On this page:
16.1 Cellphone
16.1.1 Simpy Example—Cellphone
16.1.2 Simulation Collection Example—Cellphone
16.2 Jackson
16.2.1 Simpy Example—Jackson
16.2.2 Simulation Collection Example—Jackson

16 SimPy and Simulation Collection Example Comparisons

    16.1 Cellphone

      16.1.1 Simpy Example—Cellphone

      16.1.2 Simulation Collection Example—Cellphone

    16.2 Jackson

      16.2.1 Simpy Example—Jackson

      16.2.2 Simulation Collection Example—Jackson

This chapter has some example from the SimPy web site and equivalent examples in the simulation collection.

16.1 Cellphone

16.1.1 Simpy Example—Cellphone

#!/usr/bin/env python

""" Simulate the operation of a BCC cellphone system using SimPy



from __future__ import generators   # not needed for Python 2.3+

from SimPy.Simulation import *

from random import Random,expovariate


class Generator(Process):

 """ generates a sequence of calls """

 def __init__(self, maxN, lam):

     global busyEndTime


     self.name = "generator"

     self.maxN = maxN

     self.lam = lam

     self.iatime = 1.0/lam

     self.rv = Random(gSeed)

     busyEndTime = now() # simulation start time


 def execute(self):

     for i in range(self.maxN):

         j = Job(i)


         yield hold,self,self.rv.expovariate(lam)

     self.trace("WARNING generator finished -- ran out of jobs")


 def trace(self,message):

     if GTRACING: print "%7.4f \t%s"%(self.time(), message)



class Job(Process):

    """ instances of the Job class represent calls arriving at

    random at the chnnels.


    def __init__(self,i):


        self.i = i

        self.name = "Job"+`i`


    def execute(self):

        global busyStartTime,totalBusyVisits,totalBusyTime

        global Nfree,busyEndTime,Jrv

        self.trace("arrived ")

        if Nfree == 0: self.trace("blocked and left")


             self.trace("got a channel")

             Nfree -=  1

             if Nfree == 0:

                 self.trace("start busy period======")

                 busyStartTime = now()

                 totalBusyVisits += 1

                 interIdleTime = now() - busyEndTime

             yield hold,self,Jrv.expovariate(mu)


             if Nfree == 0:

                 self.trace("end   busy period++++++")

                 busyEndTime = now()

                 busy = now() - busyStartTime

                 self.trace("         busy  = %9.4f"%(busy,))

                 totalBusyTime +=busy

             Nfree += 1


    def trace(self,message):

         if TRACING: print "%7.4f \t%s %s "%(now(), message , self.name)



class Statistician(Process):

     """ observes the system at intervals """

     def __init__(self,Nhours,interv,gap):


         self.Nhours = Nhours

         self.interv = interv

         self.gap = gap



     def execute(self):

         global busyStartTime,totalBusyTime,totalBusyVisits

         global hourBusyTime,hourBusyVisits

         for i in range(self.Nhours):

             yield hold,self,self.gap

             totalBusyTime = 0.0

             totalBusyVisits = 0

             if Nfree == 0: busyStartTime = now()

             yield hold,self,self.interv

             if Nfree == 0: totalBusyTime += now()-busyStartTime

             if STRACING:  print "%7.3f %5d"%(totalBusyTime,totalBusyVisits)



         print("Busy Time:   mean = %10.5f var= %10.5f"%(m.mean(),m.var()))

         print("Busy Number: mean = %10.5f var= %10.5f"%(bn.mean(),bn.var()))



     def trace(self,message):

         if STRACING: print "%7.4f \t%s"%(self.time(), message)


totalBusyVisits = 0

totalBusyTime   = 0.0

NChannels =  4  # number of channels in the cell

Nfree   = NChannels

maxN    = 1000

gSeed   = 11111111

JrvSeed = 3333333

lam = 1.0

mu = 0.6667

meanLifeTime = 1.0/mu




Nhours  =  10

interv = 60.0    # monitor

gap    = 15.0    # monitor

print "lambda    mu      s  Nhours interv  gap"

print "%7.4f %6.4f %4d %4d    %6.2f %6.2f"%(lam,mu,NChannels,Nhours,interv,gap)


m = Monitor()


Jrv = Random(JrvSeed)

s = Statistician(Nhours,interv,gap)


g = Generator(maxN, lam)




The output from the program follows.

lambda    mu      s  Nhours interv  gap

 1.0000 0.6667    4   10     60.00  15.00

  3.274     8

  0.444     2

  3.649     8

  0.652     3

  2.277     6

  1.372     9

  0.411     4

  0.067     2

  2.910     8

  5.073     9

Busy Time:   mean =    2.01297 var=    2.55814

Busy Number: mean =    5.90000 var=    7.49000

16.1.2 Simulation Collection Example—Cellphone
#lang racket/base
;  Cellphone simulation from PySim
(require (planet williams/simulation/simulation))
; Parameters
(define Nchannels 4)
(define maxN 1000)
(define lam 1.0)
(define mu 0.6667)
(define meanLifeTime (/ 1.0 mu))
(define Nhours 10)
(define interv 60.0)
(define gap 15.0)
; Globals
(define Nfree Nchannels)
(define totalBusyVisits 0)
(define totalBusyTime 0.0)
(define busyStartTime 0.0)
(define busyEndTime 0.0)
; Statistics
(define m #f)
(define bn #f)
(define-process (generator n)
  (for ((i (in-range n)))
    (schedule #:now (job i))
    (wait (random-exponential (/ 1.0 lam)))))
(define-process (job i)
  (when (> Nfree 0)
    (set! Nfree (- Nfree 1))
    (when (= Nfree 0)
      ; Start busy period
      (set! busyStartTime (current-simulation-time))
      (set! totalBusyVisits (+ totalBusyVisits 1)))
    (work (random-exponential (/ 1.0 mu)))
    (when (= Nfree 0)
      ; End busy period
      (set! busyEndTime (current-simulation-time))
      (set! totalBusyTime (+ totalBusyTime
                             (- (current-simulation-time)
    (set! Nfree (+ Nfree 1))))
(define-process (statistician)
  (for ((i (in-range Nhours)))
    ; wait the specified gap time
    (wait gap)
    ; initialize
    (set! totalBusyTime 0.0)
    (set! totalBusyVisits 0)
    (when (= Nfree 0)
      (set! busyStartTime (current-simulation-time)))
    ; wait the specified interval time
    (wait interv)
    ; trace busy time and busy visits
    (when (= Nfree 0)
      (set! totalBusyTime (+ totalBusyTime
                             (- (current-simulation-time)
    (printf "~a: busy time = ~a; busy visits = ~a~n"
            (current-simulation-time) totalBusyTime totalBusyVisits)
    ; Tally statistics
    (set-variable-value! m totalBusyTime)
    (set-variable-value! bn totalBusyVisits))
  ; Print final statistics
  (printf "Busy time:   mean = ~a, variance = ~a~n"
          (variable-mean m) (variable-variance m))
  (printf "Busy number: mean = ~a, variance = ~a~n"
          (variable-mean bn) (variable-variance bn)))
(define (run-simulation)
   ; Print parameters
   (printf "lambda = ~a~n" lam)
   (printf "mu     = ~a~n" mu)
   (printf "s      = ~a~n" Nchannels)
   (printf "Nhours = ~a~n" Nhours)
   (printf "interv = ~a~n" interv)
   (printf "gap    = ~a~n" gap)
   ; Initialize global variables
   (set! Nfree Nchannels)
   (set! totalBusyVisits 0)
   (set! totalBusyTime 0.0)
   (set! busyEndTime 0.0)
   ; Create statistics
   (set! m (make-variable))
   (tally (variable-statistics m))
   (set! bn (make-variable))
   (tally (variable-statistics bn))
   ; Create initial processes and start the execution
   (schedule #:at 0.0 (generator maxN))
   (schedule #:at 0.0 (statistician))
   (schedule #:at 10000.0 (stop-simulation))

The output from the program follows.

lambda = 1.0

mu     = 0.6667

s      = 4

Nhours = 10

interv = 60.0

gap    = 15.0

75.0: busy time = 3.19230597325965; busy visits = 11

150.0: busy time = 2.4780498393357675; busy visits = 7

225.0: busy time = 3.5391222097609045; busy visits = 12

300.0: busy time = 2.1031429717027947; busy visits = 6

375.0: busy time = 1.3915494625956057; busy visits = 3

450.0: busy time = 2.9838869629721785; busy visits = 6

525.0: busy time = 3.8242483424334637; busy visits = 8

600.0: busy time = 2.7636093265058435; busy visits = 9

675.0: busy time = 1.73398034270042; busy visits = 8

750.0: busy time = 1.957177682358406; busy visits = 9

Busy time:   mean = 2.596707311362503, variance = 0.5790891717346138

Busy number: mean = 7.9, variance = 6.089999999999996

16.2 Jackson

16.2.1 Simpy Example—Jackson

#!/usr/bin/env python


  Simulation of a jackson queue network



from __future__ import generators  # not needed in Python 2.3+

from SimPy.Simulation import *

from random import Random,expovariate,uniform


def sum(P):

    """ Sum of the real vector P """

    sumP = 0.0

    for i in range(len(P)): sumP += P[i]

    return (sumP)




def choose2dA(i,P,g):

    """  return a random choice from a set j = 0..n-1

       with probs held in list of lists P[j] (n by n)

       using row i

       g = random variable

       call:  next = choose2d(i,P,g)


    U = g.random()

    sumP = 0.0

    for j in range(len(P[i])):  # j = 0..n-1

        sumP +=  P[i][j]

        if U < sumP: break



## -----------------------------------------------

class Msg(Process):

    """a message"""

    def __init__(self,i,node):


        self.i = i

        self.node = node


    def execute(self):

        """ executing a message """

        global noInSystem

        startTime = now()

        noInSystem += 1

        ##print "DEBUG noInSystm = ",noInSystem


        self.trace("Arrived node  %d"%(self.node,))

        while self.node <> 3:

            yield request,self,processor[self.node]

            self.trace("Got processor %d"%(self.node,))

            st = Mrv.expovariate(1.0/mean[self.node])


            yield hold,self,st

            yield release,self,processor[self.node]

            self.trace("Finished with %d"%(self.node,))

            self.node = choose2dA(self.node,P,Mrv)

            self.trace("Transfer to   %d"%(self.node,))


        self.trace(    "leaving       %d"%(self.node,),noInSystem)

        noInSystem -= 1



    def trace(self,message,nn=0):

        if MTRACING: print "%7.4f %3d %10s %3d"%(now(),self.i, message,nn)



## -----------------------------------------------

class Generator(Process):

 """ generates a sequence of msgs """

 def __init__(self, rate,maxT,maxN):


     self.name = "Generator"

     self.rate = rate

     self.maxN = maxN

     self.maxT = maxT

     self.g = Random(11335577)

     self.i = 0


 def execute(self):

     while (now() < self.maxT)  & (self.i < self.maxN):


         p = Msg(self.i,startNode)


         ## self.trace("starting "+p.name)

         yield hold,self,self.g.expovariate(self.rate)

     self.trace("generator finished with "+`self.i`+" ========")



 def trace(self,message):

     if GTRACING: print "%7.4f \t%s"%(now(), message)


## -----------------------------------------------

# generator:


# messages:

rate = 0.5

noInSystem = 0


startNode = 0

maxNumber = 10000

maxTime = 100000.0

Mrv = Random(77777)


NoInSystem= Monitor()

Stime = Monitor()


processor = [Resource(1),Resource(1),Resource(1)]

mean=[1.0, 2.0, 1.0]

P = [[0, 0.5, 0.5, 0],[0,0,0.8,0.2], [0.2,0,0,0.8]]



g = Generator(rate,maxTime,maxNumber)




print "Mean numberm= %8.4f"%(NoInSystem.timeAverage(),)

print "Mean delay  = %8.4f"%(TimeInSystem.mean(),)

print "Mean stime  = %8.4f"%(Stime.mean(),)

print "Total jobs  = %8d"%(TimeInSystem.count(),)

print "Total time  = %8.4f"%(now(),)

print "Mean rate   = %8.4f"%(TimeInSystem.count()/now(),)

The following is the output from the program.

Mean numberm=   1.5412

Mean delay  =   3.9369

Mean stime  =   1.0332

Total jobs  =       38

Total time  = 100.0000

Mean rate   =   0.3800

16.2.2 Simulation Collection Example—Jackson
#lang racket/base
; Jackson Network from PySim
(require (planet williams/simulation/simulation-with-graphics))
; Parameters
(define n 3)
(define m #(1.0 2.0 1.0))
(define p (vector
           (make-discrete #(0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0))
           (make-discrete #(0.0 0.0 0.8 0.2))
           (make-discrete #(0.2 0.0 0.0 0.8))))
(define np '(1 1 1))
(define mu (/ 1.0 1.5))
(define max-messages 10000)
; Global Variables (set in main)
(define n-arrivals 0)
(define n-in-system #f)
(define time-in-system #f)
(define processor #f)
; Data Collection
(define-process (message i)
  (let ((arrive-time (current-simulation-time))
        (work-duration 0.0))
     n-in-system (+ (variable-value n-in-system) 1))
    (let loop ((node 0))   ; start node is always 0
      (when (< node n)
        (with-resource ((vector-ref processor node))
          (work (random-exponential (vector-ref m node))))
        (loop (random-discrete (vector-ref p node)))))
     n-in-system (- (variable-value n-in-system) 1))
     time-in-system (- (current-simulation-time)
(define (generator)
  (for ((i (in-range max-messages)))
    (set! n-arrivals (+ n-arrivals 1))
    (set! n-arrivals (+ n-arrivals 1))
    (schedule #:now (message i))
    (wait (random-exponential (/ mu)))))
(define (main)
    ; Initialize global variables
    (set! n-arrivals 0)
    (set! n-in-system (make-variable 0))
    (accumulate (variable-history n-in-system))
    (set! time-in-system (make-variable))
    (tally (variable-statistics time-in-system))
    (set! processor (list->vector
                     (map make-resource np)))
    (schedule #:at 0.0 (generator))
    (schedule #:at 5000.0 (stop-simulation))
    (printf "Mean number in system = ~a~n" (variable-mean n-in-system))
    (printf "Mean delay in system  = ~a~n" (variable-mean time-in-system))
    (printf "Total time run        = ~a~n" (current-simulation-time))
    (printf "Total jobs arrived    = ~a~n" n-arrivals)
    (printf "Total jobs completed  = ~a~n" (variable-n time-in-system))
    (printf "Average arrival rate  = ~a~n" (/ n-arrivals
    (write-special (history-plot (variable-history n-in-system)))

The following is the output from the program.

Mean number in system = 14.726063392545544

Mean delay in system  = 21.56635336305308

Total time run        = 5000.0

Total jobs arrived    = 3419

Total jobs completed  = 3413

Average arrival rate  = 0.6838