1 Exception utilities
2 Number utilities
3 String utilities
4 Bytes utilities
5 Symbol utilities
6 List utilities
7 PLT 4x hash utilities
8 PLT 3x hash utilities
9 URL utilities
10 Contract utilities
11 File and path utilities
12 Parameter utilities
13 Syntax utilities
14 SRFI19 time utilities
15 Scribble utilities
16 Generators
17 Generators (short names)
18 Pipelines
19 Write-through cache
20 Yieldable procedures
21 Debugging tools
22 Profiling tools
23 Logging tools
On this page:
make-hash/ alist
make-hasheq/ alist
make-weak-hash/ alist
make-weak-hasheq/ alist


7 PLT 4x hash utilities

 (require (planet untyped/unlib/hash))

Useful hash utilities. These procedures are compatible with the PLT 4 procedure names for hashes.

(make-hash/alist data)  hash?

  data : (listof pair?)

Creates a mutable hash using the supplied data. The result has strong keys and uses equal? as a key comparison function.

(make-hasheq/alist data)  hash?

  data : (listof pair?)

Creates a mutable hash using the supplied data. The result has strong keys and uses eq? as a key comparison function.

(make-weak-hash/alist data)  hash?

  data : (listof pair?)

Creates a mutable hash using the supplied data. The result has weak keys and uses equal? as a key comparison function.

(make-weak-hasheq/alist data)  hash?

  data : (listof pair?)

Creates a mutable hash using the supplied data. The result has weak keys and uses eq? as a key comparison function.

(hash-set? hash key)  boolean?

  hash : hash?

  key : any

Returns #t if key is stored in hash, #f otherwise.

(hash-keys hash)  list?

  hash : hash?

Returns a (randomly ordered) list of the keys stored in hash.

(hash-values hash)  list?

  hash : hash?

Returns a (randomly ordered) list of the values stored in hash.