#lang setup/infotab
(define name "BZLIB/PARSEQ: a monadic parser combinator library")
(define blurb
'((p "Inspired by Haskell's Parse, bzlib/parsec provides a monadic parser combinator library that can handle both character and binary data parsing. ")))
(define release-notes
'((p "0.4 (1 3) - added ability to parse exponents to real-number, and updated read-json to handle single quoted string")
(p "0.3 (1 2) - added additional tokenizers")
(p "0.2 (1 1) - fixed a bug with the all-of combinator")
(p "0.1 (1 0) - first release")))
(define categories
'(devtools net misc))
(define homepage "http://weblambda.blogspot.com")
(define required-core-version "4.0")
(define version "0.3")
(define repositories '("4.x"))
(define primary-file "main.ss")