On this page:
4.1 Entities
prop: entity
4.2 Relationships
4.3 Attributes
4.4 Attribute types
4.5 Shorthand types
type: boolean
type: integer
type: real
type: string
type: symbol
type: time-utc
type: time-tai
4.6 Persistent structure utilities
make-persistent-struct/ defaults

4 Entities, relationships and attributes

Snooze attaches ERA metadata to persistent struct types, providing information on how to serialize and deserialize structures and create aliases for use in queries:

4.1 Entities

define-persistent-struct binds the struct name to the entity metadata for each persistent struct type:

  > (define-persistent-struct person
      ([name type:string]
       [age  type:integer]))
  > person


(struct entity (name
  name : symbol?
  table-name : symbol?
  struct-type : struct-type?
  constructor : (any ... -> persistent-struct?)
  predicate : (any -> boolean?)
  attributes : (listof attribute?)
  save-pipeline : (listof procedure?)
  insert-pipeline : (listof procedure?)
  update-pipeline : (listof procedure?)
  delete-pipeline : (listof procedure?)
Metadata describing a particular struct-type. Pipeline procedures are of type:

  (connection? persistent-struct? -> persistent-struct?)

prop:entity : property?
A structure type property used to attach entity metadata to persistent structure types.

(struct-has-entity? struct)  boolean?
  struct : any
Returns #t if struct is a structure or structure type that has a value for prop:entity.


  > (struct-has-entity? struct:person)


  > (struct-has-entity? (make-person "Dave" 30))


(struct-entity struct)  entity?
  struct : (U struct? struct-type?)
Returns the value of prop:entity that is associated with struct.


  > (struct-entity struct:person)


  > (struct-entity (make-person "Dave" 30))


4.2 Relationships

Snooze does not currently have explicit support for relationships. These are planned for a future release. For now, the recommended way of creating a relationship between two structures is by using a foreign key field of type:integer:

  (define-persistent-struct person
    ([name type:string]))
  (define-persistent-struct pet
    ([name     type:string]
     [owner-id type:integer]))

A caveat to this approach is that you have to make sure the target structure is saved before you reference its ID for the foreign key:

  ; This is incorrect.
  ; The person will not have an ID because it has not been saved:
  (make-pet "Garfield" (person-id (make-person "Jon")))
  ; This is correct.
  ; The call to save! allocates an ID for the person:
  (make-pet "Garfield" (person-id (save! (make-person "Jon"))))

4.3 Attributes

(attr entity attribute-id)
Macro that expands to an attribute structure for a given attribute:


  > (attr person id)


  > (attr person revision)


  > (attr person name)


  > (attr person age)


(struct attribute (name
  name : symbol?
  column-name : symbol?
  entity : entity?
  index : natural?
  accessor : (persistent-struct? -> any)
  mutator : (persistent-struct? any -> void?)
  type : type?
Metadata describing a particular attribute (or field or column) of an entity.

(entity-has-attribute? entity attribute)  boolean?
  entity : entity?
  attribute : (U attribute? symbol?)
Returns #t if entity has the supplied attribute, #f otherwise. attribute can be an attribute structure or an attribute name.


  > (entity-has-attribute? person (attr person name))


  > (entity-has-attribute? person 'name)


(entity-attribute entity name)  attribute?
  entity : entity?
  name : (U attribute? symbol?)
Determines if entity has the supplied attribute. Returns the attribute exists; raises exn:fail otherwise.


  > (entity-attribute person (attr person name))


  > (entity-attribute person 'name)


  > (entity-attribute person 'nom)

  Attribute not found: #<entity:person> nom

4.4 Attribute types

Each attribute has an associated type that determines the type of column used in the database. Types come in several flavours, described below. Note that the reflection of a type may be different in different DBMS types. For example, SQLite does not support the SQL TIMESTAMP data type, so Snooze uses integers to serialize time values.

(struct type (allows-null? default))
  allows-null? : boolean?
  default : any

(struct (boolean-type type) ())
Stores #t and #f values. There is no direct Scheme representation of NULL; NULL values in the database are mapped to #f in Scheme.

(struct (integer-type type) ())
Stores integer values. NULL values in the database are mapped to #f in Scheme.

(struct (real-type type) ())
Stores real number values. NULL values in the database are mapped to #f in Scheme.

(struct (string-type type) (max-length))
  max-length : integer?
Stores string values as VARCHARs or arbitrary length TEXTs. The value of max-length determines the SQL type. NULL values in the database are mapped to #f in Scheme.

(struct (symbol-type type) (max-length))
  max-length : integer?
Like string-type but for symbol values.

(struct (time-utc-type type) (max-length))
  max-length : integer?
Stores SRFI 19 UTC times as GMT TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONEs (or INTEGERs in SQLite). NULL values in the database are mapped to #f in Scheme.

(struct (time-tai-type type) (max-length))
  max-length : integer?
Like time-utc-type but for SRFI 19 TAI times.

4.5 Shorthand types

Snooze provides a number of short-hand types. The types below all allow and default to NULL, and type:string and type:symbol allow data of arbitrary length:

type:boolean : type?
type:integer : type?
type:real : type?
type:string : type?
type:symbol : type?
type:time-utc : type?
type:time-tai : type?

4.6 Persistent structure utilities

(struct-attributes struct)  list?
  struct : persistent-struct?
Returns a list of the values of the attributes of struct (including its ID and revision).


  > (define-persistent-struct person
      ([name type:string] [age type:integer]))
  > (define dave (make-person "Dave" 30))
  > (struct-attributes dave)

  (#f #f "Dave" 30)

(struct-has-attribute? struct name)  boolean?
  struct : persistent-struct?
  name : (U attribute? symbol?)
Returns #t if struct has an attribute with the supplied name, #f otherwise.


  > (struct-has-attribute? dave (attr person name))


  > (struct-has-attribute? dave 'age)


  > (struct-has-attribute? dave 'nom)


(struct-attribute struct name)  any
  struct : persistent-struct?
  name : (U attribute? symbol?)
Returns the value from struct of the attribute with the supplied name. Raises exn:fail:contract if struct does not have a corresponding attribute.


  > (struct-attribute dave (attr person name))


  > (struct-attribute dave 'age)


  > (struct-attribute dave 'nom)

  Attribute not found: #<entity:person> nom

(set-struct-attribute! struct name value)  void?
  struct : persistent-struct?
  name : (U attribute? symbol?)
  value : any
Mutates struct, setting the value of the attribute with the supplied name.


  > (set-struct-attribute! dave (attr person name) "Noel")
  > (set-struct-attribute! dave 'age #f)
  > (struct-attributes dave)

  (#f #f "Noel" #f)

(set-struct-attributes! struct vals)  void?
  struct : persistent-struct?
  vals : list?
Mutates struct, setting the values of all its attributes. vals must contain an ID, a revision, and one value for each attribute of struct in the order specified inthe define-persistent-struct form.


  > (set-struct-attributes! dave (list #f #f "Dave" 30))
  > (struct-attributes dave)

  (#f #f "Dave" 30)

(make-persistent-struct/defaults entity 
  value2 ...) 
  entity : entity?
  attr : (U attribute? symbol?)
  value : any
  attr2 : (U attribute? symbol?)
  value2 : any
Returns a new persistent of the supplied type, with default values for all attributes except those specified in the arguments. Used in the implementation of the keyword constructor created by define-persistent-struct.

Each attr must be followed by a corresponding value.


  > (make-persistent-struct/defaults
     person (attr person name) "Noel")

  #(struct:person #f #f "Noel" #f)

(copy-persistent-struct struct    
  value2 ...)  persistent-struct?
  struct : persistent-struct?
  attr : (U attribute? symbol?)
  value : any
  attr2 : (U attribute? symbol?)
  value2 : any
Returns a new persistent structure with the same type and attributes of struct, except where new values are supplied in the arguments. Used in the implentation of the copy procedure created by define-persistent-struct.

Each attr must be followed by a corresponding value.

(update-persistent-struct-from-copy! struct 
  struct : persistent-struct?
  copy : persistent-struct?
Mutates struct to be the same as copy. Used when rolling back cancelled transactions.


  > (copy-persistent-struct dave (attr person name) "Noel")

  #(struct:person #f #f "Noel" 30)