Ticket #1793 (closed defect: invalid)

Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

unexpected result when parsing YAML file

Reported by: amkhlv Owned by: esilkensen
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: esilkensen/yaml.plt Keywords:
Cc: Version: (3 1)
Racket Version:


This YAML does not parse properly:

  y: z: w

It thinks that y is a hash, while y should actually be a string "z: w"

Change History

Changed 10 years ago by esilkensen

  • status changed from new to accepted

Changed 10 years ago by esilkensen

  • status changed from accepted to closed
  • resolution set to invalid

This doesn't appear to be valid YAML. Try running it through YAML Lint ( http://www.yamllint.com), for example.

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