Ticket #19 (closed defect)

Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

couple bugs

Reported by: dherman Owned by: dherman
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: dherman/json.plt Keywords:
Cc: Version:
Racket Version: 4.0


Hi Dave,

I've been using said library a great deal for AJAX code and the like - very useful indeed. I found a couple of bugs a while back, patched them and forgot to tell you about it. Here are the diffs and my modified version of json.ss.


-- Dave

===== Diffs (my code on the left) =====

<     [(or (string? json) (and (number? json) (or (integer? json) (inexact? json))))
>     [(or (integer? json) (inexact? json) (string? json))
<                                                    (define char (peek-char port))
<                                                    (or (eof-object? char)
<                                                        (not (char-numeric? char)))))])
>                                                    (not (char-numeric? (peek-char port)))))])



json.ss Download (7.8 KB) - added by dherman 16 years ago.

Change History

Changed 16 years ago by dherman

  • owner changed from abromfie to dherman
  • component changed from abromfie/drocaml.plt to dherman/json.plt

Changed 16 years ago by dherman

Changed 16 years ago by dherman

  • status changed from new to closed
  • pltversion set to 4.0

Fixed a long time ago in 1:1, I think.

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