5 Header Compilation
This library provides facilities for extracting and compiling C header
information to generate architecture-specific binary layout information.
This is particularly useful for writing code that interacts with the PLT
Scheme foreign library – see FFI: PLT Scheme Foreign Interface.
5.1 Headers
Determines whether x is a header.
(make-header components) → header? |
components : (listof (or/c decl? header?)) |
Constructs a header.
(header component ...+) → header? |
component : (or/c decl? header?) |
Constructs a header.
Examples: |
> (define time.h | (header | (struct tm ([int tm_sec] | [int tm_min] | [int tm_hour] | [int tm_mday] | [int tm_mon] | [int tm_year] | [int tm_wday] | [int tm_yday] | [int tm_isdst])))) |
Using the Scribble @-reader,
the latter example could be rewritten with embedded C syntax as:
(define time.h |
(make-header |
@program{ |
struct tm { |
int tm_sec; |
int tm_min; |
int tm_hour; |
int tm_mday; |
int tm_mon; |
int tm_year; |
int tm_wday; |
int tm_yday; |
int tm_isdst; |
}; |
})) |
5.2 Compilation
(compile-header header compiler) → abi? |
header : header? |
compiler : ((listof query?) -> (listof uint)) |
Compiles header using the given compiler, producing an ABI. See Application Binary Interfaces (ABI’s).
A header compiler must recognize the following types of queries.
Determines whether x is a query
(struct query:sizeof (type)) |
type : any |
A query to determine the size of the type represented by type.
(struct query:offset (type field)) |
type : any |
field : symbol? |
A query to determine the offset of field in type.
(struct query:expr (expr)) |
expr : any |
A query to determine the value of the integer expression expr.
A header compiler that delegates to an external C compiler, presumably installed on the
current system. The queries are converted into a series of C statements which are assembled
into a C program that produces the answers. The include<> list is used to generate
the list of system C headers to be included in the generated C program, and the include
list is the list of path strings for local headers included in the generated C program.
The gcc compiler is used by default, but this can be overridden by providing an
alternative system compiler for the exe argument.
5.3 Layouts
(primitive-layout? x) → boolean? |
x : layout? |
(struct-layout? x) → boolean? |
x : layout? |
(union-layout? x) → boolean? |
x : layout? |
(array-layout? x) → boolean? |
x : layout? |
(pointer-layout? x) → boolean? |
x : layout? |
(layout-size x) → uint |
x : layout? |
(struct-layout-lookup x name) → layout? |
x : struct-layout? |
name : symbol? |
(union-layout-lookup x name) → layout? |
x : union-layout? |
name : symbol? |
(deref-layout x) → layout? |
x : layout? |
5.4 Application Binary Interfaces (ABI’s)
An Application Binary Interface (ABI) provides information about the binary representation
of C datatypes on a particular architecture.
(struct abi (typedefs tags)) |
typedefs : (hasheqof symbol? layout?) |
tags : (hasheqof symbol? layout?) |
An ABI. The typedefs are a table of type definitions and the tags are a table
of struct, union, and enum tag definitions.
As a convenience, ABI structures can be used as procedures, which is equivalent to calling
abi-lookup with the ABI structure as the first argument.
(abi-lookup abi name) → layout? |
abi : abi? |
name : symbol? |
Looks up the definition of name in abi, searching
the type definitions first, and failing that, the tag definitions.
(abi-lookup-typedef abi name) → layout? |
abi : abi? |
name : symbol? |
Looks up the type definition of name in abi.
(abi-lookup-tag abi name) → layout? |
abi : abi? |
name : symbol? |
Looks up the type tag definition of name in abi.
(serialize-abi abi) → sexp? |
abi : abi? |
Serializes abi as an S-expression.
(deserialize-abi input) → abi? |
input : sexp? |
Deserializes input as a representation of an ABI.
Reads a serialized ABI from in.
Serializes abi and writes it to out.