On this page:
12.1 Process Classes
12.2 Resource Classes
12.3 Example—Simulation Classes

12 Simulation Classes

    12.1 Process Classes

    12.2 Resource Classes

    12.3 Example—Simulation Classes

12.1 Process Classes


12.2 Resource Classes


12.3 Example—Simulation Classes

This example is the same as Example 3 in Chapter 8 Data Collection. Since this example uses classes, the racket language is required instead of the racket/base language.

#lang scheme
;  Example 4 - Classes
(require (planet williams/simulation/simulation-with-graphics))
(define n-attendants 2)
(define attendant #f)
(define-process-class generator%
  (init-field (n 1000))
  (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
      ((= i n) (void))
    (wait (random-exponential 4.0))
    (make-object customer% i)))
(define-process-class customer%
    (init-field i)
      (send attendant request)
      (work (random-flat 2.0 10.0))
      (send attendant relinquish)))
(define (run-simulation n)
   (set! attendant (make-object resource% n-attendants))
   (make-object generator% n)
   (accumulate (variable-statistics (send attendant queue-variable-n)))
   (accumulate (variable-history (send attendant queue-variable-n)))
   (printf "--- Example 4 - Classes ---~n")
   (printf "Maximum queue length = ~a~n"
           (variable-maximum (send attendant queue-variable-n)))
   (printf "Average queue length = ~a~n"
           (variable-mean (send attendant queue-variable-n)))
   (printf "Variance             = ~a~n"
           (variable-variance (send attendant queue-variable-n)))
   (printf "Utilization          = ~a~n"
           (variable-mean (send attendant satisfied-variable-n)))
   (printf "Variance             = ~a~n"
           (variable-variance (send attendant satisfied-variable-n)))
   (printf "~a~n" (history-plot (variable-history
                                 (send attendant queue-variable-n))))))
(run-simulation 1000)

The output is identical to the example in Section 8.3 Example—Data Collection (except for the heading).

--- Example 4 - Classes ---

Maximum queue length = 8

Average queue length = 0.9120534884951139

Variance             = 2.2420855874934826

Utilization          = 1.4320511974417858

Variance             = 0.5885107114317054