-select-exn kw expected received)
  (raise-exn exn:fail:contract
    (format "~a argument to select: expected ~a, received ~s" kw expected received)))

; Relations --------------------------------------

; relation relation expression -> join
(define (sql:inner left right op)
  (create-join 'inner left right (sql-lift op)))

; relation relation expression -> join
(define (sql:left left right op)
  (create-join 'left left right (sql-lift op)))

; relation relation expression -> join
(define (sql:right left right op)
  (create-join 'right left right (sql-lift op)))

; relation relation -> join
(define (sql:outer left right)
  (create-join 'outer left right #f))

; (U 'inner 'outer 'left 'right) relation relation (U expression #f) -> join
(define (create-join op left right on)
  (define ans (make-join op (sql-lift left) (sql-lift right) on))
  (check-join ans)

; Type shortcuts (for use below) -----------------

(define type:boolean  (make-boolean-type))
(define type:integer  (make-integer-type))
(define type:real     (make-real-type))
(define type:string   (make-string-type #f))
(define type:symbol   (make-symbol-type #f))
(define type:time-utc (make-time-utc-type))
(define type:time-tai (make-time-tai-type))

; Expressions ------------------------------------

; column-alias -> aggregate
(define (sql:count arg)
  (let ([arg (sql-lift arg)])
    (make-aggregate type:integer 'count (list arg))))

; [relation] -> aggregate
(define sql:count*
    [()      (make-aggregate type:integer 'count* null)]
    [(alias) (make-aggregate type:integer 'count* (list alias))]))

; expression+quotable -> aggregate
(define (sql:min arg)     
  (let ([arg (sql-lift arg)])
    (make-aggregate (expression-type arg) 'min (list arg))))

; expression+quotable -> aggregate
(define (sql:max arg)     
  (let ([arg (sql-lift arg)])
    (make-aggregate (expression-type arg) 'max (list arg))))

; expression+quotable -> aggregate
(define sql:average
  (let ([type type:real])
    (lambda (alias)     
      (let ([arg (sql-lift alias)])
        (if (numeric-expression? arg)
            (make-aggregate type 'average (list arg))
            (raise-type-error 'average (list arg)))))))

; expression+quotable ... -> function
(define-function (sql:and . args)
  [(andmap boolean-expression? args) type:boolean])

; expression+quotable ... -> function
(define-function (sql:or  . args)
  [(andmap boolean-expression? args) type:boolean])

; expression+quotable -> function
(define-function (sql:not arg)
  [(boolean-expression? arg) type:boolean])

; expression+quotable ... -> function
(define-function (sql:+ . args)
  [(andmap integer-expression? args)  type:integer]
  [(andmap numeric-expression? args)  type:real]
  [(andmap time-tai-expression? args) type:time-tai]
  [(andmap temporal-expression? args) type:time-utc])

; expression+quotable ... -> function
(define-function (sql:- . args)
  [(andmap integer-expression? args)  type:integer]
  [(andmap numeric-expression? args)  type:real]
  [(andmap time-tai-expression? args) type:time-tai]
  [(andmap temporal-expression? args) type:time-utc])

; expression+quotable ... -> function
(define-function (sql:* . args)
  [(andmap integer-expression? args) type:integer]
  [(andmap numeric-expression? args) type:real])

; expression+quotable ... -> function
(define-function (sql:/ arg1 arg2)
  [(and (numeric-expression? arg1) (numeric-expression? arg2))  type:real])

; expression+quotable -> function
(define-function (sql:abs arg)
  [(integer-expression? arg) type:integer]
  [(numeric-expression? arg) type:real])

; expression+quotable -> function
(define-function (sql:floor arg)
  [(numeric-expression? arg) type:integer])

; expression+quotable -> function
(define-function (sql:ceiling arg)
  [(numeric-expression? arg) type:integer])

; expression+quotable -> function
(define-function (sql:round arg)
  [(numeric-expression? arg) type:integer])

; TODO : Functions from http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/functions-math.html

; expression+quotable expression+quotable -> function
(define-function (sql:like arg1 arg2)
  [(and (character-expression? arg1) (character-expression? arg2)) type:boolean])

; expression+quotable expression+quotable -> function
(define-function (sql:regexp-match arg1 arg2)
  [(and (character-expression? arg1) (character-expression? arg2)) type:boolean])

; expression+quotable expression+quotable -> function
(define-function (sql:regexp-match-ci arg1 arg2)
  [(and (character-expression? arg1) (character-expression? arg2)) type:boolean])

; expression+quotable ... -> function
(define-function (sql:string-append . args)
  [(andmap symbol-expression? args) type:symbol]
  [(andmap character-expression? args) type:string])

; expression+quotable ... -> function
(define-function (sql:string-replace arg1 arg2 arg3)
  [(andmap symbol-expression? (list arg1 arg2 arg3)) type:symbol]
  [(andmap character-expression? (list arg1 arg2 arg3)) type:string])

; expression+quotable ... -> function
(define-function (sql:regexp-replace arg1 arg2 arg3)
  [(andmap symbol-expression? (list arg1 arg2 arg3)) type:symbol]
  [(andmap character-expression? (list arg1 arg2 arg3)) type:string])

; expression+quotable ... -> function
(define-function (sql:regexp-replace-ci arg1 arg2 arg3)
  [(andmap symbol-expression? (list arg1 arg2 arg3)) type:symbol]
  [(andmap character-expression? (list arg1 arg2 arg3)) type:string])

; expression+quotable ... -> function
(define-function (sql:regexp-replace* arg1 arg2 arg3)
  [(andmap symbol-expression? (list arg1 arg2 arg3)) type:symbol]
  [(andmap character-expression? (list arg1 arg2 arg3)) type:string])

; expression+quotable ... -> function
(define-function (sql:regexp-replace*-ci arg1 arg2 arg3)
  [(andmap symbol-expression? (list arg1 arg2 arg3)) type:symbol]
  [(andmap character-expression? (list arg1 arg2 arg3)) type:string])

; expression+quotable expression+quotable -> function
(define-function (sql:= arg1 arg2)
  [#t type:boolean])

; expression+quotable expression+quotable -> function
(define-function (sql:<> arg1 arg2)
  [#t type:boolean])

; expression+quotable expression+quotable -> function
(define-function (sql:< arg1 arg2)
  [(and (boolean-expression? arg1) (boolean-expression? arg2))     type:boolean]
  [(and (numeric-expression? arg1) (numeric-expression? arg2))     type:boolean]
  [(and (character-expression? arg1) (character-expression? arg2)) type:boolean]
  [(and (temporal-expression? arg1) (temporal-expression? arg2))   type:boolean])

; expression+quotable expression+quotable -> function
(define-function (sql:> arg1 arg2)
  [(and (boolean-expression? arg1) (boolean-expression? arg2))     type:boolean]
  [(and (numeric-expression? arg1) (numeric-expression? arg2))     type:boolean]
  [(and (character-expression? arg1) (character-expression? arg2)) type:boolean]
  [(and (temporal-expression? arg1) (temporal-expression? arg2))   type:boolean])

; expression+quotable expression+quotable -> function
(define-function (sql:>= arg1 arg2)
  [(and (boolean-expression? arg1) (boolean-expression? arg2))     type:boolean]
  [(and (numeric-expression? arg1) (numeric-expression? arg2))     type:boolean]
  [(and (character-expression? arg1) (character-expression? arg2)) type:boolean]
  [(and (temporal-expression? arg1) (temporal-expression? arg2))   type:boolean])

; expression+quotable expression+quotable -> function
(define-function (sql:<= arg1 arg2)
  [(and (boolean-expression? arg1) (boolean-expression? arg2))     type:boolean]
  [(and (numeric-expression? arg1) (numeric-expression? arg2))     type:boolean]
  [(and (character-expression? arg1) (character-expression? arg2)) type:boolean]
  [(and (temporal-expression? arg1) (temporal-expression? arg2))   type:boolean])

; expression+quotable -> function
(define-function (sql:null? arg)
  [#t type:boolean])

; expression+quotable ... -> function
(define-function (sql:coalesce . args)
  [(andmap boolean-expression? args)  type:boolean]
  [(andmap integer-expression? args)  type:integer]
  [(andmap numeric-expression? args)  type:real]
  [(andmap symbol-expression? args)   type:symbol]
  [(andmap string-expression? args)   type:string]
  [(andmap time-tai-expression? args) type:time-tai]
  [(andmap temporal-expression? args) type:time-utc])

; expression+quotable expression+quotable -> function
(define-function (sql:->string arg1 arg2)
  [(string-expression? arg2) type:string])

; expression+quotable expression+quotable -> function
(define-function (sql:->symbol arg1 arg2)
  [(string-expression? arg2) type:symbol])

; expression+quotable (U select-alias (listof expression+quotable)) -> function
(define (sql:in arg1 arg2)
  (let* ([arg1  (sql-lift arg1)]
         [arg2  (if (list? arg2)
                    (map sql-lift arg2)
         [type1 (expression-type arg1)]
         [type2 (cond [(null? arg2)  type1] ; hack to make sure the type check passes
                      [(pair? arg2)  (let ([type2 (expression-type (car arg2))])
                                       (unless (andmap (cut type-compatible? type2 <>)
                                                       (map expression-type arg2))
                                         (raise-exn exn:fail:contract
                                           (format "sql:in: list elements must all be of the same type: ~a" arg2)))
                      [(select? arg2) (let ([columns (select-what arg2)])
                                        (unless (= (length columns) 1)
                                          (raise-exn exn:fail:contract
                                            (format "sql:in: subselect must have exactly one column: ~a" arg2)))
                                        (expression-type (car columns)))])])
    (unless (type-compatible? type1 type2)
      (raise-exn exn:fail:contract
        (format "sql:in: type mismatch: argument types do not match: ~a ~a" type1 type2)))
    (make-function type:boolean 'in (list arg1 arg2))))

; expression+quotable expression+quotable [expression+quotable] -> function
(define sql:if
    [(test pos)
     (define pos* (sql-lift pos))
     (sql:if test pos* (sql:null (expression-type pos*)))]
    [(test pos neg)
     (let* ([test (sql-lift test)]
            [pos  (sql-lift pos)]
            [neg  (sql-lift neg)]
            [type (cond [(and (boolean-expression? test) (andmap boolean-expression?   (list pos neg))) type:boolean]
                        [(and (boolean-expression? test) (andmap integer-expression?   (list pos neg))) type:integer]
                        [(and (boolean-expression? test) (andmap numeric-expression?   (list pos neg))) type:real]
                        [(and (boolean-expression? test) (andmap symbol-expression?    (list pos neg))) type:symbol]
                        [(and (boolean-expression? test) (andmap character-expression? (list pos neg))) type:string]
                        [(and (boolean-expression? test) (andmap time-tai-expression?  (list pos neg))) type:time-tai]
                        [(and (boolean-expression? test) (andmap temporal-expression?  (list pos neg))) type:time-utc]
                        [else (error (format "~a not defined for the types: ~s"
                                             (map expression-type (list test pos neg))))])])
       (make-function type 'if (list test pos neg)))]))

; (_ [expt expr] ... [else expr])
(define-syntax sql:cond
  (syntax-rules (else)
    [(_ [test expr1])
     (sql:if test expr1)]
    [(_ [test expr1] [else expr2])
     (sql:if test expr1 expr2)]
    [(_ [test1 expr1] [test2 expr2] ...)
     (sql:if test1 expr1 (sql:cond [test2 expr2] ...))]))

; quotable -> expression
(define sql:literal make-literal)

; type -> literal
(define (sql:null type)
  (make-null-literal type))

; Order ----------------------------------------

; expression+quotable (U 'asc 'desc) -> order
(define (sql:order expr dir)
  (make-order (sql-lift expr) dir))

; expression -> order
(define sql:asc  (cut sql:order <> 'asc))
(define sql:desc (cut sql:order <> 'desc))

; Provide statements -----------------------------

(provide (rename-out [sql:alias alias]
                     [sql:cond  cond]))

 [rename sql:select          select          (->* (#:from     (or/c relation? select?))
                                                  (#:what     (or/c expression? relation?
                                                                    (listof (or/c expression? relation?))
                                                              #:distinct (or/c expression? (listof expression?) boolean?)
                                                              #:where    (or/c expression? false/c)
                                                              #:group    (listof (or/c column? relation?))
                                                              #:order    (listof order?)
                                                              #:having   (or/c expression? false/c)
                                                              #:limit    (or/c integer? false/c)
                                                              #:offset   (or/c integer? false/c))
 [rename sql:select/internal select/internal (-> (or/c expression? relation? (listof (or/c expression? relation?)) false/c)
                                                 (or/c expression? (listof expression?) boolean?)
                                                 (or/c relation? select?)
                                                 (or/c expression? false/c)
                                                 (listof (or/c column? relation?))
                                                 (listof order?)
                                                 (or/c expression? false/c)
                                                 (or/c integer? false/c)
                                                 (or/c integer? false/c)
 [rename sql:count           count           (-> column-alias? aggregate?)]
 [rename sql:count*          count*          (->* () ((or/c table-alias? select-alias?)) aggregate?)]
 [rename sql:min             min             (-> quotable? aggregate?)]
 [rename sql:max             max             (-> quotable? aggregate?)]
 [rename sql:average         average         (-> quotable? aggregate?)]
 [rename sql:inner           inner           (-> relation+select? relation+select? quotable? join?)]
 [rename sql:left            left            (-> relation+select? relation+select? quotable? join?)]
 [rename sql:right           right           (-> relation+select? relation+select? quotable? join?)]
 [rename sql:outer           outer           (-> relation+select? relation+select? join?)]
 [rename sql:in              in              (-> quotable? (or/c select? (listof quotable?)) function?)]
 [rename sql:if              if              (->* (quotable? quotable?) (quotable?) function?)]
 [rename sql:literal         literal         (-> quotable? literal?)]
 [rename sql:null            null            (-> type? literal?)]
 [rename sql:order           order           (-> quotable? (symbols 'asc 'desc) order?)]
 [rename sql:asc             asc             (-> quotable? order?)]
 [rename sql:desc            desc            (-> quotable? order?)])