This package is not available in the 3xx repository. Showing package versions available for all repositories instead.
Package RacketGL.plt contributed by stephanh [docs] [package home page]
To load: (require (planet stephanh/RacketGL:1:4/rgl))
Old style:(require (planet "rgl.rkt" ("stephanh" "RacketGL.plt" 1 4)))
Package description:
Automatically generated bindings for the OpenGL library. Currently includes bindings up to and including OpenGL 4.1.
Downloads this week: 0
Total downloads: 673
Open tickets:0
Primary files:
[no interface available]
 Packages in other repositories

These packages are not available in the 3xx repository, but they are available for other versions of Racket.

PLaneT versionExternal versionSourceDLsDocsReq. PLTDate added
(1 4)
To load: (require (planet "rgl.rkt" ("stephanh" "RacketGL.plt" 1 (= 4))))
Available in repositories: 4.x
1.4: Improved VBO support. Reorganized documentation.
(1 3)
To load: (require (planet "rgl.rkt" ("stephanh" "RacketGL.plt" 1 (= 3))))
Available in repositories: 4.x
1.3: Addition of texture loading procedures. Some bugfixes related to shaders.
(1 2)
To load: (require (planet "rgl.rkt" ("stephanh" "RacketGL.plt" 1 (= 2))))
Available in repositories: 4.x
1.2: Automatic calling of glGetError. Updated docs and examples.
(1 1)
To load: (require (planet "rgl.rkt" ("stephanh" "RacketGL.plt" 1 (= 1))))
Available in repositories: 4.x
1.1: Fixed some broken requires in examples and documentation.
(1 0)
To load: (require (planet "rgl.rkt" ("stephanh" "RacketGL.plt" 1 (= 0))))
Available in repositories: 4.x
[no release notes]