Ticket #6 (closed defect)

Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

compile errors

Reported by: dherman Owned by: dherman
Priority: blocker Milestone:
Component: dherman/javascript.plt Keywords:
Cc: Version:
Racket Version:


Dave Gurnell wrote:

Hi Dave,

Hope you're doing well! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but...

I just tried installing v3.5 of your javascript.plt package and it didn't compile. There were two of problems:

- hoist.ss - some discrepancies between fields called "variables" and
provide/contract statements specifying "vars";

- tool.ss - DrScheme? has moved over to the new unit system so you're
getting "drscheme:tool-exports is not a valid signature" errors.

A bit of s/variables/vars/g on hoist.ss seemed to fix the first problem. I didn't look at the second because I don't need the DrScheme? tools at the moment.

I'm using PLT v371.3.


-- Dave

Change History

Changed 17 years ago by dherman

  • status changed from new to closed

Fixed at some point a while back, but certainly by now.

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