Ticket #147 (new defect)

Opened 16 years ago

Planet breakage? Some surprising dependencies from xmlrpc.plt

Reported by: goetter@… Owned by: schematics
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: schematics/xmlrpc.plt Keywords:
Cc: Version: (4 0)
Racket Version: 4.1.3


Something in xmlrpc's chain of dependencies seems to pull in a very old version of schemeunit, a version that doesn't compile on recent PLT. This is on version 4.1.3[3m] on Win XP.

C:\Program Files\PLT>planet install schematics xmlrpc.plt 4 0
schemeunit.ss:103:5: compile: unbound identifier in module in: reverse!
...er\Application Data\PLT Scheme\planet\300\4.1.3\cache\schematics\schemeunit.plt\1\2\schemeunit.ss:103:5: compile: unbound identifier in module in: reverse!
setup-plt: error: during making for <planet>/schematics/schemeunit.plt/1/2 (schemeunit)
setup-plt: schemeunit.ss:103:5: compile: unbound identifier in module in: reverse!
setup-plt: error: during making for <planet>/schematics/schemeunit.plt/1/2/gui
setup-plt: ...er\Application Data\PLT Scheme\planet\300\4.1.3\cache\schematics\schemeunit.plt\1\2\schemeunit.ss:103:5: compile: unbound identifier in module in: reverse!
...er\Application Data\PLT Scheme\planet\300\4.1.3\cache\schematics\schemeunit.plt\1\2\schemeunit.ss:103:5: compile: unbound identifier in module in: reverse!
setup-plt: error: during making for <planet>/lshift/xxexpr.plt/1/0 (xxexpr)
setup-plt: ...er\Application Data\PLT Scheme\planet\300\4.1.3\cache\schematics\schemeunit.plt\1\2\schemeunit.ss:103:5: compile: unbound identifier in module i
n: reverse!
default-load-handler: cannot open input file: "C:\Program Files\PLT\collects\web-server\private\response.ss" (The system cannot find the file specified.; errno=2)
setup-plt: error: during making for <planet>/schematics/xmlrpc.plt/4/0 (xmlrpc)
setup-plt: default-load-handler: cannot open input file: "C:\Program Files\PLT\collects\web-server\private\response.ss" (The system cannot find the file specified.; errno=2)

I started from an empty planet cache, and ended up with

C:\Program Files\PLT>planet show
Normally-installed packages:

jim webit.plt 1 6
lizorkin ssax.plt 2 0
lizorkin sxml.plt 2 1
lshift xxexpr.plt 1 0
ryanc require.plt 1 3
schematics schemeunit.plt 1 2
schematics schemeunit.plt 2 11
schematics schemeunit.plt 3 3
schematics xmlrpc.plt 4 0

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